Comparative Study of Carp Pituitary Gland (PG) Extract and Synthetic Hormone Ovaprim Used in the Induced Breeding of Stinging Catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis (Siluriformes: Heteropneustidae) (original) (raw)

Induced Breeding of the Stinging Catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis: Comparison among Different Inducing Agents Introduction

The present study furnishes the comparison on the performance of different inducing agents in the induced breeding of the stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis. During the study two experiments were conducted in two different hatcheries of Bangladesh. In the experiment 1, pituitary gland extract (PGE) was administered at 6 mg/kg body weight of females and 2 mg/kg body weight of males. In contrast, ovaprim was administered at 0.3 ml/kg and 0.1 ml/kg body weight of females and males, respectively. On the other hand, in case of experiment 2, PGE was administered at the same rate as experiment 1 while ovaprim was administered at 0.5 ml/kg and 0.1 ml/kg body weight of females and males, respectively and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) was injected at 1000 IU/kg body weight of both male and female fishes. Breeding success was found to be higher in ovaprim treated individuals in both the experiments in all aspects including latency period, ovulation rate, fertilization rate, hatching rate and incubation period compared to that of PGE and HCG induced individuals. In the ovaprim induced individuals, the latency period was within 10 hours while in PGE and HCG induced individuals, the latency period was 15 hours. In addition, the present investigation also revealed that, ovaprim is more efficient in terms of ovulation, fertilization and hatching rates when using at a rate of 0.5 ml/kg body weight of female fishes than using at a rate of 0.3 ml/kg body weight of female fishes. Results of the present study would help the hatchery managers in managing the induced breeding programs of H. fossilis and other catfishes.

Induced Breeding of the Stinging Catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis: Comparison among Different Inducing Agents

The present study furnishes the comparison on the performance of different inducing agents in the induced breeding of the stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis. During the study two experiments were conducted in two different hatcheries of Bangladesh. In the experiment 1, pituitary gland extract (PGE) was administered at 6 mg/kg body weight of females and 2 mg/kg body weight of males. In contrast, ovaprim was administered at 0.3 ml/kg and 0.1 ml/kg body weight of females and males, respectively. On the other hand, in case of experiment 2, PGE was administered at the same rate as experiment 1 while ovaprim was administered at 0.5 ml/kg and 0.1 ml/kg body weight of females and males, respectively and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) was injected at 1000 IU/kg body weight of both male and female fishes. Breeding success was found to be higher in ovaprim treated individuals in both the experiments in all aspects including latency period, ovulation rate, fertilization rate, hatching rate and incubation period compared to that of PGE and HCG induced individuals. In the ovaprim induced individuals, the latency period was within 10 hours while in PGE and HCG induced individuals, the latency period was 15 hours. In addition, the present investigation also revealed that, ovaprim is more efficient in terms of ovulation, fertilization and hatching rates when using at a rate of 0.5 ml/kg body weight of female fishes than using at a rate of 0.3 ml/kg body weight of female fishes. Results of the present study would help the hatchery managers in managing the induced breeding programs of H. fossilis and other catfishes.

Effect of Ovaprim Hormone (Syndel Laboratory, Canada) on Spawning of Koi Carp at Fish Hatchery

The present study was conducted to observe the effect of intraperitonial injection of ovaprim hormone (syndel laboratory, Canada) on spawning of koi carp in cemented tanks at Fish Hatchery Chillya Thatta, Pakistan. The experiment was performed during 27 th February 2013 to 25 th March 2013 in which, 12 male & 06 female were selected from the brood ponds, average body weight of female was 536.7±6 g and male 579±8 g respectively, brood fish were injected with single dose 0.2 ml/kg for male and 0.5 ml/kg for female then released into spawning cemented tanks size (3x6x5 ft) with aquatic macrophytes (Hydrilla verticillata) for attachment and development due to adhesive nature of eggs. The ovulation rates, fertilization rate and hatching rate were 100%, 75.2%, and 83.3% respectively. The spawning response was good. Relative fecundity was estimated at 9930 eggs/kg. The result of this study clearly indicate the suitability of ovaprim for inducing breeding of Koi carp.

A comparative study on spawning-induction agents, Ovaprim and Carp Pituitary Extract in the Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio).Proceeding of the 21th Annual Conference of the Egyptian Society for Animal Reproduction and Fertility. Hurghada, Egypt, 7-11 February 2009.

