Energy alternatives for lighting in households: An evaluation using an integrated goal programming-AHP model (original) (raw)
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The electrical energy crisis is a global problem that all developing countries face in general and Iraq in particular. A lot of body in the literature holds that lifestyle and consumption choices strongly affect residential energy consumption. Hitherto releasing energy savings in households is not simple. Previous studies indicate that the lighting requirements for the residential sector consume a significant amount of Iraq’s energy resources. In this study, the authors analyzed the energy consumption of 48 samples of residential loads at different dwellings in the country. In addition, the simulation study based on the DIALUX Evo 8 lighting software has been conducted, which shows the energy consumption savings for various types of luminaires. The results clearly show that a relatively large portion of lighting system consumption is because of the poor distribution of lighting fixtures and the use of relatively high-consuming traditional lighting luminaires. The study deduces that ...
Analysis of the Use Effectiveness of Lighting Lamps Type for Household Needs
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Engineering and Implementation on Vocational Education (ACEIVE 2018), 3rd November 2018, North Sumatra, Indonesia, 2019
Lighting is very important in various activities in the household, so it becomes dominant in the review of electricity consumption needs. The problems faced by consumers in choosing the use of lighting generally only choose based on the type of lamp which is cheaper, without considering the quality of light and electrical energy used. This study aims to find profiles several types of lights based on the strength of the light produced, the use of electrical energy, and its sensitivity to lower voltage sources. The results of the study recommend a type of lamp that is considered efficient for users. The research method uses experimental approaches. The study was conducted by testing the strength of the light produced, the amount of electrical power used, and the sensitivity to lower voltage sources. Data collection techniques are carried out by measurement and testing. Data analysis was carried out with a quantitative approach and continued with qualitative analysis. The results showed that, (1) the types of Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps produce better light power compared to Energy Saving Lights (ESL) at the same electrical power consumption, and (3) LED lighting components have better capability in facing a lower voltage source.
Climate change is already affecting the India, increasing temperatures, precipitation patterns are shifting, extreme weather events such as storms and droughts are increasing, and sea levels are rising. These changes in weather patterns affect both energy demand, especially with increased peak electricity use for air conditioning, and energy supply, with reduced reliability and efficiency. The gap between supply and demand of energy is continuously increasing despite huge outlay for energy sector since independence. Further the brining of fossil fuel is resulting in greenhouse gases which are detrimental to the environment. The gap between supply and demand of energy can be bridged with the help of energy conservation which may be considered as a new source of energy which is environment friendly. The energy conservation is cost effective. There is a good scope of energy conservation in various sectors, viz industry agriculture, transport and domestic. Domestic consumer's account for almost 24% of the total electricity demand in the country, Major part of the energy consumption is used for lighting. A significant proportion of household lighting needs are met by use of incandescent bulbs, which are extremely energy inefficient as over 90% of electricity is wasted as heat. Promoting efficient lighting in household sector can reduce the electricity consumption by as much as 50 billion kWh every year at national level. This will also benefit the consumers by way of reduced electricity expenditure through Domestic Efficient Lighting Programme. This paper has an attempt to overview of energy conservation in Indian through Domestic Lighting Efficiency Programme.
Residential Energy Efficient Lighting
The design and build of an energy efficient home requires a careful planning of details. A global approach of design may help creating a success strategy towards the use energetically efficient technologies. The light quantity and quality around us denotes how well we see, work or play. The light affects our health, safety, morale, comfort and productivity. By adequate design and selection of the lighting system important energy savings may be realized, while maintaining a high qualitative and quantitative illumination level. For residential buildings an initiative with high perspective for the achievement of long run energy savings is the replacement of incandescent lamps with compact fluorescent lamps.
