Modeling and validation of the parameters of a quad cable for common mode DSL applications (original) (raw)

Modeling and validation of the parameters of a quad cable for DSL applications

New digital subscriber line (DSL) technologies are developing in order to meet the ever increasing bandwidth demand of the users. One very promising approach injects 'common mode' signals that superimpose a signal on two regular differential pairs. This technique requires new reliable models for the telephony cables. In this paper, we present models that are based on the Multiconductor Transmission Lines theory. To apply this theory, good approximations for the different physical parameters are indispensable. In this paper, the parameters are modeled and validated with measurements. The measurements are also verified with High Frequency Structure Simulations.

Modeling the Series Impedance of a Quad Cable for Common-Mode DSL Applications

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2000

New digital subscriber line (DSL) technologies are being developed to meet the ever-increasing bandwidth demand of the user. One very promising approach injects "common-mode" signals that superimpose a signal on two regular differential pairs. This technique requires new reliable multiconductor models for the telephony cables. Therefore, good approximations of the series impedance of the line are indispensable. In this paper, a model for this series impedance is theoretically derived and validated with measurements.

Characterization of Twisted Pair Telephone Cable for Broadband Telecommunication Services

Characterization of the existing telephone subscriber loops infrastructure used by the modern broadband telecommmunication services such as xDSL has been presented in the paper. As loop transmission medium quality is one of key requirements for performance capabilities of these services, a method for modelling and simulation of subscriber loops infrastructure in the frequency domain is described. This method is based on ABCD transmission parameters matrix and the appropriate twisted pair cable model representation to account for frequency dependence of its primary per-unit length parameters. It is used to obtain some important subscriber loop characteristics over the service operating frequency band and to analyse quality of cable transmission from the aspect of Heaviside criterion fulfillment.

Cable measurements supporting future DSL technologies

Cable Measurements Supporting Future DSL Technologies. The ongoing developments in the field of high-speed data transmission over twisted-pair cables (DSL -Digital Subscriber Line) result in methods that can exploit the transmission media with increased efficiency. MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) transmis-sion, i.e., the coordinated use of many pairs within a bundle, is such an emerging DSL technology. A further goal is to maintain a certain transmission quality in the presence of non-DSL noise. For example, cancellation techniques to combat narrowband radio interference, which is generated by radio amateur transmitters and may be picked up by the wire close to the subscriber or by the in-house wiring, become important. The efficiency of these techniques strongly depends on cable properties that have not been the focus of cable measurements so far. This paper gives an overview of special cable measurements and shows their impor-tance for future DSL technologies. Kabelmessungen...

Verification of Multipair Copper-Cable Model by Measurements

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2000

Analysis, assessment, and design of advanced wireline transmission schemes over multipair copper cables require accurate knowledge of the channel properties. This paper investigates modeling of multiconductor cables based on interpair impedance measurements. A unified approach to the application of the "Cioffi" model is introduced. The direct measurement approach of the underlying interpair impedances yields a good match with the alternative approach suggested in the recent study of Cioffi et al. Crosstalk coupling functions derived from the model exhibit a good match with the corresponding direct measurements in the case in which the modeled length is close to the length of the interpair impedance measurements. However, the prediction power of this model with respect to termination impedance is limited.

Cable measurements supporting xDSL technologies

e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 2002

The ongoing developments in the field of high-speed data transmission over twisted-pair cables (DSL -Digital S u b s c r i b e r Line) leads to methods that can exploit the transmission media with increased efficiency, MIMO ( M u l t i p l e -l n p u t Multiple-Output) t r a n s m i s s i o n , i.e., the coordinated use of many pairs w i t h i n a bundle, is such an emerging DSL technology, A further goal is to maintain a certain transmission quality in the presence of non-DSL noise. For example, cancellation techniques to combat narrowband radio interference, which is generated by radio amateur transmitters and may be picked up by the wire close to the subscriber of by the in-house wiring, become important, The efficiency of t h e s e techniques strongly depends on cable properties that have not been the focus of cable measurements so far. This paper g i v e s an o v e r v i e w of special cable measurements and shows t h e i r importance for future DSL technologies, Keywords: DSL (Digital S u b s c r i b e r Line); cable measurements; MIMO (Multiple-lnput Multiple-Output); RFI (Radio Frequency Interference)

Cable parameters identification for DSL systems

2011 IEEE EUROCON - International Conference on Computer as a Tool, 2011

A method to identify some physical parameters of twisted-pair cables is presented in this paper. The parameters identification process is carried out from input impedance measurements, applying analytical approach and mean squared estimation. The obtained results indicate the accuracy and applicability of the proposed method.

A MTL transmission matrix method for transmission-lines with differential setup

2009 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC), 2009

A transmission matrix approach extended to a multiconductor model is employed to analyze crosstalk interference over telephone lines. Simulations and analysis concerning a standard telephone loop topology are carried out to validate the proposed technique.