Studi Pengaruh Suhu dan Waktu Reaksi Pada Sintesis α-Terpineol Dari Terpentin Dengan Menggunakan Katalis Asam Trikhloroasetat (original) (raw)
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Jurnal Teknologi dan Inovasi Industri (JTII)
Pohon pinus yang dibudidayakan di Indonesia sebagian besar adalah jenis pinus merkussiyang terdiri dari dua komponen utama yaitu gondorukem (60%) dan minyak terpentin (1017,5%).Hasil utama penyulingan getah pinus yaitu berupa minyak terpentin. Minyak terpentin yang diperoleh memilki kandungan α-pinene yang bisa dihidrasi untuk menghasilkanα-terpineol dengan menggunakan katalis heterogen berupa zeolit alam dapat menjadialternatif baru sabagai pengganti katalis homogen asam cair. Pada penelitian ini, dipelajaripengaruh kecepatan pengadukan dan waktu reaksi pada sintesis α-terpineol dari terpentindengan katalis Zeolit Alam Lampung (ZAL) teraktivasi dengan isopropil alkhol sebagaisolubility promoter. Zeolit alam lampung sebelum digunakan sebagai katalis dilakukan aktivasisecara kimia dan fisika untuk menghilangkan pengotor dan meningkatkan keasaman. Untuk mengetahui karakteristik zeolit, dilakukan analisis Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) dananalisis X-Ray Fluorescene (XRF). Variabel y...
Sintesis α-Terpineol dari Terpentin dengan Katalisator Asam Khloro Asetat Secara Batch
Indonesian turpentine contains 65-85 %a-pinene , I%ocamphene, l-394 p-pinene, l0-18 ok 3-cdrene and limonene 1-3%a a-Pinene can be hydrated in dilute acid solutions to produce a-terpineol. It can be used as s olvent, perfume, dis infe c t an t e t c. The aim of this research is to study on effect of parameters of terpineol synthesis from turpentine using chloro qcetic acid as catalyst. A 0.25 mol of a-pinene (turpentine), 0.6 mol of aquadest and chloro acid as catalyst (the catalyst concentration : 6 It'I) were reacted in a batch reactor equipped with condenser, thermometer and stifter parimeters were the effect of temperature (60, 70, 80, 90"C), chloro acetic acid concentration (3, 6, 9 M' themol ratioofchloroaceticacidtoa-pinene (0.5fi;1.6/1;2.4/l;3.2/1;4/1)andstitingrate(264,546,954rpm). Fromlh* research, it was suggested that the best condition for the hydration of turpentine was achieved at temperature of 8UC, chloro acetic acid concentration of 6 M, mol ratio of chloro acetic acid catalyst to a-pinene oy I , the stirring rate of 5 46 rpm, and the reaction time of 240 min. The conversion of hydration of turpentine to d-terpineol was obtained to be 54.13%a
Studi Kinetika Reaksi Heterogen Α-Pinene Menjadi Terpineol Dengan Katalisator Asam Khloro Asetat
Reaktor, 2011
Indonesian turpentine contains 65-85% αpinene, 1% camphene, 1-3% β-pinene, 10-18% 3-carene and limonene 1-3%. In order to obtain more valuable products, α-pinene can be hydrated in dilute acid solutions to produce terpineol, which can be used as perfume, insect repellent, antifungal, disinfectant etc. The aim of this research was to study kinetics of terpineol synthesis from α-pinene, the main component of turpentine Turpentine was introduced into a batch reactor (tree neck flask) equipped with condenser, thermometer, stirrer and was warmed up to the desired temperature with the reaction time of 420 minutes. The study investigated the effects of temperature, catalyst amount, and the stirring rate on the hydration of αpinene. The heterogeneous kinetics model was proposed to quantitavely describe the hydration process of α-pinene. The results of this study showed the relationship of the constants of the reaction rate and temperatures.
