İİT'ye Bağlı Uluslararası İslam Fıkıh Akademisinin Tıbbi Konularda Fetva Usulü: Organ Nakli Örneği (original) (raw)

Organın İslâmî Sergüzeştine Tıbbî Zeyl: Bir Medikoteolojiye Doğru

Transplantation could be counted as, one of the new parts of the whole medical practice. Not only new, but also interesting that, of being so multi-slice, or multi-dimensional. A serious example for the mentioned dimensions is belief, and ultimately, Islam. This is sort of an essay, or investigation that questioning the interference of Islamic values or perspectives to that transplantation process. Plus, searching for reasonable light by wandering through the relation between Islam and medicine, namely, the Islamic neighborhood of the medical practice.

İslam-Tıp Etkileşiminin Sosyolojik Bir Ürünü Olarak Tıbb-ı Nebevi

Antakiyat, 2020

The expression of Tibb al-Nabawi refers to the hadiths about treatment of diseases and health protection that was transferred from the Prophet, the medical practices applied to him by others, the medical procedures applied by the Prophet himself and on others, medical interventions that were not objected to by the Prophet even though it was practiced, and the medical procedures he listened, knew or do not prohibited, and the literature that emerged over time. This formation, which constitutes a remarkable accumulation in the Islamic literature, began to spread as a systematic and original title from the 13th century onwards. At this point, it is quite meaningful that the time for the emergence of this corpus coincided with a period in which Islamic medicine was at the peak of the world. Because, it is seen that the attitudes of physicians such as Ibn Sina and Abu Bakr er-Razi, who were accepted as an authority in medicine in the mentioned period, have a rational/secular character in their attitudes towards illness and health. In our study, it was aimed to analyze the value and importance of Tibb al-Nabawi, as well as the sociological factors that affect this formation both in the historical process and in the recent (re) occurrence. As a result, it has been concluded that one of the most important factors influencing the occurrence of the formation in the historical process is a protective reaction against medical science, which is a secular pursuit by nature. In addition, it has been concluded that some of the practices in Tibb al-Nabawi works have been legitimized as alternative or complementary medicine and integrated into the consumer culture, especially since the last quarter of the twentieth century. Although the first examples of the works written in this framework appeared in the 9th century, they started to become widespread since the 13th century as a systematic and original title. The works produced under this title are written with the desire to present a rich knowledge by referring to the Prophet whatever is related to the medicine of the period. Moreover, while the medical information about the Prophet's period is revealed in these works, it is seen that the information about Greek medicine is used and many information about the ancient physicians are mentioned. At this point, it can be said that the real problem is related to the source of the information mentioned in the hadiths of the Prophet about medicine. Therefore, the perspective towards Sunnah and the Prophet, which we can consider as a mentality shaped by the effect of various social processes that emerged over time, seems to be one of the main factors that shape the discussions about the value, importance, and impact of Tibb al-Nabawi. The association of the medical profession with the Prophet can be considered as an excessive expression of a well-intentioned love show. Because the Prophet was not a physician, he himself was treated by a physician and he advised the patients to go to the qualified physicians. The recommendations of the Prophet on health include the beliefs and information that are conveyed verbally in the cultural basin of the period and applied by everyone, whether believing or not. Moreover, some of these knowledge and beliefs were proven scientifically erroneous as a result of the development of modern medicine. Four different views have been put forward about the reasons for the formation of the Tibb al-Nabawi literature. 1- This formation has been seen by many medical historians as a reaction to the spread of Galen medicine and is thought to represent an alternative or separate parallel practice involving methods not accepted in the Galenic paradigm. 2- To legitimize medical treatment by showing that the acceptance of medicine does not destroy belief in God. 3- Transferring the medical authority from Galen to the Prophet and 4- It was stated that this formation did not emerge in parallel with the Galenic theory and tradition or even as a response, but it is a kind of cognitive and discursive form that derives its epistemic elements from the Galenic narrative. As a result, it is understood that the works recently written about Tibb al-Nabawi tend to praise and even show it as an alternative to modern medicine rather than introducing this literature. However, the literature of Tibb al-Nabawi should be evaluated from a critical perspective. When looking at the classical works produced within this framework, it is seen that the hadiths mentioned there are quite problematic in terms of health and at the same time, there is a serious problem of signification in these hadiths. It can be said that such studies, carried out in order to glorify the position and value of the Prophet, may leave the Prophet under suspicion and accusation over time, so that he may lose his reputation in the society. Moreover, it is seen that some of the practices in Tıbb-ı Nebevi works are legitimized under the name of alternative or complementary medicine and integrated into the consumer culture. This situation can be interpreted as an indication that the Prophet in particular, and religion in general, was abused by instrumentalizing the consumption process. On the other hand, the desire to create an Islamic medicine, which is one of the motives that is effective in the emergence of Tibb al-Nabawi, has contributed to the reinforcement of the belief that God has a role and influence in everything that is happening in the universe, thanks to the fact that medicine, which is a secular pursuit by nature, is drawn into the religious basin. Therefore, it can be said that the appearance, development and widespread of the Tibb al-Nabawi is both a multidimensional sociological process and a protective reaction against the "threat" of secularization that could happen at any moment within the institutionalization process of religions. Moreover, it can be argued that such a reaction against secularization has implicitly prevented the advancement of the science of medicine in the Islamic world despite the efforts of many Muslim physicians such as Ibn Sina, Abu Bakr er-Razi and Ibn Rushd who have deeply affected the medical world.

