Shari'ah Bylaws in Indonesia and their Implications for Religious Minorities (original) (raw)
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The Sharī’ah Bylaws and Human Rights in Indonesia
Studia Islamika, 2008
The Shari'ahBylaws and Human Rights in Indonesia" Abstrak: Menyusul tumbangnya rezim Orde Bnru pada tahun 1998, gagasan pemberlnkuan syariat Islam yang sebelumnya selslu dihsmbat dan ditindak tegas pada mnsa Orde Baru muncul ke permuknan publik drtlsm berbagai corak dnn bentuknya. Setidaknya ada tiga macam aspirasi pemberlakuan syariat lslam yang muncul pada masa pasca Orde Bsru' Pertsma, upaya konstitusionnl dalsm Sidang Tahunan MPR tahun 2002 yang dilakukan oleh sejumlah partai Islam untuk memasukkan kembali tujuh kata dalnm Piagam lnkarta ("dengan kezuajiban melaksonaknn syariat Islam bagi pemeluk-pemeluknya") ke dalam batang tubuh Undnng-Undang Dasar 1945. Kedun, meningkatnya upayalegislasi untuk mengakomodasi sebanyak mungkin elemen-elemen syariat Islam ke dalam pernturan perundang-undangan nssional. Ketiga, upayn lokal penerapan syariat Islam pada leael pemerintahan kabupaten dan ptouinsi bttik melalui peraturan dsernh (perda) maupun lewat kebijakan penguasa lokal. Artikel ini ingin melihat sejauhmana penerapan lokal syariat Islam telah menimbulkan perdebatan antara warisan kearifan agnma pada satu sisi dan realitas kehidupan modern padn sisi lain, khususnya menyangkut penegakan hak asasi manusin. Untuk tujuan ini, tulisan ini aksn menjelaskan apa makna dan cakupan syariat Islam yang diperiuangknn pada
10. Sharia and national law in Indonesia
Sharia Incorporated
This chapter adresses the relationship between sharia and national law in Indonesia. The historical sections 10.1-10.4 examine the (pre)colonial pluralities of law, and subsequently relate how Indonesia has accommodated sharia in its laws, administration, and court system, from independence in 1945 until today. The sections 10.5-10.8 pay attention to the law presently in force. While the constitution does not mention Islam explicitly, the government is keen to coordinate religious affairs and prevent excesses. The Ministry of Religion plays an important role in this respect. Religious Courts, as branches of the national judiciary, mainly hear marital disputes, but have recently been given jurisdiction in economic matters as well. The Marriage Act of 1974 is the main sharia-based law; in its provisions Indonesia has kept a significant distance from the patriarchal norms of classical sharia. In 1991, an official Compilation of Islamic Law, drafted by scholars and judges, was promulgated. It contains three chapterson marriage, inheritance, and religious endowmentswhich, beside the law, should serve as main reference for the Religious Courts. In the province of Aceh, with its special autonomy, sharia-based law also extends to certain criminal offences. Islamic banking law Almsgiving law or Islamic taxation Law on religious foundations (wakaf) 10.9 International treaty obligations concerning human rights 10.10 Conclusion Notes Bibliography
Jurnal Indo-Islamika, 2012
This paper looks at the roots as \Veil as the sources of those dissonances. It observes a number of conditions that make the ar!iculation of religious la\v dissonant. It argues that more direct dissonance is discernible bet\veen the aspiration for the fonnal implementation of shari'a and constitutional rights of religious freedom. Arguing that despite shari'a has been able to seep into scattered legal aspects within Indonesian state and society and that the state has al\o\ved :,i1ari'a to be incorporated in many \vays into its legal system, nationally and regionally, it concludes that the state continues to control and restrict this dispersion and that sbilli'a remains tightly confined in Indonesia
Syariah regional regulations in Aceh and Banjar Indonesia: An aspect of religious freedom
Journal of Advanced Research in Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2017
This article examines the nature of regional regulations on Friday prayer in Aceh and Banjar, South Kalimantan. It argues that the nature of such bylaws cannot be explained solely in terms of Islamic law because there are other norms which served as the bases. They are secular ideological values of respect and freedom. Following Menski's kite model of law as a methodological tool, this study analysed the hybrid combination of those norms.
