Exploiting Chordal Structure in Polynomial Ideals: A Gröbner Bases Approach (original) (raw)
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Chordal Networks of Polynomial Ideals
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry
We introduce a novel representation of structured polynomial ideals, which we refer to as chordal networks. The sparsity structure of a polynomial system is often described by a graph that captures the interactions among the variables. Chordal networks provide a computationally convenient decomposition into simpler (triangular) polynomial sets, while preserving the underlying graphical structure. We show that many interesting families of polynomial ideals admit compact chordal network representations (of size linear in the number of variables), even though the number of components is exponentially large. Chordal networks can be computed for arbitrary polynomial systems using a refinement of the chordal elimination algorithm from [9]. Furthermore, they can be effectively used to obtain several properties of the variety, such as its dimension, cardinality, and equidimensional components, as well as an efficient probabilistic test for radical ideal membership. We apply our methods to examples from algebraic statistics and vector addition systems; for these instances, algorithms based on chordal networks outperform existing techniques by orders of magnitude.
Gröbner Bases and Polynomial Equations
Let S = k[x1, x2, . . . , xn] denote a polynomial ring over a field k where x1, x2, . . . , xn are indeterminates. A Gröbner basis is a set of polynomials in S which has several remarkable properties which enable us to carry out standard operations on ideals, rings and modules in an algorithmic way. Every set of polynomials in S can be transformed into a Gröbner basis. This process generalises three important algorithms: (1) Gauss elimination method for solving a system of linear equations, (2) Euclid’s algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor and (3) The simplex method of linear programming. One of the goals of these two lectures is to explain how to reduce the problem of solving a system of polynomial equations to a problem of finding eigenvalues of commuting matrices. We will introduce term orders first on the set of monomials in S and define the concept of Gróbner basis of an ideal. Term orders on monomials in k[x1, x2, . . . , xn] The set of monomials in the polynomial...
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Many hard combinatorial problems can be modeled by a system of polynomial equations. N. Alon coined the term polynomial method to describe the use of nonlinear polynomials when solving combinatorial problems. We continue the exploration of the polynomial method and show how the algorithmic theory of polynomial ideals can be used to detect k-colorability, unique Hamiltonicity, and automorphism rigidity of graphs. Our techniques are diverse and involve Nullstellensatz certificates, linear algebra over finite fields, Gröbner bases, toric algebra, convex programming, and real algebraic geometry.
Efficiently computing Groebner bases of ideals of points
We present an algorithm for computing Gröbner bases of vanishing ideals of points that is optimized for the case when the number of points in the associated variety is less than the number of indeterminates. The algorithm first identifies a set of essential variables, which reduces the time complexity with respect to the number of indeterminates, and then uses PLU decompositions to reduce the time complexity with respect to the number of points. This gives a theoretical upper bound for its time complexity that is an order of magnitude lower than the known one for the standard Buchberger-Möller algorithm if the number of indeterminates is much larger than the number of points. Comparison of implementations of our algorithm and the standard Buchberger-Möller algorithm in Macaulay 2 confirm the theoretically predicted speedup. This work is motivated by recent applications of Gröbner bases to the problem of network reconstruction in molecular biology.
On the robust hardness of Gröbner basis computation
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
The computation of Gröbner bases is an established hard problem. By contrast with many other problems, however, there has been little investigation of whether this hardness is robust. In this paper, we frame and present results on the problem of approximate computation of Gröbner bases. We show that it is NP-hard to construct a Gröbner basis of the ideal generated by a set of polynomials, even when the algorithm is allowed to discard a 1 − ǫ fraction of the generators, and likewise when the algorithm is allowed to discard variables (and the generators containing them). Our results shows that computation of Gröbner bases is robustly hard even for simple polynomial systems (e.g. maximum degree 2, with at most 3 variables per generator). We conclude by greatly strengthening results for the Strong c-Partial Gröbner problem posed by De Loera et al. [10]. Our proofs also establish interesting connections between the robust hardness of Gröbner bases and that of SAT variants and graph-coloring.
Software Engineering and complexity in effective Algebraic Geometry
Journal of Complexity, 2013
One may represent polynomials not only by their coefficients but also by arithmetic circuits which evaluate them. This idea allowed in the last fifteen years considerable complexity progress in effective polynomial equation solving. We present a circuit based computation model which captures all known symbolic elimination algorithms in effective Algebraic Geometry and exhibit a class of simple elimination problems which require exponential size circuits to be solved in this model. This implies that the known, circuit based elimination algorithms are already optimal.
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International Mathematical Forum, 2010
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Solving systems of polynomial equations with symmetries using SAGBI-Gröbner bases
… of the 2009 international symposium on …, 2009
In this paper, we propose an efficient method to solve polynomial systems whose equations are left invariant by the action of a finite group G. The idea is to simultaneously compute a truncated SAGBI-Gröbner bases (a generalisation of Gröbner bases to ideals of subalgebras of polynomial ring) and a Gröbner basis in the invariant ring K[σ1, . . . , σn] where σi is the i-th elementary symmetric polynomial.