A Study of the Secularization of University Theology and a Proposal for its Restoration through Union and Communion with the Triune God (original) (raw)
In olden times believers met God, knew Him, walked with Him, had the clear and full consciousness that they had dealings with the God of heaven '-thus began Andrew Murray (1828-1917 his classic book, Moody, to name but a few (p. 8). Convinced that our time is no exception in this regard and building upon Gavin D'Costa's Theology in the Public Square (2005) which shows the secularized state of university theology, the present study set out to examine the origin (why), result (what), and process (how) of the secularization of university theology, particularly to answer why 'theology is no longer considered a necessary subject in the modern university' (Stanley Hauerwas, The State of the University, p. 12).