A Theory of Branches for Algebraic Curves (original) (raw)
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A Theory of Duality for Algebraic Curves
Eprint Arxiv 1003 5837, 2010
We formulate a refined theory of linear systems, using the methods of a previous paper, "A Theory of Branches for Algebraic Curves", and use it to give a geometric interpretation of the genus of an algebraic curve. Using principles of duality, we prove generalisations of Plucker's formulae for algebraic curves. The results hold for arbitrary characteristic of the base field L, with some occasional exceptions when characteristic(L)=2, which we observe in the course of the paper.
On the branches of a complex space
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal), 1981
at Bologna Introduction. In this note we give a geometric Interpretation for the number of geometric branches (defmed by S. Greco in [4]) of the local ring of a point of a complex space, localized at a prime ideal. Precisely (cf. prop. l and thm. 2), if & x x is such a local ring, p one of its prime ideals, Υ an analytic subset in an open neighbourhood of x, which induces the germ associated to p, then the number of the geometric branches of (d) x x \ counts the analytic branches of X at each point of an open dense subset of a suitable compact neighbourhood of χ in Y. The proof of this result (which answers a question posed by J. Lipman) is based on the properties of the ring of holomorphic functions on a compact semianalytic Stein subset of a complex analytic space, studied by J. Frisch in [3] and Greco-Traverso in [5]. Later on we globalize the previous result showing (cf. prop. 6) that if X is a reduced complex space, and Υ an irreducible analytic subset of X, there exists a Zariski open dense subset W<^Y such that the number of analytic branches of X at each point of W is constant (and we shall denote its value by g(Y)). Moreover (cf. thm. 7), for all xe Y, denoting by p^ the prime ideal of & x x associated to the germ Y x , the number of the geometric branches of the ring (& XfX) px is constant and its value is g(Y). This result is the analogue for analytic spaces of a result of S. Greco for algebraic varieties (cf. [4], (1.6)). As an application of theorem 7 we prove (cf. prop. 8) the analogue for complex spaces of a result by D. Ferrand for schemes (cf. [1], (4. 10)), which also gives a criterion for a complex space to be S 2. The authors wish to thank Professor O. Forster for his helpful suggestions. Foreword. In the following "complex space" and "analytic subset" always mean "complex analytic space" and "closed analytic subset" respectively. Preliminaries. Recall that if A" is a reduced scheme, and/: X-* X its normalization, a geometric branch of X at its point x is a geometric point of the fc(x)-scheme f" 1 (x) (cf. [4], par. 1).