ÖZET ŞÜPHELİ ÖLÜM OLGUSUNDA ORGAN NAKLİ; ADLİ TIBBİ VE ETİK SORUNLAR* Organ transplantation in suspicious death case (forensic, medical and ethical issues) 1 1 1 2 Çetin Lütfi BAYDAR

Gelişen tıp teknolojisi, organ nakli ile yaşama ümidi kalmayan insanlara ikinci yaşamı sunarken, beraberinde hukuk ve etik tartışmayı başlatmıştır. Bu çalışmada bir olgu nedeni ile adli olgularda yapılan organ nakillerinde karşılaşılan yasal ve etik sorunları tartışmak amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmamızda beyin ölümü gerçekleşmiş, organ nakli süreci başlatılmış ancak aynı zamanda şüpheli ölüm nedeni ile adli olgu bildirimi yapılan ve Adli makamlarca Anabilim Dalımızdan görüş istenen bir olgu ve süreç ele alınmıştır. Odasında bilinci kapalı olarak bulunan 2,5 yaşındaki kız çocuğunun getirildiği Üniversite Hastanesi Yoğun Bakım Ünitesinde sekiz gün süren tüm müdahalelere rağmen beyin ölümü gerçekleşti. Bu sürede ölüm nedeni belirlenemedi ve adli olgu bildirimi yapıldı. Aynı zamanda organ nakli için süreç başlatıldı ve Cumhuriyet Savcılığı haberdar edildi. Adli tıp uzmanları yarar sağlama ilkesiyle adli sorumluluklar arasında karar v e r m e k z o r u n d a b ı r a k ı l d ı l a r. T ı b b i b ...

Nizâmü'l-Edviye'de Organ-Fiil-İlaç İlişkisi

Sakızlı İsa Efendi ve Nizâmü’l Edviyesi Üzerine İncelemeler, 2021

Çokanlamlılık (Fr. polysémie), bir dilde sözcüğün temel (göndergesel) anlamı dışında yeni kavramları karşılaması olarak tanımlanmıştır 1 � Aksan 2 , "çokanlamlılığın oluşumunu insanoğlunun genellikle birbirine benzer niteliği ve işlev açısından yakınlığı olan nesneler arasında ilişki kurmasıyla bir göstergeyi, ilk yansıttığı kavramın yanı sıra başka bir nesneyi de anlatır duruma getirmesi, daha canlı ve kolay bir anlatıma yönelmesi sonucunda gerçekleştiğini" ifade etmiştir.

Kitâbü'l-Müntahâb Fi't-Tıbb'daki Türkçe Organ Adları

Selcuk Universitesi Turkiyat Arastırmaları Dergisi, 2008

Eski Anadolu Türkçesinin önemli tıp eserlerinden Kitâbu'l Müntahab fi't-Tıbb, Türkçe organ adları bakımından oldukça zengin içeriğe sahiptir. Eserde, eski dönemlerde kullanılan Türkçe organ adlarının yanı sıra, bilgin-hekim Abdulvehhâb bin Yusuf tarafından türetilen ya da onun vasıtasıyla dile kazandırılan çok sayıda Türkçe organ adına da rastlanır. Bir çoğu benzetme ve aktarma yoluyla meydana getirilen bu adlar, kendi dönemindeki eserlerin terminolojisi üzerinde olduğu kadar kendisinden sonraki dönem eserlerinin terminolojisi üzerinde de etkili olmuş özellikle günümüz Türk tıp dilinin biçimlenmesinde, gelişmesinde ve zenginleşmesinde önemli katkılar sağlamıştır.

Organ Bağışı Sürecinde Dinin Etkisinin Nitel Perspektifle İncelenmesi

Organ Bağışı Sürecinde Dinin Etkisinin Nitel Perspektifle İncelenmesi, 2022

Günümüzde pek çok insanın yaşamını iyileştiren veya kurtaran bir tedavi şekli olan organ nakli ile ilgili en önemli sorunlardan biri organ bağış sayısındaki yetersizliktir. Organ bağışı özgeci ve toplum yanlısı bir davranış olduğu için bağış sayısının artması hastalar için olduğu kadar toplumsal dayanışmanın güçlendirilmesi açısından da önemlidir. Organ bağışı kararı konusunda yapılan çalışmaların büyük kısmı dinin organ bağışına yönelik tutum ve davranışları etkilediğini göstermekte, ancak pek azı nitel araştırmalara dayanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı 2021 yılında tamamlanan nitel bir araştırmanın verileri üzerinden dinin organ bağışına karar verme sürecini nasıl şekillendirdiğini değerlendirmek ve sürecin karmaşıklığını bir neden sonuç ilişkisine indirgemeden sosyolojik olarak yorumlamaktır. Veriler, maksimum çeşitlilik ve kartopu örnekleme teknikleriyle seçilmiş olan 18 katılımcıdan yarı yapılandırılmış mülakatlarla toplanmıştır. Bu çalışmada dinin organ bağışı sürecini çok boyutlu ve çok yönlü olarak şekillendirdiği, bu etkinin doğrudan ve olumsuz bir nedensellik çerçevesinde ele alınmaması gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır. One of the most important problems with organ transplantation, which is a form of treatment that improves or saves the lives of many people today, is the inadequacy in the number of organ donations. Since the organ donation is an altruistic and pro-social behavior, increasing the number of donations is important for strengthening social solidarity as well as patients. Most of the related studies show that religion influences attitudes and behaviors toward organ donation, but few of them are based on qualitative research. The aim of this study is to evaluate how religion shapes the decision-making process for organ donation, based on the data of a qualitative study completed in 2021, and to interpret the process sociologically without reducing the complexity of the process to a cause-effect relationship. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews from 18 participants. The sample was selected with maximum diversity and snowball sampling techniques. This study concludes that religion shapes the organ donation process in a multidimensional and multidirectional way, which should not be handled within the framework of direct and negative causality.