Indonesian EFL Nursing Students’ Learning Process: Obstacles Expectations (original) (raw)

Developing English Material for Nursing Students


This research aims to develop the learning material based on the KKNI curriculum and need analysis. This research belongs to research and develoment (RND). The population and sample in this research were the sixth semester nursing students of STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus. This research concluded that 1) the learning material must be created based on KKNI curriculum and need analysis to prepare the students in the work field, 2) the material needs to increase not only English skill but also nursing skill, 3) the use of learning material that has been developed in the experimental group shows significant different from the control group.

Nursing Students’ Perception to the Necessity of English for Specific Purposes (Esp) Course

Jurnal Perspektif Pendidikan, 2021

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has been learned and become required course for nursing students. The students’ necessity of English is essential for those learners who would like to reach the best achievement and get ready for use in the job area. The objective of this research was to determine nursing students’ perception in regard with the necessity for ESP materials at Politeknik Kesehatan Palembang Nursing Study Prorgam Lubuklinggau. The research method was conducted in quantitative survey. The participants of the research were 34 students. The data used of this research were questionnaire items and students’ responses. The data were analyzed by using SPSS version 20.0. The results of the research showed that there are 8 assignments necessity in listening skills, 11 assignments necessity in speaking skills, 7 assignments necessity in writing skills, and 6 assignments necessity in reading skills. The finding of research can be concluded that both listening and speaking skill...

The portrait of teaching English for nursing in nursing academy: a case study of English teacher at Aisyiyah Nursing Academy Bandung


Teaching English is not so easy. Real success in English teaching and learning is when the learners can actually communicate in English inside and outside the classroom. Therefore, the important thing for all language teachers is to know several methodologies that can be used in teaching learning language. In line with that statement, the researcher was eager to know the process of teaching English for nursing in nursing academy. The researcher also tried to find out the difficulties faced by the teachers of English and their efforts to overcome the difficulties. The research used qualitative method to observe the current problem by determining, describing, and observing teaching learning English and its difficulties faced by teachers. The techniques of collecting data are observation, interview, and questionnaire. Operationally, the research was conducted at Aisyiyah Nursing Academy Bandung. The research showed some results in process of teaching English at Aisyiyah Nursing Academy...

Developing English Learning Materials for Nursing Students of Borneo University


This study aimed to develop appropriate English learning materials for nursing students of Borneo University of Tarakan in learning English. This study was a Research and Development (R & D) study. The steps of the study were conducting needs analysis, writing the course grid, developing the materials, getting validation and revising the materials, trying out the materials, evaluating the materials, and writing the final draft of the materials. In this study, the data were collected by using needs analysis questionnaire, materials evaluation questionnaire and an interview guideline. Four units were developed in this study. Each unit consisted of 12 until 15 tasks that were organized into Lead-in, Lesson Proper, Homework, Evaluation, Reflection and Word Bank. The data analysis showed that the developed materials were appropriate. The range of the mean value was 3.12 to 3.64. Referring to the quantitative data conversion, the range was in the good category. The data also suggested tha...

Voices of Nursing Students in English Material Development Oriented to Learners’ Characteristics

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2018)

This study aims at investigating the needs of nursing students of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University in learning English that was conducted as the beginning stage of developing supplementary English materials adjusted to the learners' characteristics due to the high demand of professional nurses. This study is a descriptive quantitative research which used questionnaires as the instruments to gather data. The questionnaire was administered to 23 nursing students in order to reveal students' needs of English learning. The results of the data analysis show that nursing students need English materials covering listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Meanwhile, in regard to the career purposes, students need to shape their communicative skills adjusted to their field of study, such as recognizing the medical instructions (81%), producing spoken discourse appropriately in conversation with the patients related to patients' health condition (56,76%), inferring the information from patients' medical reports (70,27%), and producing acceptable medical reports (86,49%). In terms of learning needs, students preferred to work in pairs (37,8%) and chose discussion as the most preferred activity (83,7%). For the topic of the learning materials, the highest preferred topic is medical treatment and patient care (51%) followed by health problems, nurses' duties, nutritious food, and nurses' duties.

A Need Analysis of English For Specific Purposes (ESP) For Nursing Students At SMKS Kesehatan Kendari

Journal of English Education and Teaching, 2019

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has been discussed for a long time around the world in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT). Teaching English based on students' needs is important particularly for those learners who learn English beyond the academic purposes such as vocational high school students. The objective of this study was to find out nursing students' perceptions to their needs for ESP materials at SMKS Kesehatan Kendari. This study employed quantitative survey method. There were 22 students participated in the study. The data were collected from students' responses to the questionnaire items. The data gained from students responses toward the questionnaire items were analysed by using descriptive statistical analysis in the form of percentages by employing SPSS version 20.0. The results showed that there are 5 tasks needed for speaking skills, 4 tasks for listening skills, 3 tasks for reading skills and 2 tasks for writing skills. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that speaking and listening skills are the most needed skills by nursing students in order to communicate in English.


