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Bioconcetta, 2016
This research aims to determine the factors that cause difficulty biology learning. The method used in research is descriptive method with questionnaires and interview. This research is done student of class VII MTsS PGAI Padang school year 2015/2016. The results of research it was concluded that the factors causing learning difficulties biology students that 45% of students is difficult to learn because of the factors of self, factor of 33% of the school environment with low category, factor of 70% of families with high category, factors of society 63% with high category.
Manajemen Pendidikan, 2020
Natural Sciences is the subject that must be taught in elementary and middle schools. Problems in learning science is the occurrence of anxiety in students. Natural science anxiety occurs in a wide spectrum of student population, ranging from minority groups, up to a certain nationality and gender. In Indonesia, Natural Sciences anxiety also has occurred, and is a serious problem. Some solutions to overcome Natural Sciences anxiety can be performed, such as thematic learning, the development of gifted children's school, psychotherapy approach, the approach spiritualism, positive classroom conditions, Problem Based Learning, and information technology. However, the success of all these approaches can only be assured if the teacher can play the role as a motivator for students. PENDAHULUAN Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) merupakan mata ajar yang berperan penting agar siswa memiliki pemahaman komprehensif akan alam semesta maupun lingkungannya. Pemahaman tersebut akan melahirkan pengetahuan (knowledge) yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kecakapan siswa dalam mengeksplorasi alam sekitar. Namun, ketidak berhasilan dalam memahami IPA akan menghasilkan kecemasan pada siswa. Manusia tidak dapat lepas dari kecemasan, yang merupakan salah satu manifestasi dari tekanan psikologis (Mu'arifah, 2005:103). Anxiety atau rasa cemas, merupakan suatu ciri-ciri (hallmark) salah satu dari berbagai gangguan psikologik yang terjadi. Kecemasan dasar (basic anxiety) akan timbul pada anak-anak apabila mereka mengalami ketidakberdayaan dalam menghadapi sesuatu hal. Rasa sayang ataupun orang tua yang dapat dipercaya dapat memunculkan rasa keamanan bagi anak. Pada gangguan yang seringkali terjadi (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) kondisi distress dan kesulitan persisten, kadang-kadang juga memunculkan gangguan medis serius karena timbulnya rasa fatique, kesulitan bernafas, insomnia, banyak keluar keringat, nervous, bahkan nyeri dada, pusing,
Achievement of competence at an education unit implemented through learning activities. One of the subjects that must be mastered competency at the elementary level are Natural Sciences. Learning science in elementary school should be an opportunity to foster the curiosity of learners scientifically. This will help them develop the ability to ask and seek answers to natural phenomena. But in fact not all learners master the competencies as expected. Mastery of concepts lacking IPA is due to the difficulty in responding to the learners' learning by their teachers. The findings of this study provide information on the cause of learning difficulties in the elementary science learners 1) internal factors which aspects of interest, motivation, selfconfidence, study habits, and ideals; and 2) external factors that many foreign terms, the material is too dense, the students seem inevitably have to memorize the material, lack of instructional media, students seem difficult to understand the material without the availability of media, teachers tend to dominate learning, mastery of the teacher will be the material is weak, and too monotonous.
This study aims at describing and analyzing (1) the factors which the students' learning difficulties of and (2) teachers' strategies to cope with students learning difficulties. This is sources descriptive qualitative. The sources of data of this research is a bahasa Indonesia teacher of VII grade and 32 students in VIIE class of SMPN 5 Negara. The methods of data collection used for this research is a interview and observation. The data gathering for the factors of students learning difficulties was done using interview toward the teacher and the student. The data gathering for teacher strategy was done using observation and interview toward the teacher. The data analysis was done trough tree step, the data reduction, data presentation, and verification and conclusion. The result, of this research are The factors which cause a student learning ability in speaking are from motive/motivation factor, learning habits, the mastery of language components, the mastery of content components, mental attitude, relationship/interaction between teachers and students, teaching methods, instructional media, and relationship/interaction among students. The most dominant factor which causes students learning difficulties is the students' mental attitude, (2) the learning strategies implemented by the teacher include expository learning strategies, teacher center strategies, deduction, and heuristics learning strategy. The results this study are useful for students, teachers, schools, and other researchers. Teachers in teaching speaking skill are hoped to be able to diagnose the factors which cause students' learning difficulties and have the broad knowledge about learning strategy which can be implemented to cope with the factors which students learning difficulties. Teachers should be able to create learning that gives students the chance to learn to communicate.
