Analysis of spin precession in binary black hole systems including quadrupole-monopole interaction (original) (raw)
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Precessing Black Hole Binaries and Their Gravitational Radiation
The first and second observational runs of Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitationalwave Observatory (LIGO) have marked the first direct detections of gravitational waves, either from black hole binaries or, in one case, from coalescing neutron stars. These observations opened up the era of gravitational wave astronomy, but also of gravitational wave cosmology, in the form of an independent derivation of the Hubble constant. They were equally important to prove false a plethora of modified gravity theories predicting gravitational wave propagation speed different from that of light. For a continued and improved testing of general relativity, the precise description of compact binary dynamics, not only in the final coalescence phase but also earlier, when precessional effects dominate, are required. We report on the derivation of the full secular dynamics for compact binaries, valid over the precessional timescale , in the form of an autonomous closed system of differential equations for the set of spin angles and periastron. The system can be applied for mapping the parameter space for the occurrence of the spin flip-flop effect and for more accurately analyzing the spin-flip effect, which could explain the formation of X-shaped radio galaxies.
Angular Momentum for Black Hole Binaries in Numerical Relativity
Cornell University - arXiv, 2023
The extensive catalog of waveforms, with details of binary black hole inspiral and merger, offer an opportunity to understand black hole interactions beyond the large separation regime. We envision a research program that focuses on the transfer of angular momentum from spin of the individual holes to the orbital angular momentum and the role of tidal coupling in the process. That analysis will require the formulation of two new quantities that are more accurate than their Newtonian equivalents at small binary separation: (i) An orbital angular momentum for binaries that can be used in considerations of angular momentum conservation, and (ii) an improved Kepler law, a relationship of binary separation to angular velocity. We report here a binary orbital angular momentum based on numerical relativity results, that agrees remarkably well with a similar quantity constructed with particle-perturbation techniques for the Kerr geometry.
Inspiral of generic black hole binaries: spin, precession and eccentricity
Given the absence of observations of black hole binaries, it is critical that the full range of accessible parameter space be explored in anticipation of future observation with gravitational wave detectors. To this end, we compile the Hamiltonian equations of motion describing the conservative dynamics of the most general black hole binaries and incorporate an effective treatment of dissipation through gravitational radiation, as computed by Will and collaborators. We evolve these equations for systems with orbital eccentricity and precessing spins. We find that, while spinspin coupling corrections can destroy constant radius orbits in principle, the effect is so small that orbits will reliably tend to quasi-spherical orbits as angular momentum and energy are lost to gravitational radiation. Still, binaries that are initially highly eccentric may retain eccentricity as they pass into the detectable bandwidth of ground-based gravitational wave detectors. We also show that a useful set of natural frequencies for an orbit demonstrating both spin precession and periastron precession is comprised of (1) the frequency of angular motion in the orbital plane, (2) the frequency of the plane precession, and (3) the frequency of radial oscillations. These three natural harmonics shape the observed waveform.
Physical Review D, 2015
Using black hole perturbation theory and arbitrary-precision computer algebra, we obtain the post-Newtonian (pN) expansions of the linear-in-mass-ratio corrections to the spin-precession angle and tidal invariants for a particle in circular orbit around a Schwarzschild black hole. We extract coefficients up to 20pN order from numerical results that are calculated with an accuracy greater than 1 part in 10 500. These results can be used to calibrate parameters in effective-one-body models of compact binaries, specifically the spin-orbit part of the effective Hamiltonian and the dynamically significant tidal part of the main radial potential of the effective metric. Our calculations are performed in a radiation gauge, which is known to be singular away from the particle. To overcome this irregularity, we define suitable Detweiler-Whiting singular and regular fields in this gauge, and we compute the invariants using mode-sum regularization in combination with averaging from two sides of the particle. The detailed justification of this regularization procedure will be presented in a forthcoming companion paper.
Physical Review D, 2009
High-accuracy binary black hole simulations are presented for black holes with spins anti-aligned with the orbital angular momentum. The particular case studied represents an equal-mass binary with spins of equal magnitude S/m 2 = 0.43757 ± 0.00001. The system has initial orbital eccentricity ∼ 4 × 10 −5 , and is evolved through 10.6 orbits plus merger and ringdown. The remnant mass and spin are M f = (0.961109 ± 0.000003)M and S f /M f 2 = 0.54781 ± 0.00001, respectively, where M is the mass during early inspiral. The gravitational waveforms have accumulated numerical phase errors of 0.1 radians without any time or phase shifts, and 0.01 radians when the waveforms are aligned with suitable time and phase shifts. The waveform is extrapolated to infinity using a procedure accurate to 0.01 radians in phase, and the extrapolated waveform differs by up to 0.13 radians in phase and about one percent in amplitude from the waveform extracted at finite radius r = 350M . The simulations employ different choices for the constraint damping parameters in the wave zone; this greatly reduces the effects of junk radiation, allowing the extraction of a clean gravitational wave signal even very early in the simulation.