Hormonal treatments were used to stimulate gamete maturation in commercial cyprinid production through the administration of carp pituitary extract (CPE) and Ovaprim. Three experimental groups of female common carps were intra peritoneally injected with one of the following treatments: a single dose (3.0 mg/kg) of CPE; two successive doses of 0.3 mg/kg (as a preliminary dose) and 2.7 mg/kg of CPE; one single dose 0.5 ml Ovaprim. Males of equivalent female numbers were simultaneously induced, although they received one single dose only (2 mg CPE/male) as stimulating dose at the time of the females' first injection. Spawning parameters included latency time, spawning index, fertilization and hatching rates were observed in the experimental groups. Significantly (P<0.05) lower reproductive performance was observed in fish group received one single CPE injection when compared to those received two CPE doses as indicated by the experimental spawning parameters. No differences (P<0.05) in fertilization and hatching rates between Ovaprim and CPE (double dose) treated fish. However, traditional hypophysation technique (double CPE doses) was remarkably efficient than Ovaprim. Furthermore, the results revealed that the hypophysation technique is more economic and productive than that of Ovaprim. CPE is an important management/production tool in the propagation of cyprinid as well as many commercial aquaculture species. Ovaprim is recommended as spawning inducer that may help in minimizing fish stress due to necessary Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. Twenty First Annual Congr. Cairo / Hurgada, February 7 -11, 2009 172 handling and in reducing the total time required for artificial induction of spawning.

Egg biopsy and spawning performance of Catfish (Burchell, 1822) using ovaprim and Chicken Pituitary Hormone.

International Journal of Agriculture and Biosciences, 2022

Study on egg biopsy and spawning performance of cat fish (Clarias gariepinus) induced with Ovaprim and Chicken Pituitary Hormone (CPH) was carried out to determine the effect of Ovaprim and CPH on fish egg (Oocyte) migration and the resultant effect on fertilization and hatchability percentages. Sixteen C. gariepinus brood stocks (sex ratio 2:1) between 1.1kg and 2.3kg in weight and four layers birds (Gallus gallus domesticus) between 1.2kg and 2.2kg in weight were used for the experiment. Extraction of CPH from layers birds was carried out to induce brood stock fishes. Treatment 1 was used for Ovaprim and replicated thrice whilst Treatment 2 was used for CPH and also replicated thrice. An indoor slow flow-through system vat measuring 2 ft x 6 ft x 1 ft each was used for the incubation. Water test kits and Table top scale were used to monitor essential physicochemical parameters and measurement of the fish brood stock and Chicken layers weights individually. The mean values of egg biopsy, fertilization and hatchability percentages in Ovaprim and CPH treatments was not significantly different at 5% level of probability. Also, there was no significant difference at 5% level of probability in the physiochemical parameters. This study showed that both Ovaprim and CPH induced egg ripening and migration of egg nucleus to the micropyle for effective fertilization and spawning in African catfish therefore, CPH could be recommended on the basis of spawning effectiveness and availability of the pituitary from the chicken slaughter/processing house with little or no cost.


The study examined the effect of synthetic hormone (Ovulin), piscine hormone (Clarias gariepinus), pituitary extract and non-piscine; frog (Haplobutrachus occipitalis) pituitary extracts. The study was carried out in the Department of Marine Sciences, University of Lagos, Lagos state Nigeria. The broodstocks (Clarias gariepinus) were purchased from a private fish farm at Bariga in Lagos state and were transported in plastic can containing water. The temperature of the water was reducing by addition of ice block which helped to minimize stress on the fish. Hatchery raised 12 months gravid broodstocks were selected. All broodstocks were selected by external morphological characteristics. Female fish were selected on the basis of ovarian biopsy. The study lasted 65 days. Twelve gravid female and twelve mature male of C. gariepinus with body weight range of 500g to 1100g were used. The spawn weight was determined by estimating the mean weight of eggs used to achieve percent (%) fertilization. The ovulation rate was estimated from the weight of eggs released as a percentage of the total weight of the ovary. The percent fertilization was estimated from the surviving embryos 10 hours after fertilization. The percent (%) hatching was the number of hatched fry relative to the fertilized eggs, while the percent (%) survival was the number of surviving fry after 14 days of feeding with mixed artemia and artificial diets. The result showed that ovulin performed significantly better (p< 0.05) in all the parameters investigated. The randomized analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for the parameters investigated in the three hormonal materials shows percentage fertilization of 67.00±3.61%, 60.70±4.49% and 56.25±5.44%, percentage hatchability of 90.61±6.43%, 60.70±4.50%, and 56.26±5.46% and 69.33±5.13%, 61.67±10.41% and47.67±2.52% of survival rate were recorded for ovulin, fish pituitary and frog pituitary, respectively. Comparative cost benefit analysis shows that ovulin, which recorded better results was higher in terms of cost effectiveness compare to fish pituitary and especially that of frog which is both cheaper and available in our environment. Although for ease of handling and better result in terms of hatchability, fertilization and survival rate ovulin is highly recommended to hatchery users.

