Essential American Slang Dictionary (original) (raw)
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Appendix 1: Lexicon and Abbreviations
Term Defi nition & c. Archaic English abbreviation for et cetera. Achiote Red paste from Bixa orellana , commonly added to chocolate (see annato, rocoa). Acompting-house Archaic English term for bookkeeping; an accounting offi ce. ADCM Archives d é partementales de la Charente-Maritime (Canadian Archive). Adulteration Addition of impure substances for the purpose of defrauding customers (e.g., adulterated chocolate). Aduna Royal Port authority; head of the Royal Customs Department. Aga Turkish civil leader. AGI Archivo General de las Indias (Archive of the Indies, Seville, Spain). AGN Archivo General de la Naci ó n (General Archive of the Nation), Mexico City, Mexico. Aguardiente Commonly translated as brandy.
Slang Terminology – Old Problems and New Solutions
Over the years, in my work I have constantly highlighted the terminological heterogeneity in the field of European social dialects. Many of the terms that belong to national traditions and cultures are used in conjunction with international scientific ones (Armianov: 2004). And yet, the linguistic features that make terms out of ordinary words are rather clear and we can put forward the following characteristics: 1. the single meaning (the monosemy) of the term; 2. its semantic precision; 3. its stylistic neutrality.
Наукові записки Національного університету «Острозька акаде мія», серія «Філологічна», вип. 67, 2017
The article is devoted to the analysis of acronyms and abbreviations as a part of the Internet slang and to the highlighting of the way they influence the development of the language. It underlines the specificity of acronyms and abbreviations in the process of communication in so called chatspeaks in the Internet and their possibility to assimilate and transform in accordance to the needs and rules of the target languages. The article examines the key aspects of acronyms' and abbreviations' changes in the process of live language developing due to the communication of English-speaking Internet users from the countries all over the world. It includes the comparison between the English and the Ukrainian variants and equivalents of addressing to the speaker in the process of Internet communication in social networks, chats and discussion boards. The article puts a stress on the importance of a context understanding and adequate interpreting due to the situations when some acronyms as well as abbreviations have more than one meaning which can be completely lexically opposite to the needed one. It presents not only examples and variants of possible acronyms and abbreviations but also highlights the transformations which have had a place due to the language development. The article works out the most widely used acronyms and abbreviations of the Internet slang in two languages-English and Ukrainian and provides numeral examples on the similarities in sounding forms of some units and differences in their actual form in the target language. It underlines the reasons of the Internet slang usage and the necessity of scientific researches of this field due to the relevance of the studies turned to the Internet communication including acronyms and abbreviations as well which help to form trendy and popular ways of chatspeaks.
This article discusses the meaning and types of English slangs found in the Ant Man Movie directed by Peyton Reed, produced by Wald Disney Studios Motion Pictures, 2015. The main object of the research was to find out the meaning of English slangs found in the Ant Man Movie and classify them depending on its characteristics of English Slangs types. This research used a qualitative method. In Classifying the English Slangs, researchers used theory from Coleman that classifying English slangs into seven; English Slang changes in meaning, English Slang changes in function, English Slang change in form, English Slang created by abbreviation, English Slang changes in spelling, Slangs loans and Slangs from imitating sound. Through this research, researchers found forty English Slangs in the Ant Man Movie; fourteen English Slangs created by changes in meaning, two English Slangs created by changes in, twelve English Slangs created by changes, five English Slangs created by abbreviation, seven English Slangs created by changes in spelling, four English Slangs loans, and two English Slangs are from sound. English slangs are non-register language. It is more acceptable in daily life because it is fresher and simple in use. .
This paper is a humble attempt to shed some light upon the structural moulds and lexical implications that might result from compound words in American slang expressions. Since slang is flourished in most of the American society and used by many fields including journalism. One should look at the way in which these compounds are built and how these are syntactically patterned and creamed with innovative meanings that might not be deduced from the mere constituents of the words used in compositing the compounds. Virtually, joining two words or more together results in having a compound word formed according to obvious syntactic rules. However, configuring a slang compound might take two lexical tracks, the first track bases on the endocentric building of the compound where the meanings of the words used in compounding can easily be derived. While, the second track is exocentric building of compound where its meaning cannot be derived from the words joined together because its meaning is idiomatic.
This present article shed lights on the importance of taking into consideration the consistent usage of colloquial words ,expressions ,slangs ,styles as well as their excessive role in written communication Colloquial words basically referred to "colloqualism" are words that are common in everyday usage, unconstrained conversation, in comparison with formal speech or academic writing. Colloquialisms are not substandard or illiterate speech says they are rather idioms, conversational phrases, and informal speech patterns often common to a particular region or nationality. Colloquial, casual, and formal writing are three common styles that carry their own particular sets of expectations.The type of style that is going to be chosen ought to be according to the audience, and often a communication that a man is going to preside over .As a general rule, external communications tend to be more formal. Slang is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's dialect or language. Slang is also the misuse of words and phrases that are incorrect or illogical when taken in the literal sense.The term slang is frequently used on the urpose of denoting a large variety of vocabulary strata that consists either of newly coined words and phrases or of current words employed in special meaning - school slang, sport slang ,newspaper slang. Slang appertains to the use of lexical items which are faddish or nonstandard.Slang changes on a facter pace since it is sensitive to current styles.Majority of slang terms will either disappear from use of within a generation or become standardized ,in a consequence ,there will not be any sign of slang any longer.
Forms and Types of Euphemism Found on Sites of TEMPO.CO and YESS-ONLINE.COM
E Journal English Language and Literature, 2013
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan bentuk-bentuk dan tipe-tipe pemakaian kata pelembut atau eufemisme di media online. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif untuk menganalisis data dalam bentuk tertulis, serta menggambarkan dan mengolah data berdasarkan situasi. Data pada penelitian ini diperoleh dari berita di alamat website and dari bulan April 2013 and May 2013. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 11 bentuk ungkapan eufemisme terdiri dari bentuk compounding, derivation, acronym, slang, loan words, particularization, implication, metaphor, metonym, irony dan litotes. Sedangkan di terdapat 9 bentuk kata eufemisme yang terdiri dari bentuk compounding,, slang, loan words, particularization, implication, metaphor, irony, litotes dan hyperbole. Sedangkan untuk tipe-tipe kata eufemisme, terdapat dua tipe yakni tipe positif dan tipe negatif kata eufemisme.
Cant, Rant, Gibberish, and Jargon
ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews, 2015
In a recent note in these pages, etymologies were offered for a cluster of terms, many now dated but earlier often seen in close association, that designated witty turns of phrase: pun, quibble, carwitchet, clench (Sayers, "Pun, quibble"). The present note considers another such informal cluster, which was used in judgments not of single instances of verbal cleverness but of the tendentiousness, even incomprehensibility, of longer utterances or speech habits. Wordplay has an aggressive edge, since it demands comprehension and interpretation. If such comprehension is impossible or denied, communication is rejected and the alien speech condemned as cant, gibberish, and so forth.