Physical Review D, 2013
The behavior of merging black holes (including the emitted gravitational waves and the properties of the remnant) can currently be computed only by numerical simulations. This paper introduces ten numerical relativity simulations of binary black holes with equal masses and equal spins aligned or antialigned with the orbital angular momentum. The initial spin magnitudes have j i j & 0:95 and are more concentrated in the aligned direction because of the greater astrophysical interest of this case. We combine these data with five previously reported simulations of the same configuration, but with different spin magnitudes, including the highest spin simulated to date, i % 0:97. This data set is sufficiently accurate to enable us to offer improved analytic fitting formulas for the final spin and for the energy radiated by gravitational waves as a function of initial spin. The improved fitting formulas can help to improve our understanding of the properties of binary black hole merger remnants and can be used to enhance future approximate waveforms for gravitational wave searches, such as effective-one-body waveforms.
Model of gravitational waves from precessing black-hole binaries through merger and ringdown
Physical Review D
We present PhenomPNR, a frequency-domain phenomenological model of the gravitational-wave signal from binary-black-hole mergers that is tuned to numerical relativity (NR) simulations of precessing binaries. In many current waveform models, e.g., the "Phenom" and "EOBNR" families that have been used extensively to analyse LIGO-Virgo GW observations, analytic approximations are used to add precession effects to models of nonprecessing (aligned-spin) binaries, and it is only the aligned-spin models that are fully tuned to NR results. In PhenomPNR we incorporate precessing-binary numerical relativity results in two ways: (i) we produce the first numerical relativity-tuned model of the signal-based precession dynamics through merger and ringdown, and (ii) we extend a previous aligned-spin model, PhenomD, to include the effects of misaligned spins on the signal in the coprecessing frame. The numerical relativity calibration has been performed on 40 simulations of binaries with mass ratios between 1∶1 and 1∶8, where the larger black hole has a dimensionless spin magnitude of 0.4 or 0.8, and we choose five angles of spin misalignment with the orbital angular momentum. PhenomPNR has a typical mismatch accuracy within 0.1% up to mass ratio 1∶4 and within 1% up to mass ratio 1∶8.
Simple Model of Complete Precessing Black-Hole-Binary Gravitational Waveforms
Physical Review Letters, 2014
The construction of a model of the gravitational-wave (GW) signal from generic configurations of spinning-black-hole binaries, through inspiral, merger and ringdown, is one of the most pressing theoretical problems in the build-up to the era of GW astronomy. We present such a model, "PhenomP", which captures the basic phenomenology of the seven-dimensional parameter space of binary configurations with only three physical parameters. Essentially, we simply "twist up" a twoparameter non-precessing-binary model with approximate expressions for the precessional motion, which require only one additional physical parameter, an effective precession spin. The model is constructed in the frequency domain, which will be essential for efficient GW searches and source measurements. We have tested the model's fidelity for GW applications by comparison against hybrid post-Newtonian-numerical-relativity waveforms at a variety of configurations -although we did not use these numerical simulations in the construction of the model. Our model can be used to develop GW searches, to study the implications for astrophysical measurements, and, perhaps most importantly, as a simple conceptual framework to form the basis of generic-binary waveform modelling in the advanced-detector era.
First Higher-Multipole Model of Gravitational Waves from Spinning and Coalescing Black-Hole Binaries
Physical Review Letters, 2018
Gravitational-wave observations of binary black holes currently rely on theoretical models that predict the dominant multipoles (= 2, |m| = 2) of the radiation during inspiral, merger and ringdown. We introduce a simple method to include the subdominant multipoles to binary black hole gravitational waveforms, given a frequency-domain model for the dominant multipoles. The amplitude and phase of the original model are appropriately stretched and rescaled using post-Newtonian results (for the inspiral), perturbation theory (for the ringdown), and a smooth transition between the two. No additional tuning to numerical-relativity simulations is required. We apply a variant of this method to the non-precessing PhenomD model. The result, PhenomHM, constitutes the first higher-multipole model of spinning black-hole binaries, and currently includes the (, |m|) = (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (2, 1), (3, 2), (4, 3) radiative moments. Comparisons with numerical-relativity waveforms demonstrate that PhenomHM is more accurate than dominant-multipole-only models for all binary configurations, and typically improves the measurement of binary properties.