Instrumentum Domesticum romà del Museu Episcopal de Vic. La col·lecció de segells en àmfora, tegula i morter (original) (raw)
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Barcino II: Marques i terrisseries del Baix Llobregat. Serie Timbres Amphoriques, 18. Barcelona: 127-285, 2013
This is our fourth and final scientific contribution to the Union Académique Internationale (UAI), the international project Timbres Amphoriques. Our work takes up the bulk of the book with an epigraphic corpus of 700 stamps in different kinds of industrial type ceramic supports. We have done a thorough and rigorous review of already published data, and added a huge amount of new features. For the first time, we have solid evidence about when, where and how the Laietanian wine production and exportation centers worked, his involvement in the territory, and social relationships within the small in extent, but intense economic activity, the ager Barcinonensis who found in a vital artery Rubricatum also watered a fertile plain in which the Roman farmers were able to take high performance. For the first time, we have solid evidence about when, where and how wine producers and exporters from Laietanian centers operated, its involvement in the territory, and the social relations within its small area. Thus the ager Barcinonensis, of reduced dimensions but strong in economic activity, had in the Rubricatum river a way of important communication that also watered a fertile plain the Roman farmers knew how to take high performance. Moreover, we have been able to establish relationships between the owners or managers of wine farms with the inhabitants of the colony. From this extensive epigraphic corpus we have drawn two recent papers with specific studies on the socioeconomic impact of the production and trade of Laietanian wine relating to the colony and social advancement of its people: PIERO BERNI MILLET; JORDI MIRÓ CANALS (2013). "Dinámica socioeconómica en la Tarraconense Oriental a finales de la República y comienzos del Imperio". en El comercio del vino a través de la epigrafía anfórica. Tarraco Biennal. Actes del 1er Congrès Internacional d'Arqueologia i Món Antic. Govern i societat a la Hipània Romana. Novetats epigràfiques. Homenatge a Géza Alföldy (J. López Ed.). pp. 63 - 83. Tarragona.; PIERO BERNI MILLET. (2014). "Novedades de epigrafía anfórica en el Baix Llobregat". en Martínez Ferreras, V. (ed.). Las ánforas vinarias producidas en Hispania Tarraconensis en época alto-imperial. Difusión comercial. Roman and Late Mediterranean Pottery. Oxford(Reino Unido): Archaeopress. Berni Millet, P.; Carreras Monfort, C. (2013). "Corpus epigràfic de segells en àmfores, dolia, tegulae i gerres de ceràmica comuna oxidada del Baix Llobregat". Marques i terrisseries d'àmfores al Baix Llobregat. Barcelona: 127-286
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Homenatge al Dr. Alberto López Mullor, Estudis sobre ceràmica i arqueologia de l'arquitectura, 2020
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