The institutionalization of Brazilian political thought in the social sciences: wanderley guilherme dos santos' research revisited (1963-1978) (original) (raw)
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The Three Achilles' Heels of Brazilian Political Science
Brazilian Political Science Review, 2014
This article intends to analyze the institutionalization of political science in Brazil through the expansion of the graduate system and evaluation process, which promoted research and scientific evaluations of institutions with Master`s and doctoral degree programs by an assessment model based on peer reviews and the rating of scientific production. The focus here is on Political Science in comparison with its neighboring disciplines, Sociology and Anthropology. We attempt to consider the timing of the process of academic institutionalization of Political Science, as well as its consequences for the consolidation of the field nowadays. he origin and formation of the social sciences in Brazil has been the object of deep and rigorous investigations that have brought to light the conditions that marked the work of the founding fathers of social and political thought in Brazil. In this regard, Miceli (1995) emphasises the importance of the creation of academic institutions in São Paulo for the autonomy of the pioneering generations of social scientists, in contrast with the smaller differentiation between social scientists and the political elites of Brazil's other states. Forjaz (1997) highlights the role played in the genesis of Political Science in Brazil by a generation established in Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais. ( * ) http://dx.
Brazilian State and Society Towards a Global Interpretation
symposium on "The Comparative Analysis of the Whole Society, " World Congress of the International Sociological Association, Uppsala, Sweden, August, 1978
Presented is a historical synthesis of the development of the modern Brazilian state since its patrimonial origin. The peculiarity of its patrimonialism is examined against the historical background of Spanish-American patterns of state building. The process of bureaucratization & the institutionalization of a legal-rational pattern of authority during the nineteenth century is examined through the role of the Guarda Nacional, a corporation of freemen & honoratiores in care of administrative tasks. The dynamics of the modern state are interpreted by examining the trends toward increasing centralization & bureaucratic authoritarianism as well as the collective demands for social & political participation. The role of the positivist ideology, well adjusted to the centralized character of the new bureaucratic administration, is examined. Dynamics are also illustrated by examining two approaches to education in the second quarter of this century: the liberal & scientific strategy sponsored by the U system in Sao Paulo vs. the technical & positivist one sponsored by the federal administration. Original, historical sources are interpreted. (Copyright 1978, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.).
Intelectuais, cultura política e ditadura no Brasil (2013)
Resumo Discute-se neste artigo a produção de uma cultura política compartilhada por intelectuais no contexto da ditadura civil-militar, que governou o Brasil entre os anos de 1964 e 1985. Apresenta-se numa primeira parte a relação estabelecida pelos intelectuais com o regime autoritário, principalmente a partir das reflexões realizadas pelo sociólogo Florestan Fernandes durante a ditadura. Numa segunda parte trabalha-se a noção de cultura política conservadora, compartilhada por uma parcela dos intelectuais brasileiros. Palavras-chave: Intelectuais; Cultura Política; Ditadura. Abstract This paper discusses the production of a political culture shared by intellectuals in the context of civil-military dictatorship that ruled Brazil between 1964 and 1985. In the first part it presents the relationship established by intellectuals with the authoritary regime, especially taking into account the considerations made by the sociologist Florestan Fernandes during the dictatorship. In the second part the discussion presents the notion of conservative political culture, shared by a number of Brazilian intellectuals.
Brazilian Political Science Review, 2007
, of the Federal University of Bahia, is a landmark in the welcome, but still incipient, process of decentring of Brazilian political science. I say this because the nine studies compiled promote significant displacements in relation to three of the guiding axes of Brazilian politicology, those being the thematic, the methodological and the spatial axes. With regards to the thematic axis, the book in question, by focusing on government structures, public policies and the role of political elites in several Brazilian states, carries out a significant "correction of course" in relation to the still predominant emphasis on institutions, processes and players of the federal and municipal levels. If, on the one hand, the country's academic researchers have only recently turned their attention to the ongoing processes of de-fragmentation of public administration in Brazil-following through on the perception of the limitations and perversities of the autarchic and predatory municipalism-, which led to more consistent inter-municipal cooperation and to a revaluing of regional planning, on the other, the state sphere remains seriously neglected, even considering the well-known exceptions that seem only to confirm the rule. As for the methodological issue in Brazilian political science, or its "heel", so sharply pointed out by Soares (2005), the book reviewed here promotes a second displacement Carlos Aurélio Pimenta de Faria bpsr (2007) 1 (2) 225 224-230
Routledge Handbook of Brazilian Politics
Brazilian Political Science Review, 2020
The first part of the 'Routledge Handbook of Brazilian Politics', entitled 'The Input Side', is dedicated, as the title suggests, to a societal approach rather than an institutional one with an emphasis on political phenomena and processes. There is a markedly socio-political bent to the book's treatment of the themes of its eight chapters: corruption; political participation; gender and race relations; religion and politics; social movements; innovative democratic decision-making processes; representation of interests. The makeup of book's chapters does not follow what might be considered standard for handbooks, i.e. they do not merely set forth an overview of the specialized literature; they also include critical readings of the work and analyses of extensive current databases.
