Psychological Subject in News Headlines of University Websites in Indonesia: An Applied Linguistics Perspective (original) (raw)

The Comparison of Headline in Online Media Platform (Republika and Media Indonesia) a Lexical Functional Grammar Study

ETERNAL (English Teaching Journal)

The aim of this research is to compare the headline of two online media platform in Indonesia; the Republika and Media Indonesia. This research use qualitative descriptive analysis method. The data is analyzed using the Lexical Functional Grammar as an approach. The purpose of using Lexical Functional Grammar is to take a deep look on how the headline news is constructed, as Lexical Functional Grammar is also completed with Constituent Structure, Functional Structure, and Lexical Entry. This research found that there is a difference in the headline construction of Republika and Media Indonesia. Republika tends to use argument ellipsis or additional adjunct and complement. The use of adjunct and complement is to replace the use if the argument elapsed in the headline. Meanwhile, Media Indonesia tends to use complete and standard sentence as their headlines. Even when the headline uses adjunct, actually, without the adjunct the headline in Media Indonesia is already acceptable as Medi...

Semantic Association of Businessperson in Indonesian Online Press

It is remarkable how language plays an important role in delivering meaning. Starting from this point, this study tries to look at how the word ‘pengusaha’ (businessperson) appeared in two Indonesian online press websites; i.e. and, brings semantic association that shape meaning to be perceived by readers. By looking at collocation of certain words towards the target word ‘businessperson’ and valence in semantic association of people in business context in Indonesia, this study seeks whether there is some positive or negative association to the word ‘businessperson’ in Indonesian online press and whether this association changes over time. This study employs quantitative approach using statistical tool. Pertaining to collecting data, Webcorp is used to extract linguistic resources from website texts between 2012 and 2015. The result indicates that the word ‘businessperson’ is significantly associated with both positive and negative notions in two Indonesian online press website, with greater positive association compared to the negative association. Neutral association of the word is not found to be statistically significant. It is also found that exogenous factors within 2012-2015 such as corruption case and Indonesian president’s speech did not give much impact to the association of the word ‘businessperson’. From these results, this study contributes to an insight of how press reports lead readers to value a preference of word meaning existed in community and affect domestic or foreign participation decision in Indonesian business since the country is promising for businesspersons. Keywords: valence, exogenous factor, Indonesian businessperson, semantic association, collocation

The Analysis of Word Formation Processes in the Jakarta Post Website

Linguistic, English Education and Art (LEEA) Journal, 2017

A new language and term use new words that we can relate to the one of linguistics branches of the morphological aspect namely word formation process. The process of word formation in creation of new English words is called derivation. One of the language phenomenon is in the practice of language used in online news specifically Jakarta Post Website. The Jakarta Post is one of the daily Indonesian has language English. The Jakarta post presented with various of news, such as sport, entertainment, education, etc. The purpose of this study is identifying the most common type of derivation words that is used in the headline of ten education articles in Jakarta Post Website in October 2015 until April 2016. This study uses qualitative method. The result show that the most common of derivation words that is used in headline ten article educations in Jakarta Post Website in October 2015 until April 2016 is noun derivations. Keywords: derivation, Jakarta Post.

Textual Metafunction Analysis about Education News Text on Selected National Online Newspapers

Journey: Journal of English Language and Pedagogy

The textual meta function is about the verbal world, especially the flow of information in a text, and is concerned with clauses as messages. In each meta function an analysis of a clause gives a different kind of structure composed from a different set of elements. The aim of this study was to analyze and identify the functions took from three different online newspapers, Jakarta Post, Jakarta Globe, and Tempo, with the context of educational news on the topic, "Merdeka Belajar Curriculum". This study used a qualitative approach as its methodology. The data was taken from the websites of Jakarta Post, Jakarta Globe, and Tempo. A functional English grammar was employed to analyze the data. Based on the study's findings, it identified three themes present in the Jakarta Post, Jakarta Globe, and Tempo: topical, interpersonal, and textual. Topical theme consisted of 43.5% of the article is unmarked theme and 16.5% marked theme. Interpersonal theme consisted of 3% of the a...


This research aims at describing the roles as in NP construction of the title in the Jakarta Post and describing the denotative and connotative meaning of the title in the Jakarta Post. The research conducted by the writer is descriptive qualitative research. The data of this research are simple declarative sentence of the title in the Jakarta Post newspaper, while the data source is taken from the Jakarta Post newspaper published January 2014. The method used by the writer in collecting the data is documentation with the steps: reading, selecting, collecting, and coding the data. In analyzing the data, the writer describes the role played by NP by referring to the theory of thematic role by and describes the meaning of the sentence found in title of the Jakarta Post newspaper by referring to the denotative and connotative meaning. The result of this research shows that there are twenty one patterns that are classified into three roles in the starting sentence. They are agent (88 data/85,45 %), theme (4 data/3,88 %), and experiencer (11 data/10,67 %). NPs 1 functioning as agent and experiencer when the type of simple declarative sentence is active sentence, while NPs1 functioning as theme when the type of simple declarative sentence is passive sentence. The writer analyzes the meaning by referring to the denotative and connotative meaning. The denotative meaning is analyzed by paraphrasing or re-construction, while connotative meaning is analyzed by using personal aspect and intercontextuality of the sentence. The result of data analysis in the case of denotative and connotative meaning by using paraphrasing or reconstruction is that the meaning of the titles in the Jakarta Post is more clearly and comprehensive, not only the meaning of the words but also show the aspect of personal and intercontextuality.

