Globalization In A Broader Phenomenon: Understanding The Conceptual Generalities And Theoretical Tensions . (original) (raw)

Globalization and its political, economic and cultural impacts on modern nation-state

From being an economic strategy to being the buzz word of the time, Globalization has grown and emerged in a speed almost as that of a social trend. But as ironic as it may sound, the term is more often than not associated with a diverse array of things making it an extremely contested concept, and essentially so. Academicians perceive globalization in various different ways depicting it as an ideology, a condition, a system of processes, a policy, a market strategy, a predicament and even an age or an era. With such diverse lenses breeds diverse nomenclature and hence, those referring to it as a social condition term it as 'globality', characterized by the existence of global economic, political, cultural and environmental interconnections and flows that make many of the existing territorial boundaries seem futile. Sticking strictly with the etymology of globalization brings forth the idea of it being a set of social processes that are thought to transform the prevailing societal condition into one of globality. Globalization, then, almost explicitly suggests some sort of dynamism best captured by the notion of development or unfolding along discernible patterns. Yet another term is 'Globalism' opted by those who view the concept as that of an ideology of globalization going by the age-old tradition of employing-ism suffix to signify the theories, values and assumptions working behind driving the process. Hence, scholars exploring the dynamics of globalization have rightly come up with characterizing it as a complex, multidimensional and multifaceted concept which, at any cost, cannot be boiled down to a single-simple phenomenon or theme. As Andrew Heywood rightly puts it-"the problem with globalization is that it is not so much an 'it' as a 'them': it is not a single process but a complex of processes, sometimes overlapping and interlocking but also, at times, contradictory and oppositional ones." Perhaps the best way one can try unraveling the complexity, then, is to look at how these scholars have defined globalization in their own ways and consequently work out some attributes that appear persistently even when viewed through varied lenses. "Globalization can thus be defined as the intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa." ~ Anthony Giddens, "The concept of globalization reflects the sense of an immense enlargement of world communication, as well as of the horizon of a world market, both of which seem far more tangible and immediate than in earlier stages of modernity." ~ Fredric Jameson

Globalization – Notions, Culture and Critique

Globalization is referred to as the process of interchange of people and ideas across boundaries. It may affect the social, cultural and economic lives but it does transcend into the international political system of the states. It is globalization that has led to the emergence of the Non – State actors both good and bad such as the Multi-National Companies and has in some ways also influenced the way we live, what we choose and the development of our country as it leads to generation of employment opportunities and arouses competition. The present research paper tries to understand the theoretical considerations about globalization and the perception of the masses about the process of globalization. The paper also intends to answer the question if the phenomenon of Globalization has in any form led to the making the native culture dilute. How it is seen by the natives of the country and what are the drawbacks of this phenomenon

The Dynamics and Manifestations of Globalization

European Research Studies Journal, 2008

Abstract: There are many factors which impart the globalization dynamics: the more accelerated liberalization tendencies of commercial exchanges, the development, without precedent, of the capital markets which claim a bigger liberty of movement, the internationalization of production and distribution of the great trans-national societies, the huge leap of service commerce and–finally–the means provided by the quick progresses in the field of technologies. Globalization provides–on new dimensions–opportunity for some ...

The Analysis of the Rise and Fall of Globalization

Globalization is a term explaining the increasing connectivity and cross-border activity among nations in economic, business, trade, tourism, migration, and cultural activities. Globalization has been the most contentious concept that has been evaluated according to political biases and national interests. Therefore, this paper aims at analyzing globalization in context of conceptual evolution, dynamics and factors enlarging globalization, the evaluatıon of globalization and finally the reasons for the decline of globalization. Covid 19 pandemic and its interaction with globalization will also be scrutinized as well. The major outcome of the study sets forth that the actual evolution of globalization has taken place with capitalist progress. It has been a major force in the further progress of globalization Although we are in a declining process of globalization, it is clear that it will survive with humanity as long as human beings exist.

