Effect of Sugared and Sugar Free Chewing Gums on Dental Plaque: A Clinical Study (original) (raw)
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Clinical Oral Investigations, 2014
Objective The aim of this study was to compare the effect of two sugar-substituted chewing gums besides toothbrushing on different clinical, microbiological, and biochemical caries-and gingivitis-related variables. Materials and methods The study was designed as a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial with three parallel arms. A total of 130 dental students, who volunteered after signing an informed consent, were randomly allocated to receive one of the following interventions: hexitolsweetened gum containing casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP), pentitol-sweetened gum containing no CPP-ACP, and control group with no gum. Subjects within the experimental groups chewed two gum pellets for 20 min three times a day after meals. The daily consumption level of both polyols was 6.0 g. Clinical examinations and salivary samplings were conducted at baseline and after 30 days of gum use. Pre-and postintervention stimulated whole saliva samples were quantified for calcium/phosphate ionic concentration, total facultative bacterial load, Streptococcus mutans/Lactobacillus spp. counts, and Gram-negative percentage. Results A statistically significant reduction in visible plaque score was displayed in the hexitol/CPP-ACP gum group after the intervention when compared with baseline, but the order of the effect was in the same order as the differences between the groups at baseline. A similar tendency was seen in both the pentitol/non-CPP-ACP gum and control groups regarding total salivary facultative bacterial load and S. mutans count, but median values of these parameters were more significantly reduced in the pentitol/non-CPP-ACP gum group in comparison with those of the control group. Alterations of salivary Lactobacillus spp. were demonstrated only in the pentitol/non-CPP-ACP gum group. Conclusion Although these findings might indicate that a 30-day protocol of daily chewing of pentitol-sweetened gum containing no CPP-ACP might have some a reducing effect on the salivary levels of facultative bacteria, S. mutans and Lactobacillus spp., there was only a marginal, if any, benefit from the chewing gums under study on some microbiological caries-and gingivitis-related variables. Clinical relevance Taking into account that for transferring results into clinically relevant conclusions the findings need to be strong and consistent, adhering to single significant differences appears not appropriate. Hence, the clinical significance of chewing gums as an adjunctive tool for daily oral care remained questionable.
Effectiveness of Chewing Gum and Toothpaste of Xylitol on the Plaque Index in Adolescent Group
Journal of Health and Dental Sciences
Periodontal disease and caries are part of dental and oral health problems. The main cause of periodontal disease and caries is plaque. Dental plaque can be controlled with a combination of chemicals and mechanics treatment. The growth of dental plaque can be inhibited by using chemicals, namely xylitol which can be used in the form of chewing gum or toothpaste. Xylitol is a natural carbohydrate sweetener that cannot be fermented by bacteria in the oral cavity. Xylitol can accumulate Streptococcus mutans intracellularly and make Streptococcus mutans expends energy to break down accumulated xylitol without producing unfavorable energy. This research was conducted as literature study and analyzed the findings obtained. This literature review used six pieces of literature about xylitol chewing gum and two pieces of literature about xylitol toothpaste. Data analysis used Paired Samples T-Test of plaque index. The results showed that there was a statistically significant result (p<0,0...
