Diameter-dependent elastic properties of carbon nanotube-polymer composites: Emergence of size effects from atomistic-scale simulations (original) (raw)

Predicting the Effect of Nano-Structural Parameters on the Elastic Properties of Carbon Nanotube-Polymeric based Composites

International Journal of Performability Engineering, 2017

Discrepancy in reported elastic properties for nanocomposites is argued to be most likely a result of either variations in the size of reinforcement or lack of control of the composite microstructure. In general, there will be a size variation in nanotubes in a given composite, contribution from each nanotube diameter and the volume percentage that tubes of a definite diameter occupy within the composite toward the overall elastic modulus is modeled. In this work, Digimat-FE is used to generate a realistic three dimensional microstructure for the current carbon nanotube/ epoxy composite. A system of aligned carbon nanotubes embedded in epoxy matrix is modeled. In the system of aligned multi walled carbon nanotubes, the entire volume of the model has been divided into finite individual sub-composites, each one containing a specific nanotube diameter with a local volume fraction. A second model showed a single representative volume element for the current nano-composite, in which the carbon nanotubes were simulated as a randomly (fully) dispersed, where all particles have been separated from each other. Moreover, a micromechanical approach for modeling short fiber composites was developed to account for the structure of the multi-walled carbon nanotube reinforcement and predict the elastic modulus of the nanocomposite as a function of the constituent properties, reinforcement geometry and nanotube structure. Finite element results show increase in elastic modulus with increasing aspect ratio for composites with high filler loading (3 vol%). Micromechanical predictions highlight the structure or size influence of the nanotube reinforcement on the properties of the nanocomposite. The nanocomposite elastic properties were found to particularly be sensitive to the nanotube diameter, since larger diameter nanotubes showed a lower effective modulus and occupied a greater volume fraction in the composite relative to smaller-diameter nanotubes.

Applied Physics A Materials Science & Processing  Springer-Verlag 1999 Mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes

A variety of outstanding experimental results on the elucidation of the elastic properties of carbon nanotubes are fast appearing. These are based mainly on the techniques of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) to determine the Young's moduli of single-wall nanotube bundles and multi-walled nanotubes, prepared by a number of methods. These results are confirming the theoretical predictions that carbon nanotubes have high strength plus extraordinary flexibility and resilience. As well as summarising the most notable achievements of theory and experiment in the last few years, this paper explains the properties of nanotubes in the wider context of materials science and highlights the contribution of our research group in this rapidly expanding field. A deeper understanding of the relationship between the structural order of the nanotubes and their mechanical properties will be necessary for the development of carbon-nanotube-based composites. Our research to date illustrates a qualitative relationship between the Young's modulus of a nanotube and the amount of disorder in the atomic structure of the walls. Other exciting results indicate that composites will benefit from the exceptional mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes, but that the major outstanding problem of load transfer efficiency must be overcome before suitable engineering materials can be produced. 62.20.x; 62.20.Dc; 61.48.+c; 61.16.Ch; 61.16.By Rolling up a graphene sheet on a nanometre scale [1] has dramatic consequences on the electrical properties . The small diameter of a carbon nanotube (CNT) also has an important effect on the mechanical properties, compared with traditional micron-size graphitic fibres . Perhaps the most striking effect is the opportunity to associate high flexibility and high strength with high stiffness, a property that is absent in graphite fibres. These properties of CNTs open the way for a new generation of high performance composites. Theoretical studies on the mechanical properties of CNTs * Corresponding author

On the effective elastic moduli of carbon nanotubes for nanocomposite structures

Composites Part B-engineering, 2004

A critical review on the validity of different experimental and theoretical approaches to the mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes for advanced composite structures is presented. Most research has been recently conducted to study the properties of single-walled and multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Special attention has been paid to the measurement and modeling of tensile modulus, tensile strength, and torsional stiffness. Theoretical approaches such as molecular dynamic (MD) simulations, finite element analysis, and classical elastic shell theory were frequently used to analyze and interpret the mechanical features of carbon nanotubes. Due to the use of different fundamental assumptions and boundary conditions, inconsistent results were reported. MD simulation is a well-known technique that simulates accurately the chemical and physical properties of structures at atomic-scale level. However, it is limited by the time step, which is of the order of 10 215 s. The use of finite element modeling combined with MD simulation can further decrease the processing time for calculating the mechanical properties of nanotubes. Since the aspect ratio of nanotubes is very large, the elastic rod or beam models can be adequately used to simulate their overall mechanical deformation. Although many theoretical studies reported that the tensile modulus of multi-walled nanotubes may reach 1 TPa, this value, however, cannot be directly used to estimate the mechanical properties of multi-walled nanotube/polymer composites due to the discontinuous stress transfer inside the nanotubes. q

