New Non-relativistic Bound States Solutions for Modified Kratzer Potential in One-electron Atoms (original) (raw)
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In this paper, we present further results of our in vestigation for the exact solvability of relativist ic quantum systems with modified pseudo-harmonic (M.P.H.) potential for spi n-1/2 particles by of means Bopp’s shift method ins tead of solving deformed Dirac equation with star product, in the f ramework of noncommutative 3-dimensional real space (NC: 3D-RS) symmetries. The exact corrections for excited th n states are found straightforwardly for interaction s i one-electron atoms by means of the standard perturbation theory. Furth ermore, the obtained corrections of energies are de pended on two infinitesimal parameter Θ andχ which are induced by position-position noncommutati vity, in addition to the discreet
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy, 2017
In this work, an analytical expression for the nonrelativistic energy spectrum of some diatomic molecules was obtained through the Bopp's shift method in the noncommutative (NC) two-dimensional real space-phase symmetries (NC: 2D-RSP) with a new modified Kratzer-type potential (NMKP) in the framework of two infinitesimal parameters θ and θ due to (space-phase) noncommutativity, by means of the solution of the noncommutative Schrödinger equation. The perturbation property of the spin-orbital Hamiltonian operator and new Zeeman effect of twodimensional system are investigated. We have shown that, the new energy of diatomic molecule is the sum of ordinary energy of modified Kratzer-type potential, in commutative space, and new additive terms due to the contribution of the additive part of the NMKP. We have shown also that, the group symmetry of (NC: 2D-RSP) reduce to new subgroup symmetry of NC two-dimensional real space (NC: 2D-RSP) under new modified Kratzer-type interactions.