Optimization of biomass and glucoamylase production by Candida famata using response surface methodology (original) (raw)

Improvement of biomass production and glucoamylase activity by Candida famata using factorial design

Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 2015

To improve biomass production and glucoamylase activity (GA) by Candida famata, culture conditions were optimized. A 2 3 full factorial design (FFD) with a response surface model was used to evaluate the effects and interactions of pH (X 1), time of cultivation (X 2), and starch concentration (X 3) on the biomass production and enzyme activity. A total of 16 experiments were conducted toward the construction of an empiric model and a first-order equation. It was found that all factors (X 1 , X 2 , and X 3) and their interactions were significant at a certain confidence level (P < 0.05). Using this methodology, the optimum values of the three tested parameters were obtained as follows: pH 6; time of cultivation 24 H and starch concentration 7 g/L, respectively. Our results showed that the starch concentration (X3) has significantly influenced both dependent variables, biomass production and GA of C. famata. Under this optimized medium, the experimental biomass production and GA obtained were 1.8 ± 0.54 g/L and 0.078 ± 0.012 µmol/L/Min, about 1.5-and 1.8-fold, respectively, higher than those in basal medium. The (R 2) coefficients obtained were 0.997 and 0.990, indicating an adequate degree of reliability in the model. Approximately 99% of validity of the predicted value was achieved.

Optimization of Reducing Sugar Production from Manihot glaziovii Starch Using Response Surface Methodology

Bioethanol is known as a viable alternative fuel to solve both energy and environmental crises. This study used response surface methodology based on the Box-Behnken experimental design to obtain the optimum conditions for and quality of bioethanol production. Enzymatic hydrolysis optimization was performed with selected hydrolysis parameters, including substrate loading, stroke speed, α-amylase concentration and amyloglucosidase concentration. From the experiment, the resulting optimum conditions are 23.88% (w/v) substrate loading, 109.43 U/g α-amylase concentration, 65.44 U/mL amyloglucosidase concentration and 74.87 rpm stroke speed, which yielded 196.23 g/L reducing sugar. The fermentation process was also carried out, with a production value of 0.45 g ethanol/g reducing sugar, which is equivalent to 88.61% of ethanol yield after fermentation by using Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae). The physical and chemical properties of the produced ethanol are within the specifications of the ASTM D4806 standard. The good quality of ethanol produced from this study indicates that Manihot glaziovii (M. glaziovii) has great potential as bioethanol feedstock.

Optimisation of fungal glucoamylase production by Response Surface Methodology and characterisation of the purified enzyme

Plant Science Today, 2020

A statistical approach was made for the production of glucoamylase by Aspergillus niger using wheat bran and green gram as fermentation medium. Box-Behnken design used to analyse the simultaneous impact of the substrate, hydration, inoculum volume, fermentation time and temperature, using a second-order polynomial. The experimental results were in good agreement with the proposed regression model with R2 = 0.9322 (p<0.05). The maximum yield (313 U/gds against the predicted value of 306 U/gds) was obtained using 12 gm substrate, 55% moisture, 1 gm sucrose and 0.05 gm tryptone. The purification and characterisation of the enzyme were also studied. Optimum thermal and pH stability was 60 °C and 5 respectively.

Application of Response Surface Methodology for Optimizing Process Parameters in the Production of Amylase by Aspergillus flavusNSH9 under Solid State Fermentation

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 2016

Amylase is recognized as one of the important commercial enzymes. This group of enzymes has the ability in hydrolyzing starch into smaller oligosacharides. The present work aimed to determine the optimum fermentation conditions for maximum production of crude amylase enzyme by Aspergillus flavus NSH9 employing response surface methodology (RSM).Central composite design (CCD) was applied to determine the optimal fermentation condition with respect to the four main process parameters such as temperature, initial moisture content, pH and the incubation period. Solid state fermentation (SSF) was performed using 5.0 g of sago hampas inoculated with 1x10 7 sporesmL-1 following the experimental design obtained using CCD and further optimized by RSM. The initial moisture, pH and temperature showed significant effect on the amylase production (p<0.05). The maximum amylase activity produced was achieved and recorded as 1.055 ± 0.03U mL-1 after four days of fermentation period with 100% (v/v) moisture holding capacity, pH 6.5 and temperature at 28°C. The optimum fermentation conditions for amylase production was determined with A. flavusNSH9 on sago hampas.