Learning English for Undergraduate Students Majoring Nursing become challange, because it is only taught for one semester. Most of the students study the subject not to master the language, but only to pass the exam. The researcher interviewed some students, they mention four factors that affect success in learning English This research was undertaken to know the correlation between teachers' role, material given, media used and students' role with students' achievement to analyze the most factor that affect the success of learning English. The method used in this research was analytic quantitative. The sample was 158 students, Spearman Correlation Test was used for bivariate analysis and Logistic Regression Test was used for multivariate analysis. The result of correlation shows that there are no significant correlation between teachers' role, material given and media used. Only students' role has significant correlation to the students' achievement, even students' role become the most factor that affect success in learning English. From the result, there are some suggestion for English teacher to do need analysis to ensure the success in learning English, for the students of English to encourage them to learn more.

English competence needed by nursing department students


The research aimed at finding out the English competence needed by nursing department students during the course of their studies as well as in preparing themselves for their future work as nurses at the international level. The competence needed by the students and nurses-to-be was then used as the basis for designing the English syllabus to be proposed to and adopted by the Health Science Faculty (Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan or FIK) of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto. This research took place at the Health Science Faculty at Nursing Department Program at Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto. The research was descriptive qualitative in nature. This study used interviews and observations to collect the data to answer the research questions. The source of data was sixteen nursing students, one lecturer and the dean. The results of the data analysis indicated that there were ten main competencies to acquire by nursing students to function properly in the nursing profession. The competencies included giving explanation of the escort of basic treatment, giving the health counseling, giving the explanation of the escort of pathology and its treatment, translating the data collection, medical record and report data, executing the basic treatment, using communication skills in a healthcare, approaching to the patient, listening, questioning and diagnosing, giving explanation and advice, and communicating in term of involving patient in management. The ten basic competencies were then used as the bases in designing the syllabus for the Nursing Department students. The type of syllabus chosen was competence-based one. The syllabus stated the competency standards, basic competencies along with their indicators, list of teaching materials, suggested learning experience, time allotment, list of resources and media, and assessment.

Developing Supplementary English Materials for Nursing Students of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University in reference to Common European Framework


This study aimed to develop supplementary English materials for nursing students based on Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). The developed materials were intended to nursing students in order to enhance their academic and future career skills. The use of CEFR was preferred to provide suitable materials for nursing students as it gave clear descriptions on the language skills students had to master based on their levels of proficiency. This study was Research and Development which used questionnaires and a classroom observation sheet as the instruments to gather data. The data from the questionnaire were analyzed quantitatively, while the data gathered from the classroom observation were examined qualitatively. The subjects of this study were 37 nursing students of fourth semester of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University. The findings show that most of the students were categorized into A2 and B1 levels. Regarding students’ needs, nursing students’ target needs in learning E...

Status Quo Aspects of EFL NursingStudents' Communication in English at MoH Technical Nursing Institute

English is used in communication worldwide by EFL students and their EFL instructors during science learning and teaching. EFL nursing students and instructors are not supposed to be different from the international setting. However, it was observed that this was not the case for both instructors and students enrolled in the two-grade Ismailia Technical Health Institute and the mother tongue, Arabic, not English, was used considerably. The aim of this study was to unveil the aspects of the problem, including time when Arabic was used, causes of the problem, exact percentages of English and Arabic used in communication, existing barriers to communication in English, and recommendations for intervention. The study involved two-year two majors, namely Medical Laboratories and General Nursing, covering the communication languages used in all subject areas. The study adopted a qualitative approach conducting two separate semi-structured interviews with the same set of questions for both students and their instructors. The findings indicated that the majority of instructors of the two-year two majors used Arabic because they quite mistakably assumed their students had a low proficiency level of English. The findings also revealed that the percentage of English used in communication was remarkably low (10% to 30%)). Recommendations offered by both students and instructors included adding a course for oral communication, and students saw that the time for the English subject be increased. They further suggested instructors should allow students time to express their views and engage them in discussions, debates, interactions, and motivate them to use the language. The students finally see that instructors should have better pronunciation and sentence structures and persistence to use the language. The study adopted the recommendations of both students and instructors and added to them.