Uprootedness and the protection of migrants in the International Law of Human Rights Desarraigamento e a proteção dos migrantes no Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos (original) (raw)

The Migrant Crisis and Philosophy of Migration - Reality, Realism, Ethics

The Migrant Crisis and Philosophy of Migration - Reality, Realism, Ethics, 2018

"The Migrant Crisis and Philosophy of Migration: Reality, Realism, Ethics" is a PhD thesis by Dario Mazzola in the field of Moral and Political Philosophy, Ethics of Migration. The thesis is divided into an introduction, three main sections, two appendixes and general conclusions. The introduction presents the extent, the tradition, and the relevance of philosophy of migration and refuge, on both analytic and historical standpoints. The main body of the thesis is devoted to characterizing and criticizing the migrant crisis, to elaborate a suitable theory to deal with it normatively, and then to defend the right to free movement or open borders in the face of realistic and nationalistic objections. The two appendixes reinforce the argument, while the conclusions resume it and broadly show its implications on methodology and substantial political issues. Chapter one, which constitutes section I, is devoted to the migrant crisis and reconstructs the main problems and dynamics which constitute the phenomenon, mainly by drawing on critical and empirical literature. Chapter II and III, which compose the second section on realism, deal with the tradition of realism and the attempt at elaborating a realistic theory from within migration ethics respectively. Chapter IV and V, the most purely normative component of the thesis, defend the open-borders ideal in the light of the previous presentation of the subject-matter and of the main methodological problems. This is done by reconstructing the critiques to freedom of movement advanced by realists, proponents of freedom of association, and liberal nationalist most relevantly. In conclusion, a threefold ethical arguments defend the right to migration: the presumptive favor for liberty over restrictions, an extended version of the classic open-borders overlapping consesus between main ethical standpoints, and an argument for the integration of the right to free movement with human rights in general. The import and implications of the thesis are read and constrained in the realist(ic) way descrived in section II. Appendix I changes the perspective on the migrant crisis from the abstract to the personal and individual, and does so by showing the relevance of refugee stories to restore empathy and, by doing this, to strengthen social solidarity. Appendix II deepens the thesis that natural law theory would be comprehended within the pro open-borders consensus. In conclusion, with the same qualifications which hold for any other right, and while recognizing its subordination to more fundamental ones such as rights to life or to personal liberty and security, the right to free movement is analyzed, vindicated, and defended, even in the face of the migrant crisis.

Principios para una crítica de la representación de las crisis de migrantes y refugiados


En este texto se plantea la cuestion acerca de la critica del discurso publico que nos permita presentar las crisis migratorias y de refugiados con mayor certeza. Para ello, tras analizar argumentos de Hannah Arendt y Jurgen Habermas, se cuestiona si basta establecer un marco legal o normativo para integrar a los migrantes y refugiados como ciudadanos en una comunidad politica. Posteriormente, siguiendo a Jacques Derrida, se muestra que antes de realizar una propuesta normativa se deberian identificar, a traves de un acercamiento dialectico, las antinomias propias del discurso sobre la migracion ilegal, asi como las contradicciones de las estrategias de los medios de comunicacion. Finalmente se plantea, siguiendo a Slavoj Zizek, que tras la critica de los marcos normativos se debe replantear el fundamento de la representacion y la lucha politica de los migrantes y refugiados –que en nuestra epoca se lleva a cabo a traves de los derechos humanos– determinando en que consiste su efica...

