Only customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is not enough: A study of Pakistan's telecom sector (original) (raw)

An Empirical Study of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Evidence of Telecom Sector in Pakistan

Journal of Business & Tourism, 2021

This research explores key determinants of customer loyalty in a research setting where customer loyalty is a dependent variable and service quality switching costs and switching cost and trust are all independent variables. The research uses a variety of statistical techniques, including reliability factor and regression analysis. As the country is moving fast towards digital financial inclusion. The telecommunication sector in Pakistan has also been impressively keeping up with paced. With the growing fame of digital telecommunications, the evaluation of customer loyalty and satisfaction has become essential for mobile network operators as well as for researchers at the same moment. To define, the variables influencing client satisfaction and loyalty, a comprehensive literature study was conducted. A conceptual research model was created based on a literature review to identify the link between service quality and customer satisfaction, in addition to price switching, customer loy...

Customer Loyalty in Telecom Sector of Pakistan

Journal of Sociological Research, 2014

This study examines major influences on customer loyalty in a research framework where customer loyalty is the dependent variable and customer satisfaction, perceived price, service quality and trust are all independent variables. The research also tests the hypothesis that there exists a moderating relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. The study employs various statistical techniques, including reliability, factor and regression analysis. The epistemology of research was primarily qualitative and involved 170 citizens of Pakistan through a questionnaire led survey and factor analysis was further applied to confirm the results. This study acknowledges service quality positively affecting customer satisfaction with perceived price acting as a moderating variable. In addition to that service quality also has a significant positive influence on trust. Customer satisfaction is a strong variable effecting customer loyalty and trust positively. Therefore it could be postulated that customers with high rated perception of service quality and satisfaction also generally exhibit repurchase intent and strong loyalty towards the products. Furthermore, the study also adds up that the moderating variables positively influence the relationship. Increase in the customer"s perception on the reasonableness of price also tends to increase the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction. 464 customer loyalty in telecommunication sector of Pakistan in Bahawalpur. Diverse environment always plays a positive role that helps affect the respondent"s behavior. Since this study was conducted in Islamia university of Bahawalpur and different area of Bahawalpur Pakistan, it could not represent other people living in urban or rural areas where the quality of life is totally different. Finally, it is recommended for the future researchers that they explore perceived price and its moderating influence on the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction.

The Role of Customer Trust, Service Quality and Value Dimensions in Determining Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Empirical Study of Mobile Telecommunication Industry in Pakistan


Purpose-The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the factors which infl uence customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in telecommunication services. Customer satisfaction and loyalty are considered to be major components ensuring eff ectiveness and growth in the services industry. Design/Methodology/Approach-The data of 406 respondents was gathered via an adapted questionnaire. The statistical techniques of reliability analysis, explor-Sažetak Svrha-Primarna je svrha ovoga istraživanja ispitati i istražiti čimbenike koji utječu na zadovoljstvo i lojalnost potrošača telekomunikacijskim uslugama jer se oni smatraju glavnim komponentama za osiguranje učinkovitosti i rasta u industriji usluga. Metodološki pristup-Prikupljeni su podatci od 406 ispitanika putem prilagođenog upitnika. Statističke tehnike: analiza pouzdanosti, eksploratorna faktorska analiza (EFA), konfirmatorna faktorska ana

Customer Loyalty a Key to Success: A Case Study in Telecom Sector of Pakistan

Jinnah Business Review, 2021

This paper identified the role of the independent variable like service quality, taking perceived value, word of mouth and customer satisfaction (mediation/ intervening variables) in creating customer loyalty (dependent variable) among the telecom user (mobile phone users). The empirical portion have extensive literature regarding the mentioned variables and shown their impact towards the customer loyalty. The telecom industry has been facing cut throat competition due to the market saturation, decrease in ARPU (average revenue per user), and shift to internet based (cheaper sources) communication tools, unexpected mergers, higher cost and decreasing the margin. Thus, telecom companies have been thinking about devising the best possible suitable strategies for creating the customer to maintain their survival and growth. The simple random techniques are used for sample selection and self-administration questionnaire is the tool for collecting data. A sample of 300 universities studen...