A review of the mechanical properties of isolated carbon nanotubes and carbon nanotube composites

Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2010

Keywords: car bon nanotubes, com pos ites, me chan i cal prop er ties, modeling A lit er a ture re view on the pre dic tion of Young's modulus for car bon nanotubes, from both the o ret i cal and exper i men tal as pects, is pre sented. The dis crep an cies be tween the val ues of Young's modulus re ported in the liter a ture are an a lyzed, and dif fer ent trends of the re sults are dis cussed. The avail able an a lyt i cal and nu mer i cal sim u la tions for pre dict ing the me chan i cal prop er ties of car bon nanotube com pos ites are also re viewed. A gap anal y sis is per formed to high light the ob sta cles and draw backs of the mod el ing tech niques and fun da men tal as sump tions em ployed which should be over come in fur ther stud ies. The as pects which should be stud ied more accurately in modeling carbon nanotube composites are identified. 1 0191-5665/10/4602-01

Nanomechanics of carbon nanotubes and composites

Applied Mechanics Reviews, 2003

Computer simulation and modeling results for the nanomechanics of carbon nanotubes and carbon nanotube-polyethylene composite materials are described and compared with experimental observations. Young’s modulus of individual single-wall nanotubes is found to be in the range of 1 TPa within the elastic limit. At room temperature and experimentally realizable strain rates, the tubes typically yield at about 5–10% axial strain; bending and torsional stiffness and different mechanisms of plastic yielding of individual single-wall nanotubes are discussed in detail. For nanotube-polyethylene composites, we find that thermal expansion and diffusion coefficients increase significantly, over their bulk polyethylene values, above glass transition temperature, and Young’s modulus of the composite is found to increase through van der Waals interaction. This review article cites 54 references.

Computational modeling of elastic properties of carbon nanotube/ polymer composites with interphase regions. Part I: Micro-structural characterization and geometric modeling

A computational strategy to predict the elastic properties of carbon nanotube-reinforced polymer composites is proposed in this two-part paper. In Part I, the micro-structural characteristics of these nanocomposites are discerned. These characteristics include networks/agglomerations of carbon nanotubes and thick polymer interphase regions between the nanotubes and the surrounding matrix. An algorithm is presented to construct three-dimensional geometric models with large amounts of randomly dispersed and aggregated nanotubes. The effects of the distribution of the nanotubes and the thickness of the interphase regions on the concentration of the interphase regions are demonstrated with numerical results.

Numerical Investigation of the Overall Stiffness of Carbon Nanotube-Based Composite Materials

Journal of Nano Research, 2011

In this study, a finite element model of a representative volume element that contains a hollow and filled single-walled Carbon nanotube (SWCNT) in two case studies was generated. It was assumed that the nanocomposites have geometric periodicity with respect to local length scale and the elastic properties can be represented by those of the representative volume element (RVE). Elastic properties in agreement with existing literature values for the Carbon nanotube and the matrix were assigned. Then for the two case studies, the tensile test was simulated to find the effect of the geometry, i.e. the volume fraction of matrix and SWCNT's properties variation, on the effective Young's modulus of the structure. In another approach, by applying perpendicular loading to the tube direction, the effect of matrix volume fraction on the transverse Young's modulus was studied. The investigations showed that for both RVEs with filled SWCNT and hollow SWCNT, the effective Young's modulus of the structure decreases approximately linear as the matrix volume fraction increases. The value of Young's modulus of the RVE with a filled Carbon nanotube was obtained to be higher than the RVE with the hollow Carbon nanotube. In addition, by increasing the tube diameter, the effective Young's modulus of the structure increases and the transverse Young's modulus decreases approximately linear for filled tubes but this parameter remains rather constant in the case of the hollow tube by increasing the matrix volume fraction. Lu [1] reported the Young's modulus of CNTs from 0.97 to 1.11 TPa, while Li and Chou [2] obtained the Young's modulus about 0.89 to 1.033 TPa. Chang and Gao [3] used molecular dynamics simulations to predict the mechanical properties of CNT. They obtained Young's modulus equal to 1.06 TPa, while Cho [4] reported Young's modulus about 1.024 TPa, based on continuum mechanics studies. Krishnan et al. [5] used TEM to measure Young's modulus for 27 isolated single-walled Carbon nanotubes in the range of 1.0-1.5 nm at room temperature and reported a mean value of 1.25-0.35/+0.45 TPa.