Understanding Globalization and its Future: An Analysis

Globalization is a complex and dynamic phenomenon. What make this phenomenon more complex are the contradictory justifications on the origin of globalization, conflicting ways of defining the phenomenon and differing viewpoints on globalization dimensions. This paper tries to provide definitions of globalization which support its historical development perspective. History has provided some details about ground breaking events in different eras of globalization. Various dimensions of globalization are also available in this study. Brief description of each dimension is given for understanding globalization from different aspects. Last and most important part of this paper is comprised of current events, statistics, reports and trend analysis which help in predicting globalization’s future. Future is forecasted based on available facts and figures. Conclusively, the result of all discussion on future of globalization is that it will survive and gradually grow with respect to all aspects. Stage is set for enhanced globalization. Although it has pros and cons, it is on our part to support, facilitate and encourage positive impacts of globalization, while searching ways to minimize or discourage its drawbacks.

Globalization – An Old or a New Phenomenon?

The Scale of Globalization: Think Globally, Act Locally, Change Individually in the 21st Century, 2011

This work presents globalization as a historical process. We analyze and present some pieces of work of authors writing about globalization. This work is based on qualification of J. A. Scholte. We divide these authors to different groups according to period, when their works were written. The first group consists of authors who consider globalization as a historical process and this group is divided into two subgroups: authors who talk about globalization as an historical and linear process and authors who see globalization as an historical and cyclical process. The second group consists of authors who claimed that globalization is a process arising in the present. On the basis of this classification we present historical aspects of globalization which, in our opinion, appeared on the different levels in the human past, e.g. in integration processes, in politics, in economics, in society etc. in the antiquity, in the Middle Ages and in the modern times. In this paper we analyzeseveral cases of globalization based on selected indicators. We attempt to determine whether this phenomenon can be characterized as new, old or cyclically repeating. We conclude that aspects of globalization which are characteristic for globalization in the present, appeared in remote past and they repeat in human history cyclically. Key words: globalization, cyclical phenomenon, new phenomenon, linear phenomenon.

Globalization: theory and practice


Globalization is a subject about which it is very easy to write copiously and badly. This is inevitable, given its literal implication of change in everything humanity holds dear, thereby eluding encapsulation within any single paradigm, theory, or perspective. Legions of authors, however, not deterred by this fact have elaborated on their uniquely true reading of the outcomes of this phenomenon, so many carefully avoiding serious criticism of the idea in so doing. Now, as the millenium nears, whole populations are certain in their knowledge that globalization is here, but very few individuals can claim credibly to know what it is, how it works, and where it will take us. One useful approach to doing justice to so broad a topic within a single volume is to engage the services of several authors, each dealing with those facets of globalization for which they are best equipped. This is the approach taken in the work under review, where the talents of 23 individuals have been pooled. The downside is the risk that no tangible

Globalization: An Inexorable Phenomenal Force

International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI)

Globalization is a wide-ranging universal influence on humanity’s existence, experience, and intercourse, as it is tending towards reducing the world into a singularized society. In the presence of this omnipresent phenomenon, the physical barriers between nations are illusive because communicative technologies which are the driving force of globalization know no physical barriers. It enables trans-border interactions in whatever aspect of the lives of nations possible in real time. The questions that are often raised when discourse on globalization feature at the local and international scene are: what is the nature and essence of globalization? Is the phenomenon of globalization establishing symbiotic political and economic relationships between nations? Or is the globalization a neocolonialism and western imperialism and hegemony? Is globalization not creating a new form of imbalanced dependencies between “the haves and the have not”? There are two contrary views regarding the si...

The story of Globalization; where do we stand

The term globalization has become almost a cliché in the present day world with its recurring presence in many contexts. It is referred to and discussed extensively in scholarly work as well as in political discourses and mass media. One may hear reference is frequently made to phrases such as ‘the impact of globalization’ or ‘the disadvantages of globalization’ in the said contexts, and may or may not give much thought to them. However, the frequent use of the term definitely gives one a broad idea as to how globalization has become a phenomenon that merits a deeper understanding and a careful study.

Internationalization and globalization: Concept, interpretation and communication

Strategic Management, 2021

Today, globalization has completely determined our everyday life. However, due to COVID-19 virus pandemic, it has received unprecedented attention. There is a lively debate about whether it is useful, whether it is needed, and where it is headed. The situation is further complicated by the subordination of economic interests to populist politics. To understand today's globalization and its future, we need to examine its formation and development. It is important to understand what effects have influenced and what its influence was throughout history, whether positive or negative. After interpreting the past, we examine research and assumptions about the present and the future.