Villareal, 2021

As the moment passed by, we Filipino people are still experiencing the same old days that our fellow Filipinos or culture Filipino's involvement. But now, how can we still describe our own nation? Come and learn about the Philippines with me.

A Reflection on “The Philippines: A Past Revisited”

Some historians have written history by highlighting the abuse of power by the Spaniards. While other researchers focused on highlighting the action-based narratives and romances of other leaders' ideas. Some Filipino scholars have presented the story of a particular era causing them to focus on certain aspects causing them to lose sight of the true meaning of the story. Overall, the change of history of the Philippines has been heavily influenced by the Spaniards and the Americans.

The Philippines: A Past Revisted by Renato Constantino

Reading Philippine History is very interesting yet is needed to give a lot of time and attention to understand it clearly. Since it was formed as twisted events in the past, Philippine history has become more complicated for many historians, researchers and most importantly for us, Filipinos. Having the courage to read it is a good attitude of being a Filipino. We all know that our country's history has been told by a lot of people, and many stories have been made. We do not know who to believe, we do not know what story we should believe in, and we do not know if we are believing a fact and true history. But despite of these reasons, we, Filipinos, have the responsibility to read and make research about what happened to our loving grandmothers and grandfathers who fought for our freedom, who fought for us to experience the life that we have right now.

An Alternative Reading in Philippine History Final Paper | by Katelene Grace Paloma


Through the years, we have seen a lot of issues roaming around and remain to be unresolved until now a days. There are issues that was like a cancer that seems to be uncurable. This paper was to talk about some of the problems and issues that the country faced and is facing, with a taste of historical view. We will see how those issues run through the years.

A Critical Paper on 'The Philippines: A Past Revisited' By: Renato Constantino (Written by: Daryl P. Nabonita)

A Critical Paper on 'The Philippines: A Past Revisited' By: Renato Constantino (Written by: Daryl P. Nabonita), 2022

History is more than just a series of dates and events. It is a rich tapestry of human experiences, full of triumphs, tragedies, revolutions, and the never-ending quest for knowledge and understanding. Through the years, the Philippines has been shaped by a wide range of influences, from the Indigenous peoples who have called these islands home for thousands of years to the waves of foreign powers seeking to claim them as their own. "The Philippines: A Past Revisited" by Renato Constantino is a comprehensive and thought-provoking exploration of the nation's complex history, from the arrival of the first Spanish colonizers to the contemporary challenges faced by the Philippines. Written with rich storytelling and insightful analysis, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the country's past and present. Whether you are a student of history, a lover of literature, or simply looking to deepen your understanding of the world, "The Philippines: A Past Revisited" offers a captivating and illuminating look at the Philippines' history. So, join us on this voyage through the Philippines’ rich and varied past, and learn the stories and secrets that have molded this nation over time.

The Philippines: A Past Revisited Critical Paper | by Katelene Grace Paloma


History has made who and what we are today. We should be seeing that picture as a lesson and testimony of many people of those time. It is not just merely a story of early people or a story of wars, but this history could define who we really are, where does everything has started, and what we are as a Filipino people. This history carries a significant role in our present times and even in the future that will help its people to visit the real Philippines once more.

The Philippines: A Past Revisited [Critical Paper]

The Philippines: A Past Revisited, a book written by Filipino scholar Renato Constantino. Constantino has always been a prolific writer and journalist. We have written articles criticizing politicians and pointing out historical errors. "The Philippines: A Past Revisited" is a collection of two volumes in which Constantino attempts to correct our distorted view of history. Historiography is his attempt at a breakthrough. Researchers like him often examine the oppression of the Filipinos from pre-colonial times to 1941. He rewrites history without the stereotypes of Spain and the United States. It retells history from the people's point of view: the Filipino people. This book will free us from colonialism and favoritism by tackling our past with freedom of questioning and rediscovering. It contains eight chapters: Prologue, Liberation Transformed, The Crucible of Practice, Unity, and Disunity. It aimed at rewriting history as the history of the Filipino people.


Ashley Jane Fortit, 2021

The book The Philippines: A Past Revisited published in 1975 by Renato Constantino critically explores and narrative of the Philippines as told by Spaniards and Americans is examined objectively. It attempts to investigate and redress the myths propagated by the Spanish and American historian Colonizer. Also, it deflects colonial-influenced biased ideologies held by Filipinos at the time.

The Philippines: A Past Revisited (Reflection Paper By Angelica Austria)

Renato Constantino's The Past Revisited is a book that contains historical facts and information which can help dispel common misconceptions about the Philippines' history. This book aims to correct our imbalanced interpretation of history. It is divided into eighteen chapters. Each chapter delves into a unique metaphysical, historical, conceptual, and knowledge framework. From chapters four to twelve, I