BRAZILIAN ARCHIVES OF BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY Application of Response Surface Methodology for Optimizing Process Parameters in the Production of Amylase by Aspergillus flavusNSH9 under Solid State Fermentation

Amylase is recognized as one of the important commercial enzymes. This group of enzymes has the ability in hydrolyzing starch into smaller oligosacharides. The present work aimed to determine the optimum fermentation conditions for maximum production of crude amylase enzyme by Aspergillus flavus NSH9 employing response surface methodology (RSM).Central composite design (CCD) was applied to determine the optimal fermentation condition with respect to the four main process parameters such as temperature, initial moisture content, pH and the incubation period. Solid state fermentation (SSF) was performed using 5.0 g of sago hampas inoculated with 1x10 7 sporesmL-1 following the experimental design obtained using CCD and further optimized by RSM. The initial moisture, pH and temperature showed significant effect on the amylase production (p<0.05). The maximum amylase activity produced was achieved and recorded as 1.055 ± 0.03U mL-1 after four days of fermentation period with 100% (v/v) moisture holding capacity, pH 6.5 and temperature at 28°C. The optimum fermentation conditions for amylase production was determined with A. flavusNSH9 on sago hampas.

Response surface methodological approach to optimize the nutritional parameters for enhanced production of �-amylase in solid state fermentation by Thermomyces lanuginosus


Response surface methodology was used to study the cumulative effect of the nutritional parameters and to enhance the production of extracellular -amylase in solid-state fermentation by Thermomyces lanuginosus ATCC 58157. These nutritional parameters considered include carbon source (soluble starch), nitrogen source (peptone) and a concentrated mineral medium. For obtaining the mutual interaction between the variables and optimizing these variables, a 2 3 factorial central composite design using response surface methodology was employed. The optimal calculated values of tested variables for maximal production of -amylase were: soluble starch, 71.10 g/Kg; peptone, 91.97 g/Kg and mineral salts solution, 175.05 ml/Kg with a predicted -amylase activity of 5.085 × × × × 10 5 U/Kg of wheat bran. These predicted optimal parameters were tested in the laboratory and the final -amylase activity obtained, 4.946 × × × × 10 5 U/Kg of wheat bran, was very close to the predicted value.

Establishment of physical environment in solid state fermentation for the production of glucoamylase using Box-Behnken design

Malaysian Journal of Microbiology, 2014

Aims: Glucoamylase is an industrially important enzyme and is second to the proteases in worldwide distribution and sales among industrial enzymes. The aim of this study was to maximize its production from a GRAS strain Aspergillus oryzae IIB-6 using cheap medium by solid state fermentation. Methodology and results: Different carbon and nitrogen sources were evaluated as an additional supplement to wheat bran. The response surface methodology (RSM) was employed for optimization of most important physical parameters viz., pH, temperature and inoculum density as their monitoring is very difficult because of the solid nature of the substrate. Box-Behnken factorial design based on three levels and three variables was employed to obtain optimal combination of three independent variables. Maltose and peptone were found to be the best additional carbon and nitrogen sources. The optimal conditions for pH, temperature and inoculum size were 5.29, 36.2 °C and 17.7% (v/w), respectively as prescribed by second-order polynomial quadratic model. Under optimized conditions, the experimental value of enzyme activity was 7750.02 U/gds, which is very close to 7713.04 U/gds predicted by the model. R 2 was 99.99% which indicates a good agreement between experimental and predicted values. Conclusion, significance and impact of study: The analysis of variance showed that p-values of the coefficients for linear effects and square effects of all the variables were <0.0001, suggesting these variables are highly significant for the enzyme production. Overall 23.01% increase in enzyme production was achieved by RSM optimization which can be proposed for food and pharmaceutical industries.

