Canine neutrophils activate effector mechanisms in response to Leishmania infantum (original) (raw)
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Neutrophils are short-lived phagocytic cells equipped with several receptors for pathogen recognition and phagocytosis and have intracellular and extracellular effector mechanisms that can inactivate pathogens. Leishmaniases are diseases caused by different species of Leishmania that mainly afflicts poorer populations of tropical and subtropical regions and immunocompromised individuals. Thus, the present study aims to investigate the effector response of murine neutrophils to species of Leishmania causing American cutaneous leishmaniasis and zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis by evaluating pattern recognition receptors (PRR) and in-tracellular and extracellular effector microbicide activity. When exposed to Leishmania parasites, mouse neu-trophils produced superoxide, released enzymes in the extracellular space and generated neutrophil extracellular traps, although PRR gene expression is negatively regulated. L. infantum, L. guyanensis, and L. shawi inhibited enzymatic activity, whereas L. amazonensis reduced the emission of extracellular structures. These findings indicate that although neutrophils trigger several microbicide mechanisms, Leishmania parasites can manipulate extracellular effector mechanisms. The present study also provides evidence that neutrophils can internalize parasites by coiling phagocytosis.
In vivo involvement of polymorphonuclear neutrophils in Leishmania infantum infection
Background: The role of lymphocytes in the specific defence against L. infantum has been well established, but the part played by polynuclear neutrophil (PN) cells in controlling visceral leishmaniasis was much less studied. In this report we examine in vivo the participation of PN in early and late phases of infection by L. infantum. Results: Promastigote phagocytosis and killing occurs very early after infection, as demonstrated by electron microscopy analyses which show in BALB/c mouse spleen, but not in liver, numerous PN harbouring ultrastructurally degraded parasites. It is shown, using mAb RB6-8C5 directed against mature mouse granulocytes, that in chronically infected mice, long-term PN depletion did not enhance parasite counts neither in liver nor in spleen, indicating that these cells are not involved in the late phase of L. infantum infection. In acute stage of infection, in mouse liver, where L. infantum load is initially larger than that in spleen but resolves spontaneously, there was no significant effect of neutrophils depletion. By contrast, early in infection the neutrophil cells crucially contributed to parasite killing in spleen, since PN depletion, performed before and up to 7 days after the parasite inoculation, resulted in a tenfold increase of parasite burden. Conclusions: Taken together these data show that neutrophil cells contribute to the early control of the parasite growth in spleen but not in liver and that these cells have no significant effect late in infection in either of these target organs.
The Prominent Role of Neutrophils during the Initial Phase of Infection by Leishmania Parasites
Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, 2010
Neutrophils are rapidly and massively recruited to the site of Leishmania inoculation, where they phagocytose the parasites, some of which are able to survive within these first host cells. Neutrophils can thus provide a transient safe shelter for the parasites, prior to their entry into macrophages where they will replicate. In addition, neutrophils release and synthesize rapidly several factors including cytokines and chemokines. The mechanism involved in their rapid recruitment to the site of parasite inoculation, as well as the putative consequences of their massive presence on the microenvironment of the focus of infection will be discussed in the context of the development of the Leishmania-specific immune response.
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2019
Leishmaniases are neglected diseases, caused by intracellular protozoan parasites of the Leishmania (L.) genus. Although the principal host cells of the parasites are macrophages, neutrophils are the first cells rapidly recruited to the site of parasites inoculation, where they play an important role in the early recognition and elimination of the parasites. The nature of early interactions between neutrophils and Leishmania could influence the outcome of infection. Herein we aimed to evaluate whether different Leishmania strains, responsible for distinct clinical manifestations, could influence ex vivo functional activity of neutrophils. Human polymorphonuclear leukocytes were isolated from 14 healthy volunteers and the ex vivo infection of these cells was done with two L. infantum and one L. major strains. Infection parameters were determined and neutrophils activation was assessed by oxidative burst, degranulation, DNA release and apoptosis; cytokine production was measured by a multiplex flow cytometry analysis. Intracellular amastigotes were rescued to determine Leishmania strains survival. The results showed that L. infantum and L. major promastigotes similarly infected the neutrophils. Oxidative burst, neutrophil elastase, myeloperoxidase activity and apoptosis were significantly increased in infected neutrophils but with no differences between strains. The L. infantum-infected neutrophils induced more DNA release than those infected by L. major. Furthermore, Leishmania strains induced high amounts of IL-8 and stimulated the production of IL-1β, TNF-α, and TGF-β by human neutrophils. We observed that only one strain promoted IL-6 release by these neutrophils. The production of TNF-α was also differently induced by the parasites strains. All these results demonstrate that L. infantum and L. major strains were able to induce globally a similar ex vivo activation and apoptosis of neutrophils; however, they differentially triggered cytokines release from these cells. In addition, rescue of intracellular parasites indicated different survival rates further emphasizing on the influence of parasite strains within a species on the fate of infection.
