Numerical integration in 3D Galerkin BEM solution of HBIEs (original) (raw)
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Generalized boundary element method for galerkin boundary integrals
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2005
A meshless approach to the Boundary Element Method in which only a scattered set of points is used to approximate the solution is presented. Moving Least Square approximations are used to build a Partition of Unity on the boundary and then used to construct, at low cost, trial and test functions for Galerkin approximations. A particular case in which the Partition of Unity is described by linear boundary element meshes, as in the Generalized Finite Element Method, is then presented. This approximation technique is then applied to Galerkin boundary element formulations. Finally, some numerical accuracy and convergence solutions for potential problems are presented for the singular, hypersingular and symmetric approaches.
Computation of Galerkin Double Surface Integrals in the 3-D Boundary Element Method
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2016
The Galerkin boundary element method, also known as the method of moments, is a powerful method for solving the Laplace equation in three dimensions. There are advantages to Galerkin formulations for integral equations, as they treat problems associated with kernel singularity, and lead to symmetric and better conditioned matrices. However, the Galerkin method requires the computation of double surface integral over pairs of triangles. There are many semi-analytical methods to treat these integrals, which all have some issues and are discussed in this paper. Novel methods inspired by the treatment of these kernels in the fast multipole method are presented for computing all the integrals that arise in the Galerkin formulation to any accuracy. Integrals involving completely geometrically separated triangles are non-singular, and are computed using a technique based on spherical harmonics and multipole expansions and translations, which require the integration of polynomial functions over the triangles. Integrals involving cases where the triangles have common vertices, edges, or are coincident are treated via scaling and symmetry arguments, combined with automatic recursive geometric decomposition of the integrals. The methods are validated, and example results are presented.
Numerical integration schemes for Petrov–Galerkin infinite BEM
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2008
The present article discusses the numerical approximation of hypersingular integral equations arising from Neumann twodimensional elliptic problems defined over unbounded domains with unbounded boundaries by using a Petrov-Galerkin infinite boundary element method as discretization technique. An analysis of the singularities, arising during the double integration process needed for the generation of the stiffness matrix elements related to the infinite mesh elements, is carried out and efficient quadrature schemes are proposed. Several numerical results, involving linear elasticity and potential problems defined over various unbounded domains are presented.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 2011
When a Galerkin discretization of a boundary integral equation with a weakly singular kernel is performed over triangles, a double surface integral must be evaluated for each pair of them. If these pairs are not contiguous or not coincident the kernel is regular and a Gauss-Legendre quadrature can be employed. When the pairs have a common edge or a common vertex, then edge and vertex weak singularities appear. If the pairs have both facets coincident the whole integration domain is weakly singular. D. J. Taylor (IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, 51 ) proposed a systematic evaluation based on a reordering and partitioning of the integration domain, together with a use of the Duffy transformations in order to remove the singularities, in such a way that a Gauss-Legendre quadrature was performed on three coordinates with an analytic integration in the fourth coordinate. Since this scheme is a bit restrictive because it was designed for electromagnetic wave propagation kernels, a full numerical quadrature on the four coordinates is proposed in order to handle kernels with a weak singularity with a general framework. Numerical tests based on modifications of the one proposed by W. Wang and N. Atalla (Comm. in Num. Meth. Eng., 13(11):885-890 (1997)) are included. : Integration extremes of the relative µ 1 , µ 2 and ξ 1 , ξ 2 simplex coordinates for the integrals I n , for n = 1, 2, 3, in the common facet case .
Analytical integrations in 3D BEM: preliminaries
Computational mechanics, 2002
This work provides a preliminary contribution in the context of analytical integrations of strongly and hyper singular kernels in boundary element methods (BEMs) in 3D. It concerns the integral of 1=r 3 over a triangle in R 3 , that plays a fundamental role in BEMs in 3D, especially for the Galerkin implementation. Because the existence of the aforementioned integral depends on the position of the source point, all significant instances of the position of the source point will be considered and detailed. For its interest in the context of BEM, the integral is also considered in the more general sense of finite part of Hadamard.
Analytical integrations in 3D BEM for elliptic problems: Evaluation and implementation
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2010
The present publication deals with 3D elliptic boundary value problems (potential, Stokes, elasticity) in the framework of linear, isotropic, and homogeneous materials. Numerical approximation of the unique solution is achieved by 3D boundary element methods (BEMs). Adopting polynomial test and shape functions of arbitrary degree on flat triangular discretizations, the closed form of integrals that are involved in the 3D BEMs is proposed and discussed. Analyses are performed for all operators (single layer, double layer, hypersingular). The Lebesgue integrals are solved working in a local coordinate system. For singular integrals, both a limit to the boundary as well as the finite part of Hadamard (Lectures on Cauchy's Problem in Linear Partial Differential Equations. Yale University Press: New Haven, CT, U.S.A., 1923) approach have been considered. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 1997
The formulation of certain classes of boundary value problems in terms of hypersingular integral equations is currently gaining increasing interest. In this paper we consider such type of equations on 2D polygonal domains, and assume we have to solve them by a collocation or a Galerkin BEM. In particular, given any (polynomial) local basis, we show how to compute efficiently, using a very low number of points, all integrals required by these methods. These integrals have kernels of the type log r, r-1 and r-2. The quadrature rules we propose to compute the above-mentioned integrals require the user to specify only the local polynomial degrees; therefore, they are quite suitable for the construction of a p or h-p version of the BEM.
Direct evaluation of hypersingular Galerkin surface integrals. II
Electronic Journal of Boundary …, 2006
Direct boundary limit algorithms for evaluating hypersingular Galerkin surface integrals have been successful in identifying and removing the divergent terms, leaving finite integrals to be evaluated. This paper is concerned with the numerical computation of these multi-dimensional integrals. The integrands contain a weakly singular logarithmic term that is difficult to evaluate directly using standard numerical techniques. Herein it is shown that analytic integration of these weakly singular terms can be accomlished by suitably re-ordering the parameter integrals. In addition to improved accuracy, this process also reduces the dimension of the numerical quadrature, and hence improves efficiency.
Integration of singular Galerkin-type boundary element integrals for 3D elasticity problems
Numerische Mathematik, 1997
A Galerkin approximation of both strongly and hypersingular boundary integral equation (BIE) is considered for the solution of a mixed boundary value problem in 3D elasticity leading to a symmetric system of linear equations. The evaluation of Cauchy principal values (v. p.) and finite parts (p. f.) of double integrals is one of the most difficult parts within the implementation of such boundary element methods (BEMs). A new integration method, which is strictly derived for the cases of coincident elements as well as edge-adjacent and vertex-adjacent elements, leads to explicitly given regular integrand functions which can be integrated by the standard Gauss-Legendre and Gauss-Jacobi quadrature rules. Problems of a wide range of integral kernels on curved surfaces can be treated by this integration method. We give estimates of the quadrature errors of the singular four-dimensional integrals.