The current enigma of Brazil (O enigma atual do Brasil)
Revista FIDES, 2019
Originated from some questions of British academics (mainly from the University of Kent) about the Brazilian political reality, it was sought, based on historical and social elements, to analyse the presidential election of 2018. This text, which was presented in November 2018 in a seminar in Canterbury, has, in addition to the introduction and the final considerations, three parts: a brief history of the Brazilian formation, an analysis of the capitalist crisis and the previous governments, and an approach of the political manipulations carried out through social networks. Finally, the fascist leitmotiv of the Bolsonaro´s campaign was also analysed, problematizing its nuances in a dependent and underdeveloped country. (Originado de alguns questionamentos de acadêmicos britânicos (principalmente da Universidade de Kent) sobre a realidade política brasileira, buscou-se, com base em elementos históricos e sociais, analisar as eleições presidenciais de 2018. Este texto, apresentado em novembro de 2018 em um seminário em Canterbury, além da introdução e das considerações finais, possui três partes: uma breve história da formação brasileira, uma análise da crise capitalista e dos governos anteriores e uma abordagem das manipulações políticas realizadas por meio de redes sociais. Por fim, também foi analisado o leitmotiv fascista da campanha de Bolsonaro, problematizando suas nuances em um país dependente e subdesenvolvido.)
II DEDICATÓRIA Aos meus avós José (in memorian), Raul (in memorian), Mafalda (in memorian), e Nair pelas lições políticas, históricas e morais que lograram. E a meus pais, Horácio e Mirian, pela graça da vida. III "O novo é radical quando consegue reinventar a tradição" Professora Célia Quirino, em colóquio ao homenagear o Professor Gildo Brandão (2010). IV AGRADECIMENTOS Diversas são as pessoas e instituições as quais quero agradecer. Muito provável que minha memória me traia na hora de elencá-las, todavia. O interesse pelo tema das reformas administrativas nasceu quando auxiliei o Professor Moisés na criação e implementação do curso de Gestão de Políticas Públicas da Universidade de São Paulo, oportunidade na qual conheci a Professora Evelyn Levy, a quem muito agradeço pelos ensinamentos transmitidos quando a fui assessorar na Sub-secretaria de Gestão e Recursos Humanos da Casa Civil do Governo de São Paulo.
Political values are currently considered as an abstract part of ethics. But given cultures adapt them, in real life, to their specific set of values. The purpose of this paper is to provide basis for analyzing how present Brazilian culture shapes some democratic issues related to the political system, citizenship, rights and duties, and how strongly it seems to be attached to the democratic political system. Some considerations are added in order to show how Brazilian perceive their own collective personality.
By coincidence, 2016 was the fiftieth anniversar y of both the creation of UFMG's Department of Political Science and the launch of the journal Dados, which would become the main channel for disseminating a portion of the most important social science research conducted in the country. The two events prompted a series of commemorations and reviews, the most important being publication of the book A ciência política no Brasil (1960-2015) (Avritzer, Milani & Braga, 2016), edited by the Brazilian Association of Political Science (ABCP), in which diverse authors analyse different aspects of the discipline's evolution in Brazil. 2
Journal of Constitucional History, 2020
This article formulates an intellectual history of the 1988 Brazilian Constitution on the occasion of its 30th anniversary, describing the cleavages that accompanied its birth and the political and ideological disputes that marked its existence. The text describes three moments of the political constitutional imaginary. The first concerns the issue of the nature and boundaries of constituent power and, consequently, of the Constituent Assembly model that would be in charge of bringing the authoritarian cycle (1977-1994) to an end. The second refers to the legal and politological debates that took place after the political regime found its routine, which concerned its governance model, i.e. how the political powers – Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary – should relate to each other (1994-2013). Finally, this study dares to provide an explanation for the current constitutional crisis (2013-2018), starting from the clashing thesis of the two models through which the Constitution had been interpreted: that of coalition presidentialism and the judicialization of politics.