Infection and Activation of Human Neutrophils with Fluorescent Leishmania infantum
Journal of Immunological Techniques in Infectious Diseases, 2016
Neutrophils (PMNs) are recruited in high numbers to sites of host infection by the protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania. Although PMNs are capable of phagocytizing Leishmania parasites and are potent producers of anti-microbial compounds including reactive oxygen species (ROS), they are unable to control the establishment of infection. Prior studies document production of ROS in isolated PMNs incubated with Leishmania under conditions allowing phagocytosis, but without a measure of single cells' responses it cannot be discerned whether PMN activation and ROS production is suppressed or ineffective in the cells that internalize the parasite. To address these interactions, we engineered a strain of fluorescent, mCherry-expressing Leishmania infantum (mCherry-Li). By infecting isolated human PMNs in vitro with mCherry-Li, we observed ready association of the parasites with PMNs in a time-and dose-dependent fashion. We also examined production of PMN ROS (using the fluorescent compound DHR123) and PMN activation (as evidence by loss of surface CD62L expression). Whereas many Li-associated (mCherry +) PMNs responded to parasite interactions and uptake with ROS production and/or activation, a proportion exhibited neither response. Furthermore, a large proportion of mCherry-"bystander" PMNs displayed both ROS production and activation. The heterogeneous response of PMNs to Leishmania exposure leads us to hypothesize, first, that some PMNs exhibit decreased activation upon phagocytosis of Leishmania, and could support their maintenance. Second, responses of bystander PMNs may contribute to a local inflammatory environment that is ineffective at parasite clearance.
Neutrophils Reduce the Parasite Burden in Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis-Infected Macrophages
PLoS ONE, 2010
Background: Studies on the role of neutrophils in Leishmania infection were mainly performed with L. (L) major, whereas less information is available for L. (L) amazonensis. Previous results from our laboratory showed a large infiltrate of neutrophils in the site of infection in a mouse strain resistant to L. (L.) amazonensis (C3H/HePas). In contrast, the susceptible strain (BALB/c) displayed a predominance of macrophages harboring a high number of amastigotes and very few neutrophils. These findings led us to investigate the interaction of inflammatory neutrophils with L. (L.) amazonensisinfected macrophages in vitro. Methodology/Principal Findings: Mouse peritoneal macrophages infected with L. (L.) amazonensis were co-cultured with inflammatory neutrophils, and after four days, the infection was quantified microscopically. Data are representative of three experiments with similar results. The main findings were 1) intracellular parasites were efficiently destroyed in the cocultures; 2) the leishmanicidal effect was similar when cells were obtained from mouse strains resistant (C3H/HePas) or susceptible (BALB/c) to L. (L.) amazonensis; 3) parasite destruction did not require contact between infected macrophages and neutrophils; 4) tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), neutrophil elastase and platelet activating factor (PAF) were involved with the leishmanicidal activity, and 5) destruction of the parasites did not depend on generation of oxygen or nitrogen radicals, indicating that parasite clearance did not involve the classical pathway of macrophage activation by TNFa, as reported for other Leishmania species. Conclusions/Significance: The present results provide evidence that neutrophils in concert with macrophages play a previously unrecognized leishmanicidal effect on L. (L.) amazonensis. We believe these findings may help to understand the mechanisms involved in innate immunity in cutaneous infection by this Leishmania species.