Residential Lighting End-Use Consumption Study: Estimation Framework and Initial Estimates
The U.S. DOE Residential Lighting End-Use Consumption Study is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Solid-State Lighting Program that aims to improve the understanding of lighting energy usage in residential dwellings. The study has developed a regional estimation framework within a national sample design that allows for the estimation of lamp usage and energy consumption 1) nationally and by region of the United States, 2) by certain household characteristics, 3) by location within the home, 4) by certain lamp characteristics, and 5) by certain categorical cross-classifications (e.g., by dwelling type AND lamp type or fixture type AND control type).
This paper presents electricity utilization and saving potential assessment for residential lighting demand side management program. The assessment involves combined Baseline Energy Use method and Analytic Hierarchy Process which represent technical and customer preference approaches, respectively. Residential lighting load curve and lamps' share of ownership are estimated based on the first method whereas selected lamp energy saving strategy is obtained using Analytic Hierarchy Process. The selected research area is on the residential sector of Surabaya, which is the second largest city in Indonesia and involving 762,248 households represented by 384 households as survey participant. From the analysis, the city's annual electricity consumption from lamps utilization in residential sector is estimated around 1,747 GWh. As two mostly selected saving strategies, simultaneously applying Peak Clipping in terms of switching off selected existing lamp during peak hours and Energy Efficiency in terms of existing lamps replacement with energy efficient ones would achieve annual electricity saving around 476 GWh. Moreover, around 40.8 MW peak load reduction would be potentially reached or around 7.7% reduction on Surabaya distribution system's peak load.
ABSTRACT The energy consumption of buildings accounts for a significant amount of the total energy consumed by society. In the UK, domestic operational emissions currently accounts for over a quarter of the UK's total CO2 emissions (ONS, 2008). Despite increasingly tougher legislation for building fabric performance unregulated appliance and lighting emissions have continued to rise in the UK (Boardman et al, 2005).
Cost-benefit analysis and emission reduction of lighting retrofits in residential sector
Energy and Buildings, 2005
This study projects electricity savings, cost-benefit analysis and emission reduction of lighting retrofits in Malaysia residential sector. The cost-benefit is determined as a function of energy savings due to retrofit of more efficient lighting system. The energy savings were calculated based on 25, 50 and 75% of potential retrofits of inefficient lighting in residential sector. The study found that, this strategy save a significant amount of energy and consumers money. However, an effort to create energy efficiency awareness among consumers and subsidies efficient lighting should be identified, because this efficient lighting is quite expensive in Malaysia. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.\_tid=350c247c-a9c6-11e3-99d9-00000aab0f01&acdnat=1394615631\_782b65a7b4a65cc35b795363f0df0acb
Twenty-year tracking of lighting savings and power density in the residential sector
Energy and Buildings
Lighting energy consumption represents a significant percentage of total energy consumption in residential building sector. During the last 20 years, advanced energy-efficient lighting fixtures have been introduced worldwide to conserve the energy consumption in residences. In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, very few studies have been conducted to evaluate the association between the introduced lighting fixtures and the resulted energy savings using valid measurements and verification techniques. This study evaluates the techno-economic impact of replacing new energy efficient lighting in residences in Egypt (a representative MENA region country). A quantitative analysis is applied by tracking the utility bills of 150 residential apartments in Cairo. The average measured power consumption before (1993-1998) and after (2009-2014) installation energy efficient lighting fixtures is analyzed. A building performance simulation model is developed to back the findings. The findings indicate a significant disparity between the estimated savings based on simulation and the real measured savings due to penetration, rebound effect and low quality lamps. Moreover, the findings present an example of quantified benefits of energy efficient lighting, which is very important to inform the decision making of public policy makers, investors and building occupants.
Aspects as contents of colors reproduction, color temperature spectrum, lamp efficiency, high power factor, and high efficiency of the reactor and luminous efficiency of the lamps have great importance for the making of an energetic efficient project. This paper investigates options that present smallest "initial investment -better performance" rates, in other words, it has for goal the proposal of the best technical-economical solution in lighting, appropriate to the plant and the employees. The organization of this paper describes, therefore, the costs with initial investment, substitutions of lamps, accessories and costs with electric power during a period of 10 years.