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Zasnova prenovljenega spletnega mesta FDV
Studija analizira stanje spletnega mesta Fakultete za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani (FDV), možnosti njegovega preoblikovanja in odlocnejsega prehoda na visjo razvojno raven lokalnega in globalnega e-poslovanja. V ta namen analizira splosne znacilnosti tovrstnega prehoda v globalnem korporativnem akademskem svetu. Prinasa podrobno analizo dobrih in slabih strani sedanjega spletnega mesta FDV (informacijski sistem, celota, po delih), s poudarkom na uporabniski zaznavi njegovih aktualnih prednosti in slabosti (anketa). Kot koncni rezultat predlaga stiri razvojne scenarije prenove: od (1) manj opaznega postopnega izboljsevanja preko (2) krepitve spletnih uporabnikov in (3) vse vecje decentralizacije tja do (4) korenitejse funkcionalne integracije virtualnega sistema, ki v bistvu sloni na posebni viziji spletnega mesta, kar spreminja sedanjo arhitekturo, urednisko politiko in uvaja precej drugacen organizacijski nadzor nad zaznanimi e-vrednostmi novega spletnega mesta FDV. Podaja s...
Prva svetovna vojna in Slovenci: 1994–2014
Contributions to Contemporary History, 2015
WORLD WAR I AND SLOVENIANS: 1994–2014The paper examines the Slovenian historiographic production about the topic of World War I from 1994 to 2014 and represents a continuation of a commented bibliography, which encompassed the period from 1918 to 1993. The time between 1994 and 2014 was characterised by enormous production and a shift of the contents from the »Yugoslav« themes, which had tailored the statehood remembrance after World War I; the decline of the World War I themes as the focus shifted to the historiographic examination of World War II; and the very diversified research in the last period. The central theme of the historical writings is the Soča/Isonzo Front, but not merely as a military process: the focus shifted on the level of the soldiers’ experience, gender studies, the role of the Church, fatalities among soldiers, and remembrance of World War I. All of these issues have been subjected to historical research as well.
How they used to live in Jesenice
The paper describes festivities in Jesenice as were once held and how they are remembered by inhabitants of various places in the municipality. In describing life-cycle customs and traditions, it primarily focuses on birth, marriage and death, and in regard to calendar ones on Shrovetide, Easter and the time from Advent to Epiphany. Although customs and traditions associated with the farming cycle seem to disappear at the fastest rate, one can still find a few that are still observed in farming activities. Finally, the paper also describes festive dishes and attire. Within the framework of festivities as are known throughout Slovenia or even beyond, one can also find certain customs and traditions that are typical only of the Gorenjska region or, more specifically, the Jesenice area. Said city has, especially in relation to its six centuries long ironmaking tradition, developed its own unique traditions that are also reflected in certain festivities, characteristic only of the afore...