Refugiados en movimiento: retos políticos, legales y sociales en tiempos de inestabilidad «Refugees on the move: political, legal and social challenges in times of turmoil»

The CER-M (UAB-UB) organised the international conference “Refugees on the move: thinking beyond the Euro-Mediterranean crisis” on the 21st and 22nd of April 2016 at the CCCB and Espai Contrabandos. The conference aimed at creating a space of debate and reflection around the theoretical, political, legal and social implications of these displacements are causing. International and national academics, as well as experts and professionals working in the field participated in the event. As a result of the conference, and based on the contributions of the participants, the CER-M team presents this bilingual monographic. En el marco del CER-M (UAB-UB), hemos organizado la conferencia internacional «Refugees on the move: thinking beyong the Euro-Mediterranean crisis» celebrada el 21 y 22 de abril 2016 en el CCCB y Espai Contrabandos. Esta conferencia tuvo como objetivo crear un espacio de debate y reflexión en torno a las implicaciones teóricas, político-legales y sociales que estos desplazamientos están conllevando. En el evento participaron académicos de ámbito nacional e internacional, así como personas expertas y profesionales que trabajan sobre el terreno. Fruto de estas jornadas, y a partir de las aportaciones de sus participantes, el equipo del CER-M (UAB-UB) presentamos este monográfico bilingüe.

Refugiados en movimiento : retos políticos, legales y sociales en tiempos de inestabilidad


La conferencia internacional «Refugees on the move: thinking beyong the Euro-Mediterranean crisis» (21 y 22 de abril 2016) que inspira esta publicación, fue organizada gracias a la subvención de la Generalitat de Catalunya, AGAUR, a través el proyecto GRC-SGR 2014 (1524).En el marco del CER-M (UAB-UB), hemos organizado la conferencia internacional «Refugees on the move: thinking beyong the Euro-Mediterranean crisis» celebrada el 21 y 22 de abril 2016 en el CCCB y Espai Contrabandos. Esta conferencia tuvo como objetivo crear un espacio de debate y reflexión en torno a las implicaciones teóricas, político-legales y sociales que estos desplazamientos están conllevando. En el evento participaron académicos de ámbito nacional e internacional, así como personas expertas y profesionales que trabajan sobre el terreno. Fruto de estas jornadas, y a partir de las aportaciones de sus participantes, el equipo del CER-M (UAB-UB) presentamos este monográfico bilingüe.The CER-M (UAB-UB) organised t...

Refugees, migrants and stateless persons in international law-review of legal acts

Teka of Political Science and International Relations – OL PAN/UMCS,, 2018

The paper constitutes an attempt to describe the refugee issue as a very important problem in international law. Problem which can bring both profits and losses for involved countries in many areas. Along with the inflow of people from abroad, initial expenses related to the administrative process increase. At the same time, the increase in human capital can also be noted. It depends on the policy of a given country, whether it can effectively use human capital or only social costs for the country are generated. Sometimes international law obligation is not enough to convince society that accepting refugees is a right and good decision. The paper focuses on how and with which legislation tools it is done and explores whether or not it is effective. The paper consists, among others, of the following sections: "Who is refugee-legal description", "Non-governmental organizations", "Inter-national administration-UNHCR", "EU administration created to help refugees", "The Treaty of Lisbon and refugee policy". In those subchapters, the legal basis of the refugee protection system in the Western world as well as the refugee policy and execution of this law are discussed. The phenomenon of emigration and exile is directly related to the globalization process. According to Marek Pietraś, globalization process is generally identified with the analysis of structure changes, most of all, with the functioning of the international community. The qualitative changes involve the revaluation of the dominant model of the functioning of human society, considering distinction between national and international conditions. About seven dimensions of globalization are mentioned: technology, communication, environment, economic, organization of labor, culture and civic society [Pietraś 2002: 35-36, 44].


LEGAL SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY: New perspectives of psychology at the interface with justice., 2020