Pengaruh Suhu Reaksi Pada Proses Hidrasi Alpha Pinene Dengan Katalisator Amberlyst 36
Jurnal Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan (JPPL)
Terpentin Indonesia mengandung 65-85% α-pinene, 1% camphene, 1-3% β-pinene, 10-18% 3-carene dan 1-3% limonene. Kandungan terbesar dari terpentin adalah alpha pinene. Alpha pinene juga merupakan senyawa golongan monoterpene yang memiliki ikatan rangkap dan menjadi bahan baku utama dalam industry parfum. Selain itu, alpha pinene juga merupakan bahan baku penting pembuatan fine chemicals yang memiliki nilai jual tinggi seperti minyak pinus (pine oil), camphor dan alpha terpineol. Untuk meningkatkan nilai jual, alpha pinene dapat diolah lebih lanjut menjadi senyawa turunannya seperti alpha terpineol dan alpha terpinyl acetate. Keduanya merupakan senyawa turunan berharga yang digunakan di industri parfum dan industri farmasi. Hidrasi merupakan reaksi antara alpha pinene dengan air menghasilkan senyawa alpha terpineol. Pada proses reaksi yang akan dilakukan terhadap alpha pinene biasanya menggunakan katalisator yang dapat mempercepat laju reaksi tanpa menjadi produk samping, sehingga dalam penelitian ini menggunakan salah satu katalisator yaitu jenis resin penukar kation yaitu Amberlyst 36 wet. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh peubah suhu pada suhu 65, 75, 85 dan 95⁰C. Konversi alpha pinene semakin besar seiring dengan naiknya suhu reaksi. Dengan asumsi reaksi reversible, hubungan suhu terhadap masingmasing konstanta laju reaksi ditentukan sesuai dengan persamaan Arrhenius.
Asetosilasi Terpentin Indonesia Menggunakan Katalis Asam Sulfat
Teknoin, 2018
Indonesia is one of the largest turpentine producing countries in the world. Turpentine is one type of essential oil whose main component is alpha pinene. Alpha pinene is a bicyclic terpene that can undergo various reactions. This research aims to study the reaction process of turpentine acetoxylation using sulfuric acid catalyst. The reaction is carried out using glacial acetic acid and acetic acid solution. The experiments were run in a batch reactor for 2 hours at a constant temperature. Samples are taken to be analyzed using gas chromatography (GC). From the analysis it was found that the products included esters, isomers, and monocyclic alcohols. The use of acetic acid solution will significantly increase the monocyclic alcohol yield. The ratio of alpha pinene and acetic acid affects the conversion and product selectivity. While the purity of alpha pinen has no effect on the conversion achieved, but affects the selectivity of the resulting product.
Surfactants are generally produced from petroleum and natural gas derivatives while petroleum reserves are depleting and cannot be renewed. This has the potential to cause an energy crisis on a global scale in the future. To solve this problem, alternative renewable raw materials are needed that can help make surfactants that are environmentally friendly, namely raw materials sourced from vegetable oil. One of the anionic surfactants that can be made from plant materials and is renewable is Methyl ester sulfonate. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the mole ratio, temperature and percent of the catalyst and the duration of the sulfonation reaction using NaHSO 3 reactants on the resulting MES. The production process of the MES surfactant is carried out by reacting the methyl ester with the sulfonation reagent in the form of NaHSO3 and CaO catalyst in the sulfonation reactor. The results showed that MES had the best characteristics with an optimum state in the ratio of 1: 1.5 mole ratio with 1% CaO catalyst and a temperature of 110 o C which resulted in several test parameters, namely the pH value, density, acid number and surface tension.
Jurnal Kimia VALENSI, 2013
Telah disintesis senyawa tris(4-metoksifenil)tolilsilan (TMT) dengan teknik reaksi kopling menggunakan tolilsilan dan 4-iodida anisol yang dikatalis senyawa paladium. Reaksi dilakukan dalam kondisi inert dan suasana basa. Senyawa TMT hasil sintesis dikarakterisasi menggunakan kromatografi gas-spektrometri massa dan spektrometer 1H dan 13C NMR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa senyawa TMT hasil sintesis memiliki rendemen sebesar 30%. Pengukuran menggunakan kromatografi gas-spektrometri massa menghasilkan nilai m/z sebesar 440. Spektrum 1H NMR menunjukkan lima puncak proton ekivalen dan spektrum 13C NMR menghasilkan sepuluh puncak karbon ekivalen. Hasil karakterisasi tersebut bersesuaian dengan struktur senyawa TMT hasil sintesis. Kata kunci: tris(4-metoksifenil)tolilsilan, reaksi kopling, paladium
Sains & Teknologi
To find new compounds acting on central nervous system (CNS), this research has been done the synthesis of benzoylthiourea by acylating the thiourea with benzoyl chloride, using tetrahydrofuran as solvent. Reaction temperature were respectively done at 90oC, 100oC, 110oC and 120oC, and heating duration was respectively accomplished at 0.5 hours, 1.0 hours, 1.5 hours, 2.0 hours and 2.5 hours. This research was aimed at finding out optimal heating duration and temperature to obtain maximal percentage yield of benzoylthiourea synthesis. The highest percentage yield of 59.89% obtained in optimum temperature 100oC and 2.0 hours heating duration. The purity test of the synthesis product is shown by the single spot on the thin layer chromatogram (TLC) and narrow range of melting point. Based on the structure identification with UV and IR spectrophotometries, H-NMR spectrometries and Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectrometries (GC-MS), it was concluded that the structure of the synthesis p...