The discourses on the application of shari'a law through state enforcement have become public concerns in Indonesia and constituted a controversial issue. The idea of the application has been brought up by a number of Muslim politicians and Muslim groups and organizations that consider shari'a the best solution for the multi-dimension of socioeconomic and political crisis upon the downfall of the New Order Regime in 1998. They believe that shari'a enforcement not only fits the spirit of democracy, assuming that the majority of population in the country is Muslims, but also offers a comprehensive solution to the crisis. Unfortunately, this idea is not grounded on a comprehensive apprehension to the nature of shari'a itself and pluralistic Indonesian society but more on political impetus, namely a strong plea to realize an Islamic state that integrates the state and religion and Islam and politics. By examining the Kompilasi Hukum Islam, as one example of shari'a legislation in Indonesia, this article demonstrates the problems of Islamic reform that most proponents of shari'a application have overlooked. It argues that application of religious law by the state must consider the methodology of the law and its impacts for broader society. [] Wacana tentang penerapan hukum Islam (syari'ah) melalui kekuasaan negara telah menjadi perhatian publik di Indonesia dan menimbulkan isu-isu kontroversial. Ide tentang penerapan itu telah dibawa oleh sejumlah politisi, kelompok, serta organisasi yang menganggap syari'ah sebagai solusi terbaik atas krisis multi dimensi, sosial, ekonomi, dan politik pasca jatuhnya rezim Orde Baru pada tahun 1998. Mereka percaya bahwa penegakan hukum Islam tidak hanya cocok dengan semangat demokratisasi, karena asumsi bahwa mayoritas penduduk di negara ini Muslim, namun juga me-nawarkan solusi yang komprehensif bagi krisis tersebut. Sayangnya, hal ini tidak didasarkan pada pembacaan yang komprehensif terhadap sifat syari'ah itu sendiri dan terhadap kondisi sosial masyarakat Indonesia yang majemuk, melainkan lebih pada dorongan politik, yaitu dorongan yang kuat untuk mewujudkan sebuah negara Islam yang mengintegrasikan negara dan agama serta Islam dan politik. Dengan menganalisis Kompilasi Hukum Islam, sebagai salah satu contoh produk hukum Islam di Indonesia, muncul argumentasi bahwa penerapan hukum agama oleh negara harus mem-pertimbangkan metodologi hukum dan dampaknya bagi masyarakat luas.
Religion, State, and Law: Constitutional Limits of Islamic Law in National Law in Indonesia
Islamic law or Sharia law has universal values. The implementation of Islamic law is substantially open to the opportunity to apply universal values of Islam, however, the implementation of Islamic laws in the national legal system is still limited in a number of laws. This study reveals the construction and reality of Islamic legal products in the frame of national law in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative paradigm, a religious law approach, and an interdisciplinary study. The results show that indirectly, universal teachings of Islam such as the protection of human rights have been listed in the Indonesian constitution, although they do not use religious language. Derivation of these human rights can be carried out at the level of legislation such as the Marriage Law and Religious Courts. While the desire to make Indonesia as an Islamic state does not receive recognition in the constitution, bearing in mind that the Indonesian state is not an Islamic state, but a law state based on Pancasila which always accommodates the diversity of cultural, racial and religious values systems for Indonesian people and society.
Thoughts on Islamic Shari'ah Law in Indonesian Law
Indonesian Law consists of the Law of Islam, the West Law and Customary Law and other national legal developments. National Legal Policy which is often interpreted as a political law is legal policy that will be or have been implemented by the Government. This paper aims to discuss legal policy of Islamic law in the Indonesian law. The significant of this discussion as Indonesia is not a religious state. In this country there are several religions that were recognized in the national constitution. For this reason, the nation should treat the people neutral. The treatment should not be dominated by one denomination or group. In other words, the people should be treated equal before the law / equality before the law. Note that, the focus of this paper is on the Sharia economic law. The implementation of sharia economic laws certainly required the political support of government, state institutions either in the form of regulation as well as capital as ruled in the Law No. 21 of 2008 and its amendments, Law No. 23 of 1999 concerning Bank Indonesia, and Ministerial Rule (Permen) No. 2 Year 2008 concerning KHES, and the Fatwa of MUI. The study found that the law that regulates the implementation of Sharia economic activities has not be as expected by the Islamic community in particular and the nation in general.
Constitutional Guarantees Regional Regulations of Sharia in Indonesia
Regional regulations or Sharia Regional Regulations are the product of legislation under laws that have Islamic teachings. The problem that underlies the existence of a Sharia Regional Regulations is whether it is constitutionally justified and how the constitutional guarantee of the existence of a Sharia Regional Regulations is applicable. This problem is examined using descriptive normative research methods with qualitative analysis. The results of this study indicate the objectives achieved are first, the existence of Sharia Regional Regulations due to the legal awareness of people who are aware as religious citizens so that their lives will be better which is constitutionally justified in the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila. Second, Article 29 of the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila provides constitutional guarantees for the existence of Sharia Regional Regulations. This is because Chapter XI Article 29 of the 1945 Constitution regulates the issue of Religion which is strengthene...