Tarbiya Islamica, 2023
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the use of the Science Laboratory facilities in learning Natural Science subjects, the subjects in this study were the head of the Science Laboratory and the Science Subject teacher at MTs Ma'arif Curug Cijulang. This research method uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the Effectiveness of the Utilization of the Science Laboratory at MTs Ma'arif Curug Cijulang in the description of the previous chapter from the results of research observations conducted at MTs Ma'arif Curug Cijulang, had inadequate facilities and infrastructure. This can be seen from the condition of the laboratory at MTs Ma'arif Curug Cijulang, where the room is still joined by another room. The space that is owned is only 3m x 3m in size as a storage area in the form of a special cupboard for storing several tools and materials in which there is 1 glass cabinet containing a microscope, 1 cupboard for storing tools such as dropper pipettes, beakers, measuring cups and other tools , 1 cupboard for storing practicum materials both in the form of chemicals, there is also a first aid kit. In terms of tools and materials there are still deficiencies in supporting learning in schools, from the suitability of tools and materials with the material to be carried out it can be said that they are appropriate and support the learning process in schools. And also the time allocation stated in the lesson schedule in the laboratory is sufficient.
Proses pembelajaran IPA yang diterapkan di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah siswa cenderung hanya mendengarkan penjelasan dari gurunya yang harus dihafalkan, sehingga siswa menjadi malas dan bosan, menyebabkan motivasi belajar rendah yang berujung kepada hasil belajar yang rendah terlihat melalui hasil ketuntasan klasikal bagi kelas VI mata pelajaran IPA untuk materi ciri khusus makhluk hidup baru 30% mencapai ketuntasan dari KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) yang ditetapkan madrasah yaitu 70. Berbagai usaha terus dilakukan untuk memperbaiki kwalitas pembelajaran di MI Mambaul Khair NW Bertais, salah satunya dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif (tipe jigsaw). Menurut peneliti pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw merupakan model yang cukup ampuh untuk meningkatkan prestasi akademik sekaligus kemampuan sosial, termasuk mengembangkan harga diri, hubungan interpersonal yang positif dengan yang lain, mengembangkan keterampilan berkomunikasi, mengatur waktu, meningkatkan motivasi dan memberikan rangsangan untuk berpikir. Hal ini berguna untuk proses pendidikan jangka panjang. Sesuai dengan rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu “Apakah penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas VI pada mata pelajaran IPA materi ciri khusus yang dimiliki hewan (kelelawar, cecak dan bebek) di MI Mambaul Khair NW Bertais tahun pelajaran 2014/2015”. Yang menjadi subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas VI dengan jumlah siswa 17 orang. Hasil penelitian dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut, untuk mengetahui tingkat aktifitas belajar siswa dan guru, dengan alat pengumpulan data berupa lembaran observasi siswa dan guru yaitu instrumen penilaian proses pembelajaran siswa dan guru disertai instrumen penilaian hasil belajar melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw. Siswa dinyatakan telah tuntas jika mencapai kriteria ketuntasan minimal 70 dan ketuntasan belajar klasikal dinyatakan tuntas jika mencapai 80%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pada siklus I dari 17 orang siswa terdapat 9 orang siswa dinyatakan tuntas secara individu dengan nilai rata-rata 67, nilai tertinggi 87, nilai terendah 47 dan persentase ketuntasannya 53% ini menunjukkan bahwa ketuntasan belajar pada siklus I belum memenuhi kriteria ketuntasan, sedangkan pada siklus II dari 17 orang siswa terdapat 15 orang siswa dinyatakan tuntas secara individu dengan nilai rata-rata 77, nilai tertinngi 93, nilai terendah 53 dan persentase ketuntasan 88%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penggunaan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw pada materi ciri khusus yang dimiliki hewan (kelelawar, cecak dan bebek) dapat meningkatkan ketuntasan belajar IPA siswa kelas VI MI Mambaul Khair NW Bertais dengan adanya peningkatan persentase hasil belajar dari siklus I ke siklus II sebesar 35%.
JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DASAR PERKHASA: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Dasar, 2018
Dalam proses pembelajaran metode pembelajaran yang digunakan harus dapat bervariasi. Namun pada kenyataannya di lapangan masih terdapat guru yang belum memperhatikan hal-hal tersebut sehingga proses pembelajaran kurang efektif. Berdasarkan dari hasil studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan di SDN Joglo 04 Petang diketahui bahwa masih banyaknya peserta didik yang memperoleh nilai dibawah Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) di kelas V salah satunya pada mata pelajaran IPA. Salah satu model pembelajaran yang tepat untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar serta aktivitas belajar adalah Pembelajaran Quantum (Quantum Learning). maka dari itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui informasi yang akurat dan objektif mengenai pengaruh pembelajaran quantum terhadap proses dan hasil belajar peserta didik. Adapun manfaat dari penelitian (1) untuk mengetahui penerapan pembelajaran quantum, (2) untuk melihat pengaruh dari penerapan pembelajaran quantum terhadap proses dan hasil belajar peserta didik. Penelitia...