Plaque growth while chewing sorbitol and xylitol simultaneously with sucrose flavored gum
Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 1979
In a recent study, sorbitol flavored chewing gtim was found neither to increase nor decrease the normal rate of plaque formation, whereas high plaque scores were obtained with sucrose gum during 4 days of no mechanical tooth cleaning. The aim of the present study was to see if chewing sorbitol or xylitol flavored gum together with sucrose gum would affect the growth rate of plaque and whether chewing of xylitol flavored gum could reduce the amount of already formed plaque. Twenty-seven denta! students refrained from mechanical oral hygiene measures from Monday to Friday morning for 3 weeks. The students were randomly divided into three groups. A three time crosscd-over double-blind approach was used. During each test period one group chewed a combination of one piece sorbitol and one piece sucrose flavored gum five times per day, the second group corresponding!y chewed xylitol and sucrose flavored gum, while the third group served as a no hygiene control group. After each test period the students in the control group chewed one piece of xylito! gum every 15 minutes for 2.5 hours. The participants started out each week with clean teeth and were at the end of each test period scored for visible plaque on the facial, mesial and lingnal surfaces of their teeth. There was somewhat more plaque after 4 days of chewing sucrose-sorbitol and sucrose-xylitoi gum combinations than after no oral hygiene alone. There was no difference between the two test treatments. Tlie 2.5-hour chewing of xylitol flavored gum after the no oral hygiene period did not result in a reduction, of the 4-day-old plaque. Recently a controlled crossed-over and 4-day period of no customary oral hygiene double-blind clinical trial was undertaken in measures (Ainamo et al. 1977). In the same order to determine the justification of com-study, chewing af sucrose flavored gum five mercial claims implying that chewing of times daily during an equal 4-day period sorbitol flavoured gum cleans the teeth and resulted in a significantly increased plaque is even sufficiently effective to substitute formation. These results were found to corregular tooth brushing. The results of that roborate the earlier observations by Brattstudy showed that the sorbitol gum did not hall (1973). prevent growth of plaque., nor did it reduce Subsequently, new commercials have the amount of plaque which had colonized claimed that the chewing of xylitol flavored on the teeth of 24 dental students during a gum, even during simultaneous intake of
The Effect of Chewing Sugar Cane on Plaque Formation
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health, Social Sciences and Technology (ICoHSST 2020), 2021
Plaque is a non-calcified deposit that coating the teeth and consist of 70% microbial with the presence of sugar. Plaque coulddevelop into dental caries. Sugar cane has been used for centuries due to its high content of sucrose and nutrition. People nowadays still consuming it raw by chewing. This study aims to determine the differences in plaque formation after chewing sugar cane. This is a quasi-experimental with 30 caries-free respondents as a control and treatment group. Respondent brushed their teeth toset the plaque score that measured with PHP-M index to 0(which called pretest). The respondent then chewed the sugar cane for32 times. Plaque score was examined 5 minutes and 30 minutes after the chewing process is done. The independent t-test was performed to compare the plaque score recorded after chewing sugar canewith the control group plaque score.The results showed that for5 minutes after chewing the sugar cane the average examined plaque score is 15.83 and the control is 17.43. On the examination of 30 minutes after consuming sugar cane, the average plaque score is 19.37 and the control is 21.73. Independent t-test showed that significant differences were found at the pre-test, 5 minutes after chewing sugar cane, 30 minutes after chewing sugar cane, and the control group (p<5).At 5 minutes and 30 minutes after chewingsugar cane, the plaque scoreis lower but no significant differences control group were found (p>0,05). It could be concluded that chewing sugar cane could reduce the build-up of plaque but notstatistically significant.
Chewing gum—facts and fiction: a review of gum-chewing and oral health
Critical reviews in oral biology & medicine, 1999
The world market for chewing gum is estimated to be 560,000 tons per year, representing approximately US $5 billion. Some 374 billion pieces of chewing gum are sold worldwide every year, representing 187 billion hours of gum-chewing if each piece of gum is chewed for 30 minutes. Chewing gum can thus be expected to have an influence on oral health. The labeling of sugar-substituted chewing gum as "safe for teeth" or "tooth-friendly" has been proven beneficial to the informed consumer. Such claims are allowed for products having been shown in vivo not to depress plaque pH below 5.7, neither during nor for 30 minutes after the consumption. However, various chewing gum manufacturers have recently begun to make distinct health promotion claims, suggesting, e.g., reparative action or substitution for mechanical hygiene. The aim of this critical review-covering the effects of the physical properties of chewing gum and those of different ingredients both of conventional and of functional chewing gum is to provide a set of guidelines for the interpretation of such claims and to assist oral health care professionals in counseling patients.