Analysis of Connotation Words in The Jakarta Post Online Headline News


This research aims to analyse connotation words in the Jakarta Post online headline news and to find the positive and negative connotation of those online headline news. Qualitative method and descriptive analysis are applied in this research. There are 30 headline news of data sources. The result of the research shows that 46,66 % of the 30 headline news online use positive connotation words and 53,33 % of them use negative connotation words in the news. And it also shows that an online newspaper headline might evoke different feelings and emotions to the readers by using the connotation words. This finding implies that the most connotation words used in the headline news is negative connotation. <br /> <br />Key words : connotation words, the Jakarta Post online headline news

Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Blog Terhadap Kreativitas Belajar Siswa

Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pembelajaran, 2016

The application and consumption of regularly and repeatedly occurring combination of words i.e. lexical bundles perform a central part in educational discourse. There has been quite a limited work done on the comparison between native learners of English and non-native Pakistani learners of English on the usage of functional types of lexical bundles in educational discourse in relation to their regularity and roles. Current research work is directed to explore the maximum recurrently used lexical bundles along with quantitative differences in their occurrence of functional types in academic discourse of Pakistani non-native and native learners of English. It also purposes the comparison and difference between the functional types of lexical bundles found in native and non-native learner corpora. The research took data from ICNALE. It comprises of a corpus of almost two lacs of words consisting of written essays by native and non-native English learners. The investigation involves the identification of functional types of lexical bundles along with their quantitative analysis and qualitative study of function they perform in academic discourse. TheN -Grams‖ tool in Antconc 3.2.1. is used in extracting the four-word functional lexical bundles from the learner corpora. Findings reveal the overuse of research-and text-oriented functional types of lexical bundles by the nonnative learners, while native learners have used participant-oriented types of lexical bundles more than non-native learners in academic discourse.

Content, Structure, and Linguistics Realization of Popular Articles in Newspapers

Proceedings of the International Symposium on Social Sciences, Education, and Humanities (ISSEH 2018), 2019

This article is attempted to describe the content, generic structure and linguistic realization of the popular articles on the newspaper, particularly in the perspective of Indonesian newspaper. This is a descriptive research. The data collection is conducted through the documentation, reading and the questionnaire. There were four newspapers on the article taken from Radar Cirebon published on March 2017. The results of the analysis suggest that the (1) the contents tell us about the facts and the arguments of the authors, (2) the aspect of the structure shows the content of the author's arguments, and (3) The linguistics aspects are realized in various linguistics realization which are relevant to the 2013 curriculum. Conclusion and recommendation are also discussed. Keywords-popular article; learning; 2013 curriculum  The second article tells the readers how the "sholatmoslem prayer" shown by the King of Salman Abdul Aziz Al-Saud. The author reminds the moslems to do the right prayer as shown by the King of Saudi Arabia.  The third article explained the process of flood and ways to overcome it, a case in Cirebon, Kuningan, and Majalengka.  And the last article presents the debates of the Cirebon official inauguration on 2 April 1482. B. Generic Structure of the Article Generic structure of the popular articles of newspaper Different from the books or scholarly article, popular articles are constructed in Title^author^introduction^linking paragraph^ body^closing ^author identity

English and Indonesian Newspaper Headlines: A Comparative Study of Lexical Features


This paper aims to investigate the lexical features of newspaper headlines with a case of English and Indonesian online newspaper. Data were collected from the Sydney Morning Herald as the English data and Gorontalo Post as the Indonesia data. The data were analyzed quantitatively to find out and then to describe the lexical features similarities and differences in terms of the word classes, tenses, voice, and categories. It reveals that the English and Indonesian headlines are similar in the use of nouns, active voice and verb omission. The differences are in the use of tense, conjunction, preposition and acronym.

The Choice of Words, Transitivity, and Ideology of the Headlines in the Jakarta Post Reporting Apec in Indonesia 2013

Language Horizon, 2014

This study focuses on the analysis of the headlines newspaper in APEC news event because headlines provide the main important information of the events in the world. The research questions are (1) what the word choice is found in the headlines of The Jakarta Post reporting APEC in Indonesia 2013, (2) what the transitivity is found in the headlines of The Jakarta Post reporting APEC in Indonesia 2013, (3) what ideological in word choice and transitivity found in the headlines of The Jakarta Post reporting APEC in Indonesia 2013. The study is descriptive qualitative. The data was collected The Jakarta Post daily newspaper about APEC news event from September 9, 2013 until October 9, 2013 (31 days). The study found: 1) word choice is found in headlines is written in simple present tense form to show the immediate past happening. The headlines are written by full clause form which consist of minimal a subject and a verb. There is omission in headlines as the aim of the effectiveness hea...