The Role of Neutrophils in the Interaction with Leishmania: Far beyond a Simple Trojan Horse?
Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 2021
Neutrophils are the most numerous leukocyte in mammals and normally they are the first phagocyte observed in recently damaged or infected tissues. They play a key role in the innate immune responses to Leishmania and several other microorganisms, nonetheless an exacerbated neutrophils activity can generate a harmful response to the host, therefore its turnover rate is very important to maintain the homeostasis and averts the host tissue damage. Both apoptosis followed by phagocytosis by mononuclear phagocytes (eferocytosis) and reverse transmigration have been considered the main processes for the clearance of neutrophils from injured or infected tissues. However, the interaction with Leishmania and other microbes, as well as molecules produced by arthropod vectors such as sandflies saliva can modify the behavior of neutrophils, causing immediate lysis to prolong their life. In fact, as a result of a long course of coevolution, several microorganisms have developed skills to avoid neutrophil effector mechanisms and take advantage of neutrophil clearance pathways to promote their spread in the host's body. Leishmania, Chlamydia pneumoniae and Yersinia pestis for example use the efferocytic Trojan horse process for their dissemination and immune protection, in a different way vaccinia Ankara virus and Toxoplasma gondii exploit the neutrophil reverse transmigration for the same reason. Here we present an overview of some characteristics of neutrophils and their different destinations after interaction with several microorganisms, with an emphasis on Leishmania species. It was also suggested the probable role of neutrophils reverse transmigration as another possible route for the spreading of Leishmania in the visceral leishmaniasis.
Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 2008
Neutrophils are involved in the initial steps of most responses to pathogens. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of the interaction of apoptotic vs. necrotic human neutrophils on macrophage infection by Leishmania amazonensis. Phagocytosis of apoptotic, but not viable, neutrophils by Leishmania-infected macrophages led to an increase in parasite burden via a mechanism dependent on TGF-1 and PGE 2 . Conversely, infected macrophages' uptake of necrotic neutrophils induced killing of L. amazonensis. Leishmanicidal activity was dependent on TNF-␣ and neutrophilic elastase. Nitric oxide was not involved in the killing of parasites, but the interaction of necrotic neutrophils with infected macrophages resulted in high superoxide production, a process reversed by catalase, an inhibitor of reactive oxygen intermediate production. Initial events after Leishmania infection involve interactions with neutrophils; we demonstrate that phagocytosis of these cells in an apoptotic or necrotic stage can influence the outcome of infection, driving either parasite survival or destruction. J. Leukoc. Biol. 84: 389 -396; 2008.
The influence of early neutrophil-Leishmania interactions on the host immune response to infection
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2012
Neutrophils are the first cells recruited to the dermal site of Leishmania infection following injection by needle or sand fly bite. The role of neutrophils in either promoting or suppressing host immunity remains controversial. We discuss the events driving neutrophil recruitment, their interaction with the parasite and apoptotic fate, and the nature of their encounters with other innate cells. We suggest that the influence of the neutrophil response on infection outcome critically depends on the timing of their recruitment and the tissue environment in which it occurs.
PLoS pathogens, 2015
The protozoan Leishmania mexicana parasite causes chronic non-healing cutaneous lesions in humans and mice with poor parasite control. The mechanisms preventing the development of a protective immune response against this parasite are unclear. Here we provide data demonstrating that parasite sequestration by neutrophils is responsible for disease progression in mice. Within hours of infection L. mexicana induced the local recruitment of neutrophils, which ingested parasites and formed extracellular traps without markedly impairing parasite survival. We further showed that the L. mexicana-induced recruitment of neutrophils impaired the early recruitment of dendritic cells at the site of infection as observed by intravital 2-photon microscopy and flow cytometry analysis. Indeed, infection of neutropenic Genista mice and of mice depleted of neutrophils at the onset of infection demonstrated a prominent role for neutrophils in this process. Furthermore, an increase in monocyte-derived d...