Controlled Breeding of Asian Catfish Clarias batrachus using Pituitary Gland Extracts and Ovaprim at different Temperatures, Latency Periods and their Early Development

Present study was conducted on induced breeding of commercially important Clarias batrachus due to the non-availability of its quality seeds from the natural resources for environmental degradation, shrinkage of natural breeding ground and illegal killing of juveniles and brood fishes. The aim of the study was to achieve success in fertilization and hatching using various doses of different inducing agents at different temperatures and latency periods followed by stripping method. In this study the developmental stages of fish (fertilized egg to 45th day old fish) were characterized chronologically. A trial was also made to optimize the survival rate of young developing fish upto 45th day by manipulating their feeding schedule and environmental conditions. The breeding experiments were done with pituitary gland extracts (40 and 120 mg/kg. body weight for female and 25 and 50 mg/kg. body weight for male) and Ovaprim (0.8 and 2.0 ml/kg body weight for female and 0.4 and 1.0 ml/kg body weight for male) at 26º, 28º and 30ºC. The highest rates of fertilization (80%) and hatching (71%) of eggs were recorded in Clarias batrachus injected with carp pituitary gland extracts @ 50 mg/kg body weight of male and 120 mg/kg body weight of female at 28ºC with a latency period of 15 hours. The fertilization and hatching rates were 77% and 65% respectively at 28°C at the higher doses of Ovaprim. The highest survival rate (82.5%) of developing fish was achieved supplying zooplankton as live feed upto 12th day followed by alternate supply of zooplankton, boiled egg with vitamin C and chopped tubifex from 13th to 45th day of rearing in indoor polyvinyl chloride tray with minimum fluctuation in temperature and dissolved oxygen.

Induced spawning, fecundity, fertilization rate and hatching rate of Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) by using a single intramuscular injection of ovaprim–C at a fish hatchery Faisalabad, Pakistan

In the present study, intramuscular injection of ovaprim-C was studied on the number of eggs/kg, fertilization rate and hatching percentage during April to June 2008 at Fish Seed Hatchery, Satyana Road, Faisalabad, Pakistan on Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Fishes were spawned successfully following a single dose of injection of ovaprim-C (luteinizing hormone releasing hormone analogue) with 0.6 ml/kg for female and 0.2 ml/kg for male. Ova and milt were stripped simultaneously and mixture was stirred for 15 to 30 s during which fertilization occurred. Hatching occurred within 18 to 22 h after fertilization. Experiment was conducted in circular spawning tank with 2 m diameter. Regression analysis was applied to assess the body weight dependence of absolute fecundity (total ripe eggs in the ovary) and relative fecundity (number of eggs/kg). It was observed that body weight has positive influence on absolute fecundity (r = 0.926). Equations were developed to describe these relationships. If it is impossible to determine the absolute and relative fecundity, then these parameters can be determined from the body weight. The equations of these parameters are highly significant (P < 0.001) and can be used to estimate the absolute and relative fecundity with a fair amount of accuracy.

Induced spawning of seurukan fish, Osteochilus vittatus (Pisces: Cyprinidae) using ovaprim, oxytocin and chicken pituitary gland extracts

The objective of the present study was to examine the effectiveness of ovaprim, oxytocin and chicken-pituitary-gland extracts on induced spawning of seurukan fish (Osteochilus vittatus). The non factorial completely random design was utilized in this study. The only female broodfishes were administered with tested hormones at recommended doses, while the males were not. The ovulated eggs were mixed with diluted sperm at ratio of 1:4 (sperm:eggs), then about 100 eggs were taken randomly and incubated in a plastic basin at three replications. The study showed that the fishes administered with ovaprim gave 424 minutes (7 hours) of latency period with 93.33% of fertilization, 82.33% hatching and 80.66% survival rates. Inducing with chicken pituitary gland extracts gave 776 minutes (13 hours) of latency period with 82.33% of fertilization, 66.66% of hatching and 45.66% of survival rates; no hatching and survival rates observed for the oxytocin treatment. These data show that ovaprim and chicken pituitary gland extracts were successfully induced for spawning of seurukan fish and ovaprim gave the better effect.

Effects of Different Catfish Pituitary Gland Extract Dosages on Eggs and Hatchlings Quantity of African Catfish, Clarias gariepinus at a Constant Latency Period

An experiment w as conducted to assess the effects of different dosages of catfish pituitary glands extract (CPGE) on eggs and hatchlings quantity of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus at a constant latency period. In this experiment, four dosages (2 mg/kg, 3 mg/kg, 4 mg/kg and 5 mg/kg of female) w ere used. Each dosage extracted from a male (300 g to 305 g) w as injected to individual female (350 g to 355 g) at three replications and a total of 12 females were injected. The females w ere striped after 17 hour at 26°C to 28°C, eggs w ere counted and incubated. After for 24 hours of incubation at 26°C to 28°C, all hatchlings w ere counted and recorded. The results indicated that there were significant differences (P<0.05) among the dosages on eggs and hatchlings quantity. Egg w eight, egg number and percentage egg w eight w ere significantly (P<0.05) higher in dosage three (4 mg/kg) compared to other treatments. Total hatchlings and percentage hatchlings produced from striped females w ere significantly (P<0.05) higher compared to other dosages. In conclusion, the experiment indicated that higher eggs and hatchlings quantity at a constant latency period are attained with 4 mg/kg of female. Therefore, it is recommended that for better induction of ovulation in African catfish, 4 mg/kg of female pituitary gland extract should be used as suggested by this study.