From a survey of perception in schools, during my career in teaching, and considering, on the one hand, the diversity of the Brazilian people, and, on the other hand, the ontoepistemic and cultural background of Brazilians who graduated from the public school system, the heirs of cultures and socio-linguistic practices of narrative and oral basis, I believe that there may be a mismatch - a textual, cross-cultural semiotic struggle - between hegemonic expectations and understandings and the concrete Brazilian sociolinguistic reality on certain themes and on argumentative strategies. Based on this assumption, it is important to understand how coloniality is present in the Brazilian educational model, in the same way, it is necessary to reflect on the binary notion of school knowledge, postulated mainly in obsolete educational practices and selective exams on a large scale, which in this case, Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem). In this way, this thesis project problematizes the essay test model of the Enem, which proposes a single criterion to assess specific knowledge, skills and abilities, at the national level. We consider that the exclusion of other selection strategies in the Enem essay test also excludes other knowledge, promoting the maintenance of the colonial wound, thus the hierarchy of valid / invalid knowledge. The general objective, therefore, is to elucidate how the Enem promotes the maintenance of a Eurocentric educational model and at odds with different Brazilian realities, establishing a coloniality of teaching through the graphologocentric conception. To this end, an analysis will be made of the enunciative-discursive relationship of the writing themes of the years 2012 and 2015 - whose themes were “Immigration movement to Brazil in the 21st century” and “The persistence of violence against women in society Brazilian”, respectively - with the proposed guidelines for textual writing. Thematic proposals promote a social and critical perception of the Brazilian reality while standardizing this discussion within a reference matrix in the textual proposal. The theoretical framework that underlies the present study, that been so, is theories on literacy, in an intercultural perspective, under a decolonial option. We argue that intercultural literacy proposals contribute to destabilize the binary notion of school knowledge, postulated by large-scale selective exams, such as Enem, among others. A review of literacy studies in Brazil (KATO [1985] 2009; SOARES, 2001; 2009; 2017; KLEIMAN; [1995] 2008; MORTATTI (2004); ROJO, 2006; 2009) shows that linguistic and educational ideologies , which support the pedagogy of teaching reading and writing, in literacy, also permeate the theories and practices of school literacy that, in turn, are established in the public educational policies that govern the Enem essay writing model. In this study, we assume that Paulo Freire (1975; 1979; 1984; 1996; 1999; 2011; 2016), in the proposals for understanding the subject as being active in his learning process, is the precursor to the concept of literacy in Latin America, although he did not use this term. Kleiman (2008) also contributed with reflections on the importance of social reading and writing practices, with studies and translations on the first texts about literacy that arrived in Brazil. We also adopted Street’s critical literacy proposal (1984; 2014), which, from a social approach, argues that not only cultural but also ideological issues are present in the various spheres of society and influence the subjects inserted in it. Finally, Mignolo (2003; 2007; 2010; 2015; 2017; 2020) and Quijano (1992; 2010), build the dialogue between literacy and reflections on the colonial concept, still rooted in the “knowledge selection” exams. The reading and interpretation of the texts will follow the Paradigm clues, as proposed in Myths, Emblems and Clues, by Carlo Ginzburg (2016), and the methodology of decolonial intercultural translation / interpretation.