How Customer Loyalty Model be Operative? A Study of Cellular Phone Service Providers in Pakistan

The idea of this study is raised because of tough competition in cell phone industry of Pakistan. In this scenario, every organization after retaining customer tries to make him/her loyal. The loyalty, which has rigorously investigated, empirically tested with different combination of variables, which collectively help in making the customer loyal. Data were collected through 508 questionnaires. Respondents were pre-paid cell phone customers. Data was analyzed via factor loading and reliability of variables. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique was used for the testing of hypotheses. Loyalty model was found significantly responsive for cellular phone services in Pakistan. Perceived service quality, satisfaction, trust and image have chained link of positive affects, which leads to loyalty of customers in the telecom sector of Pakistan. Customers do not take effect of perceived service quality. However, it is service quality, which satisfies customer through image of the organization. This loyalty model is more preferably applicable in the industry where competition is tough and switching rate is high. In future researches, this model can be tested across the culture. Moreover, more variables can be added to strengthen the loyalty model. serivce providers to retain their customers for long time and make them premium customers being loyal customers. The study found loyalty model significantly valid to be used in Pakistan.

Customer Loyalty Framework of Telecommunication Service Market

International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains, 2015

This study investigates the relationship among customer satisfaction, customer trust, switching cost, and customer loyalty in mobile telecommunication service market of Pakistan. Built on the review of pertinent literature a research framework is developed based on the mediation of customer trust and moderation of switching cost on the relationship of customer satisfaction with customer loyalty. The data were collected from 515 customers in mobile telecommunication service market of Pakistan through convenience sampling. Correlation matrix and ordinary least squares regression analyses are used to determine the relationship among the variables. The findings confirm the framework that customer trust partially mediates the relationship of customer satisfaction with customer loyalty. Switching cost has no moderating effect in determining the relationship of customer satisfaction with customer trust and customer loyalty in mobile telecommunication service market of Pakistan. This study addresses the importance of customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, customer trust, and switching cost for the mobile telecommunication service firms. The findings suggest that the firms should enhance customer satisfaction in order to gain customer trust and customer loyalty. The significant relationships between the variables suggest that the research framework is applicable to the firms of mobile telecommunication service market of Pakistan. Further, this is probably among the first studies which look at mobile telecommunication service market of Pakistan in context of customer satisfaction, customer trust, customer loyalty, and switching cost. The most obvious finding to emerge from this study is that customer satisfaction and customer trust are the key determinants in predicting customer loyalty.

An empirical analysis of customer loyalty in Pakistan's telecommunication industry

Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management, 2011

She enjoys 5 years of professional association with the Central Bank, State Bank of Pakistan, followed by 7 years of teaching experience at leading public sector universities. Her research interests are job stress, psychological contracts and social exchange. She can be contacted at telephone number: (051) 9270050, ext (144).

Necessity of Customer Loyalty Formation and Its Peculiarities in the Telecommunication Services

Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference

Everyday life is unimaginable without telecommunication services; they are the significant players in the national economy. All business activities, including the ones of telecommunication services, are directed towards the satisfaction of customers’ needs and wants, and hence towards the profit earning. This process, in its turn, entails the formation of different company/customer relations, where both parties want to gain something out of these relations. The company strives, first of all, to increase the turnover and profit, while the customer wants to receive the desired services, information and the proper attitude. These customer gains can be basis of the loyalty formation, that is very important for the company, because the process of attracting new consumers always involves spending money, time and energy. The goal of this work is to explore the loyalty formation process and its peculiarities in the telecommunication services. Based on the results of the study, it was found ...

What Makes Customers Brand Loyal: A Study on Telecommunication Sector of Pakistan

Recent studies focused on loyalty concept in services sector. Brand loyalty is receiving great deal of attention in telecommunication sector. So there is a need of introducing comprehensive brand loyalty model. This study attempts to provide a broad view of brand loyalty by proposing a model and testing its potential antecedents. The antecedents included in the research are service quality, satisfaction, trust and commitment.A pilot and main study was conducted to test the hypotheses. A sample of 475 customers of cellular network providers was selected. The results depict that in mobile phone network market, service quality is considered as most important factor of brand loyalty. An indirect positive relationship of service quality and satisfaction to brand loyalty has also been affirmed. As customer retention is critical for strategists in dynamic world of telecommunication sector. So it is important for operators to devise well-structured customer loyalty programs for protecting the customers' base line.

Factors determining the Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty: A Study of Mobile Telecommunication Industry in Bangladesh


With the ever increasing popularity of mobile telecommunication, the evaluations of antecedents of customer satisfaction and loyalty have become very important for Mobile Telecom Operators (MTOs) and at the same time for researchers also. A thorough literature survey was carried out in order to identify the factors that influence customer satisfaction & loyalty. Based on literature review, a conceptual research model was developed for identifying the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction as well as service quality, switching cost, and trust with customer loyalty. The study has collected the perceptions of 300 pre-paid mobile subscribers from three operators (Grameen Phone, Bangla-link, and Aktel) through self administered survey questionnaire. The result shows thats a significant linear relationship exists between service quality and customer satisfaction. The result also shows that service quality, switching cost, and trust are significant predictors of cus...