Predicting Aging-Related Bugs using Software Complexity Metrics (original) (raw)

DOI:10.3968/4845 The Software Reliability Increase Method


Our investigation purpose is to create the software reliability increase method. The proposed method allows creators to calculate statistic, probabilistic and valuating reliability indices of software components which contain defects. The method's aim is to take into consideration the statistic components complexity by means of composite metrics. The use of received indices provides for components finding which contain much more defects for refactoring and the first testing process. It contributes to increase identified and corrected defects quantity and improve the software reliability on average about 8%.

Experience in software reliability: From data collection to quantitative evaluation

Proceedings of 1993 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering

This paper describes the different steps in software failure data processing in order to monitor the software development and to quantify the operational reliability. Processing consists in (a) filtering the raw data in order to keep only those corresponding to software failures without duplicate, (b) partitioning of data into subsets according for instance to failure severity or fault location, (c) performing descriptive analyses, (d) analyzing the trend and (e) when possible and needed, applying reliability growth models. These steps are part of an overall method experienced at LAAS on several real-life software systems. The goals of the paper are twofold: first, present the method and, second, show its benefits through its application to data collected on a switching system.

Revisiting Software Reliability

Reliability is an important issue for deciding the quality of the software. Reliability prediction is a statistical procedure that purpose to expect the future reliability values, based on known information during development processes. It is considered as a basic function of software development. A review-based research has been done in this work to evaluate the previously established methodologies for reliability prediction. In this paper, authors give a critical review related to successful research of reliability prediction. This paper also provides many challenges and keys of reliability estimation during software development process. Further, this paper gives a precarious discussion on previous work and identified factors which are important for reliability of software but still ignored. This work helps to developers for predicting the reliability of software with minimum risks.

An Overview and Classification of Software Reliability Models

A software quality aspect is measured in terms of mean time to failure or failure intensity of the software. It is one of the key attributes when talk about software quality. Software quality may parts into quality aspect in various ways; however, software reliability seen as one of the key attribute of software quality. Software reliability is a valuable measure in planning and controlling the resources throughout the development process, as a result, high quality software can be developed. Scheduling and controlling the testing resources through software reliability measures can be completed by matching the additional cost of testing and the corresponding improvement in software reliability. It is too, a valuable measure for providing the user confidence about software correctness. A number of analytical models have been introduced in the past decades to assess the reliability of the software system. In this paper, researchers are giving an overview & analysis of software reliabil...

The measurement and management of software reliability

Proceedings of the IEEE, 1980

The Measurement and Management of Software Reliability Abmact-The theme of this paper is the field of software re4iability measurement and its applications. Needs for and potential uses of software reliability measurement are discussed. Softwre reliability and hardware reli.bility are compared, and some basic software reliability concepts are outlined. A brief summary of the major steps in the history and evolution of the field is presented. Two of the leading d tware reliability models are described in some detail. The topics of combinations of software (and hardware) components and availability are discussed briefly. The paper condudes with an analysis of the ament state of the art and a description of further rwserach needs. "Mistakes are at the very base of human thought, embedded there, feeding the structure like root nodules. If we were not provided with the knack of being wrong, we could never get anything useful done. .. we could only stay the way we are today, stuck fast.. .. Your average good computer can make calculations in an instant which would take a lifetime of slide rules for any of us. Thiik of what we could gain from the near infiity of precise, machine-made miscomputations which is now so easily within our grasp [ 11 ." A LTHOUGH the foregoing quotation may enhance the cause of creativity, it is not likely to be looked on with favor by most managers and users of computing systems. Reliability, in fact, is one of the most critical issues that software engineers are currently struggling with. I. WHY MEASURE SOFTWARE RELIABILITY? Many people think of reliability as a devoutly wished for but seldom present attribute of a program. This may be fine in the abstract, but in the real world software reliability is usually achieved at the expense of some other characteristic of the product (program size, run time or response time, maintainability, etc.) or the process of producing the product (cost, resource requirements, schedule, etc.). One wishes to make tradeoffs among these software product and process characteristics. Boehm et al. [ 21 have classified some of the general software product characteristics that one may wish to consider. Measurement becomes very important as soon as one wishes to make a tradeoff of this sort. In some cases, reliability is one aspect of a more general characteristic such as user satisfaction or user work efficiency (e.g., in time-sharing systems) Two trends have strongly stimulated the demand for software reliability measures. The microprocessor revolution has extended the heavy dependence of institutions on computing systems down to lower and lower levels and smaller and smaller

A survey of software dependability

Sadhana, 1987

This paper presents on overview of the issues in precisely defining, specifying and evaluating the dependability of software, particularly in the context of computer controlled process systems. Dependability is intended to be a generic term embodying various quality factors and is useful for both software and hardware. While the developments in quality assurance and reliability theories have proceeded mostly in independent directions for hardware and software systems, we present here the case for developing a unified framework of dependability-a facet of operational effectiveness of modern technological systems, and develop a hierarchical systems model helpful in clarifying this view. In the second half of the paper, we survey the models and methods available for measuring and improving software reliability. The nature of software "bugs", the failure history of the software system in the various phases of its lifecycle, the reliability growth in the development phase, estimation of the number of errors remaining in the operational phase, and the complexity of the debugging process have all been considered to varying degrees of detail. We also discuss the notion of software fault-tolerance, methods of achieving the same, and the status of other measures of software dependability such as maintainability, availability and safety.

Software Reliability Engineering– A Review

International Journal of Applied Physics and Mathematics, 2011

Software Reliability has a very important contribution towards software quality. Software reliability is the probability of the failure free operation of a computer program after a specific period of time. It is always required to test the reliability of a system to know its operations with 100% perfection. Whether it is a manufacturing system, or a software or a medicine even a human being. This article provides a general idea for observing the reliability of a software and a suggestive algorithm for its improvement by incorporating software engineering methodologies. This algorithm may help in right selection of model for improving software reliability.


TJPRC, 2013

In this Paper, Prediction, progress, and process improvement. Measurement permeates everyday life and is an essential part in every scientific and engineering discipline. Measurement allows the acquisition of information that can be used for developing theories and models, and devising, assessing, and using methods and techniques. Software measurement is a way to track the process. As Grady states, “Without such measures for managing software, it is difficult for any organization to understand whether it is successful, and it is difficult to resist frequent changes of strategy".