Haudi Kebijakan Publik (original) (raw)


Towards ethical bureaucracy Public administrations have comparisons with other professions to slow in recognizing unethical practices themselves. No reason was less to do with willpower among public administrators to permit you and forgive unethical practices in their field and more common assumption held by the public (including public administrators) about what the proper role of public administration and government. before leaving the dichotomy of political / administrative and principles of administration (recall Chapter 2) that public administrators needed morality is nothing more than a hotel clerk took aut his daily tasks. after all what's the point of morality to the people who did nothing more than carry out the will of the state in accordance with certain scientific principles? provided that public administrators achieve their assigned tasks efficiently and economically, they are, by definition, in the sense that they are morally responsible. (in fact, the original manager of the city code and the federal government puts stress on efficiency as anation famous-ethical concepts ethicists might find a lot of confusion) morality after all, requires ethical choices, and the literature was wont to stress, not only ethical choice become functionaries. As the scholars have observed, the experience of France and Germany, especially in the mind, public bureaucrats "must be obedient and even responded subserviently any political leader has come to power." Menuju etika birokrasi Administrasi publik, dibandingkan dengan profesi lain, lambat untuk mengenal praktek-praktek etikanya. Ada beberapa alasan kelambatan tersebut, kurangnya tekad di kalangan administrator publik untuk mengijinkan dan memaafkan praktek tidak etis dalam bidang mereka, dan lebih dengan asumsi umum yang diselenggarakan oleh masyarakat (termasuk administrator publik) tentang apa peran yang tepat dari administrasi publik dan pemerintahan itu. sebelum meninggalkan dikotomi politik / administrasi dan prinsip-prinsip administrasi (recall Bab 2) yang administrator publik diperlukan moralitas tidak lebih dari petugas hotel membawa aut tugas sehari-hari nya. setelah semua apa gunanya moralitas kepada orang yang melakukan tidak lebih dari menjalankan kehendak negara sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip ilmiah tertentu? asalkan administrator publik dicapai tugas mereka diberikan secara efisien dan ekonomis, mereka, menurut definisi, moral dalam arti bahwa mereka bertanggung jawab. (pada kenyataannya, kota manajer asli Dan pemerintah federal kode etik menempatkan stres terkenal pada efisiensi sebagai anation konsep-etika yang ahli etika banyak mungkin menemukan kebingungan) moralitas setelah semua, membutuhkan pilihan etis, dan sebagai literatur itu wont terhadap stres, pilihan etis hanya tidak menjadi fungsionaris. Seperti pada sarjana telah diamati, dengan pengalaman Perancis dan Jerman terutama dalam pikiran, birokrat publik "harus patuh dan bahkan subserviently menanggapi apapun pemimpin politik telah mendapatkan kekuasaan." The Rise of Public Sector Ethics This perspective began to change in the United States in the early twentieth century, and it was the first change was at the grassroots level, when what is now the city / county management association international public sector adopted the first code of ethics in 1924, reflecting the anti-corruption code and values antipolitics city of the reform movement of the period, and not really a statement ot professional ethics in the tradition set by the field of education, engineering, law and medicine, among ather profession. But that breakthrough testmony importance of ethics in government anyway. Congress imposed a code of ethics ot the federal administrator in 1958, and twenty years later expanded the code and the federal government established the office of government ethics as part of the ethics in government ethis released the first set of comprehensive federal government ethical standards, consolidate, in the process, a pile of code that has been announced by the federal agencles for years. Consuming about forty pages in the federal register, the standard include gifts, conflicts of interst finance, impartiality, malfeasance, looking for a job outside, and outdoor activities.