The Effects of Xylitol-containing Chewing Gums on Dental Plaque and Acidogenic Potential
Journal of Dental Research, 1998
The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the chewing of xylitolor xylitol/sorbitol-containing chewing gum reduces plaque formation and the acidogenic potential of dental plaque. Thirty healthy volunteers aged from 19 to 28 yrs were randomly allocated to one of three test groups, chewing either xylitol-, xylitol/sorbitol-, or sucrose-sweetened gums. A three-day plaque accumulation period of no oral hygiene was instituted prior to and at the termination of the chewing gum program, which lasted 33 days. Plaque quantity was assessed on the basis of protein content of individual plaque samples collected by a standardized technique. Acidogenic potential of individual baseline and test plaque samples was assessed by the quantity of various organic acids formed from D-(U-14C)glucose. Identification of extracellular and intracellular metabolites was performed by HPLC. Statistical evaluation of data was performed according to paired comparisons of individual baseline and post-chewing data. Plaque formation, acidogenic potential, and glycolytic profiles were similar at baseline and after the gum-chewing periods. Also, there was no intracellular accumulation of glycolytic metabolites within the plaque bacteria to indicate the inhibition of glycolysis. The study thus leads to the conclusion that, in young adults with low caries experience, exposure of the oral cavity to acceptable doses of xylitol or xylitol and sorbitol has no effect on the microbial deposits on the teeth.
Sugar-free chewing gum and dental caries: a systematic review
Journal of Applied Oral Science, 2007
To appraise existing evidence for a therapeutic / anti-cariogenic effect of sugar-free chewing gum for patients. Method: 9 English and 2 Portuguese databases were searched using English and Portuguese keywords. Relevant articles in English, German, Portuguese and Spanish were included for review. Trials were excluded on lack of randomisation, control group, blinding and baseline data, drop out rate >33%, no statistical adjustment of baseline differences and no assessment of clinically important outcomes. Reviews were excluded on lack of information, article selection criteria, search strategy followed, search keywords, searched databases or lack of study-by-study critique tables. In cases of multiple reports from the same study, the report covering the longest period was included. Two reviewers independently reviewed and assessed the quality of accepted articles. Results: Thirty-nine articles were included for review. Thirty were excluded and 9 accepted. Of the 9 accepted, 2 trials of reasonable and good evidence value did not demonstrate any anti-cariogenic effect of sugar-free chewing gum. However, 7 articles, with 1 of strong, and 6 of good evidence value, demonstrated anti-cariogenic effects of chewing Sorbitol, Xylitol or Sorbitol/Xylitol gum. This effect can be ascribed to saliva stimulation through the chewing process, particularly when gum is used immediately after meals; the lack of sucrose and the inability of bacteria to metabolize polyols into acids. Conclusion: The evidence suggests that sugar-free chewing gum has a caries-reducing effect. Further well-designed randomised trials are needed to confirm these findings.
Caries Research, 2012
Remineralisation has been shown to be an effective mechanism of preventing the progression of enamel caries. The aim of this double-blind, randomised, cross-over in situ study was to compare enamel remineralisation by chewing sugar-free gum with or without casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) where the enamel lesions were exposed to dietary intake and some were covered with gauze to promote plaque formation. Participants wore removable palatal appliances containing 3 recessed enamel half-slabs with subsurface lesions covered with gauze and 3 without gauze. Mineral content was measured by transverse microradiography, and plaque composition was analysed by real-time polymerase chain reaction. For both the gauze-free and gauze-covered lesions, the greatest amount of remineralisation was produced by the CPP-ACP sugar-free gum, followed by the gum without CPP-ACP and then the no-gum control. Recessing the enamel in the appliance allowed plaque accumulation without ...
Comparison of the effect of two sugar substituted chewing copia
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