In this chapter, the authors explore the boundaries of Liberal Nationalism and whether its conceptual limitations lend themselves to a populist form of ethnonationalism in a contemporary Brazilian context. Based on the principle that migration is a human right as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which Brazil is a signatory, the authors reflect on the unfolding consequences that a pro-nationalist/conservative political stance could produce with the current immigration flow into the country. Taking President Jair Bolsonaro's public statements as a starting point, the chapter examines if Liberal Nationalism is conducted in good faith (or not). The authors highlight this point because it could indicate an exacerbated pre-existing social resentment, which in turn, could be the catalyst for the (global) rise of ethnonationalism and immigrant-criminalisation in Brazil. This chapter explores the consequences of relations between immigrants, the law, society and fairness within Brazil's Liberal Nationalism. The authors conclude by warning that the discussion regarding psychology-practice related to Law and Justice is urgent, especially considering that the profession currently lacks traditional theoretical-analytical tools to critically deal with the complexity of international migration. RESUMO Neste capítulo, autor e autora exporam as fornteiras do Liberal Nacionalismo e onde suas limitações conceituais conduz estas bases à uma forma populista de etnonacionalismo no contexto brasileiro contemporâneo. Com base no princípio de que migrar é um direito humano previsto na Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos, da qual o Brasil é signatário, a reflexão é feita considerando as desdobramentos que o fluxo atual de imigrações no país podem produzir em um cenário de afirmação dos ideais conservadores e nacionalistas. Tendo como ponto de partida declarações públicas do Presidente da República Jair Bolsonaro, o texto examina se o Liberal Nationalismo é conduzido em boa fé ou não.Esta questão é apontada como crucial porque poder indicar exacerbado ressentimento social pré-existente, o que, em consequencia, facilita o alavancamento (global) do etnonacionalismo e criminalização dos imigrantes. A situação remete aos desdobramentos para as relações que envolvem os imigrantes, a lei, a sociedade e ajustiça. Conclui alertando que em termos da prática psicológica na interface com o Direito e a Justiça, esta discussão se faz urgente, sobretudo pelo fato de que este campo de atuação não possui tradicionalmente ferramentas teórico-analíticas para lidar criticamente com a complexidade das migrações internacionais.

Migrations in contemporary society: correlation with migration and development. Migraciones en la sociedad contemporánea: Correlación entre migración y desarrollo

RETOS, 2019

Migrations have intensified in contemporary society, due to the process of globalization which deepens the interdependence of economies and strengthens transnational networks, facilitating the labor insertion of qualified people. The popularization of ICT also reinforces the processes of cultural hybridization and shortens distances. However, the speeches of influential politicians and the mass media frame the presence of foreigners as a threat, while these speeches hide the positive effects of migrations, both to the host country and to the origin country. The purpose of this document is to review the relationship between international migration and human development from two points of view: co-development, which involves migrants as promoters of development, and dependency theory, which affirms that migrations reinforce poverty in their territories of origin. In some host countries, there are policies to select migrants with higher education and financial resources, while the entry of low-skilled migrants is not allowed; this entry is attracted by higher wages, as well as by people seeking asylum. En la sociedad contemporánea las migraciones se han intensificado debido al proceso de globalización por el cual las economías se vuelven interdependientes y se tejen redes de trabajo transnacionales, que facilitan la inserción laboral de personas cualificadas, aunado a la popularización de las TIC, las cuales se han vuelto omnipresentes, refuerzan procesos de hibridación cultural y permiten «acercar distancias». Sin embargo, la presencia del extranjero se sigue encuadrando como una amenaza en los discursos de políticos influyentes y en los medios masivos de comunicación, quienes desconocen los efectos positivos que las migraciones pueden aportar, desde el punto de vista económico, cultural, educativo y en la promoción del desarrollo humano. En el presente artículo se realiza una revisión crítica de la literatura sobre la correlación entre migraciones internacionales y desarrollo humano, la cual se puede enfocar desde dos puntos de vista: el codesarrollo, que involucra a los migrantes como promotores del desarrollo, o desde la teoría de la dependencia, que afirma que las migraciones refuerzan el círculo vicioso de la pobreza de sus territorios de origen. Se destaca que los países receptores tienen políticas para seleccionar migrantes con estudios superiores y con recursos financieros, mientras que son reacios a recibir migrantes laborales poco cualificados, atraídos por mejores salarios, así como también se obstruye la entrada a personas que solicitan refugio, ante la necesidad de protección de sus Derechos Humanos.