Production of Starch Saccharifying Enzyme (Glucoamylase) in Solid Cultures

Starch - Stärke, 1992

A laboratory process was established for the production of glucoamylase (am yloglucosidase) enzyme by Aspergillus niger (RRL isolate), using wheat bran of mixed particle size as main carbon source in solid cultures. The experimental studies were carried out in SO0 ml conical flasks and subsequently in tray fermenters in static conditions. Experiments were conducted to monitor the impact of initial moisture content of the substrate as well as the steam cooking of the substrate on different atmospheric pressure on the productivity of the enzyme. An initial moisture level of SO-SS% was found optimum for glucoamylase production when fermentation was carried out for 96 h. Cooking of substrate at 1056 kg/cm2 under steam for 30 min gave most desirable qualities in substrate. Herstellung eines SWke venuckernden Enzyms (Glucoamylase) in Kulturen mit festem NBhrboden. Unter Verwendung von Weizenkleie unterschiedlicher TeilchengroRe als hauptsachliche Kohlenstoffquelle wurde ein Laboratoriumsverfahren zur Herstellung von Glucoamylase-(Amylog1ucosidase)-Enzym aus Aspergillus niger (RRL-Isolat) in festen Nlhrstoffkulturen entwickelt. Die experirnentellen Untersuchungen wurden in konischen SO0 ml-Flaschen und anschlieRend in Schalenfermentem unter statischen Bedingungen durchgefiihrt. Die Versuche wurden angelegt. urn die Einwirkung der Anfangsfeuchtigkeit des Substrates sowie der Dampfkochung des Substrates bei unterschiedlichem atmospharischem Druck auf die Produktivitat des Enzyms zu priifen. Es wurde gefunden. dal3 ein Anfangsfeuchtigkeitsgehalt von 50-5S% fur die Glucoamylaseproduktion optimal ist, wenn die Fermentation 96 h dauerte. Die Kochung des Substrates bei 1,056 kg/cm' fur 30 min mittels Dampf fiihrte zu den am meisten wiinschenswerten Substratqualitaten.

Factorial Design to Stimulate Biomass Development with Chemically Modified Starch

Applied Sciences

The present study is focused on mathematical modeling by testing the benefits of modified potato starch in the biomass production of microorganisms, such as the fungus type. Microorganisms need a carbon source for the biomass development. In different industries, microorganisms, such as the Penicillium type, are used for the extraction of different important compounds utilized in biotechnologies. The aim of this study is to establish some important parameters in order to stimulate the biomass production in the presence of chemically modified starch. The carbon sources used in this research are glucose, native potato starch, and chemically modified potato starch. The chemical modification of potato starch was realized with green chemical compounds in order to not influence biomass development. The chemical characterization of starch and modified starch was important in order to confirm the chemical modification of starch. The response function in mathematical modeling is the amount o...

Production and Characterization of Glucoamylase by Aspergillus niger


Background and Objective: Glucoamylase is a potent starch degrading enzyme whose cheap production has been an area of research. Its production by Aspergillus niger in solid-state fermentation was studied using dried garden pea peel as a substrate, which enormously reduced the production cost. The current study intended to produce glucoamylase by a cost-effective strategy and exhaustively characterize the enzyme. Material and Methods: Garden pea peel was used as a substrate in solid state fermentation by Aspergillus niger for the production of glucoamylase under process parameters. Response surface methodology, a statistical tool for optimization, was applied to setup the experimental design for glucoamylase production. Characterization studies of the enzyme were carried out with temperature, pH, metal salts and elemental composition analysis. Results and Conclusion: The process parameters were temperature, amount of substrate and time of fermentation. Glucoamylase production was hig...