Comparing random coefficient autoregressive model with and without autocorrelated errors by Bayesian analysis (original) (raw)
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Bayesian Analysis of Random Coefficient Autoregressive Models
Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, 2008
Random Coefficient AutoRegressive (RCAR) models are obtained by introducing random coefficients to an AR or more generally ARMA model. These models have second order properties similar to that of ARCH and GARCH models. In this article, a Bayesian approach to estimate the first order RCAR models is considered. A couple of Bayesian testing criteria for the unit-root hypothesis are proposed: one is based on the Posterior Interval, and the other one is based on Bayes Factor. In the end, two real life examples involving the daily stock volume transaction data are presented to show the applicability of the proposed methods.
Bayesian Analysis of Random Coefficient Dynamic AutoRegressive Model
Thailand Statistician, 2012
The goal of this work is to develop Random Coefficient AutoRegressive (RCAR) model and AutoRegressive (AR) model to Random Coefficient Dynamic AutoRegressive (RCDAR) model. The RCDAR model is considered by adding exogenous variables in RCAR model, so there are two variables in RCDAR model. This paper proposes the Bayesian analysis to estimate parameter of the first order RCDAR model. The noninformative prior is used to the Bayesian estimation procedure that works well for the AR model. Monte Carlo simulations was repeated for each situations in comparison of the coefficient from RCDAR model which is stationary, weakly stationary, and closed to nonstationary data. The results of coefficient estimator are satisfied weakly stationary data which is performed to fit possibly for large sample sizes.
Bayesian estimation of an autoregressive model using Markov chain Monte Carlo
Journal of Econometrics, 1996
We present a complete Bayesian treatment of autoregressive model estimation incorporating choice of autoregressive order, enforcement of stationarity, treatment of outliers and allowance for missing values and multiplicative seasonality. The paper makes three distinct contributions. First, we enforce the stationarity conditions using a very e cient Metropolis-within-Gibbs algorithm to generate the partial autocorrelations. Second we show how to carry out the Gibbs sampler when the autoregressive order is unknown. Third, we show how to combine the various aspects of tting an autoregressive model giving a more comprehensive and e cient treatment than previous work. We illustrate our methodology with a real example.
Bayesian estimation and unit root tests for Random Coefficient AutoRegressive models
Random Coefficient AutoRegressive (RCAR) models are obtained by introducing random coefficients to an AR or more generally ARMA model. These models have second order properties similar to that of ARCH and GARCH models. In this article, we consider a Bayesian approach to estimate RCAR models. We study the frequentist performance of the Bayes estimators and show that they have good coverage properties. We propose a couple of Bayesian testing criteria for the unit root hypothesis of first order RCAR models: one is based on the Posterior Interval, and the other one is based on the Bayes Factor. Using extensive simulation studies, we evaluate the performance of the Bayesian tests and show the impact of using different priors. In the end, we present a real life example involving the daily stock volume transaction data to illustrate the proposed methods.
Bayesian Analysis Influences Autoregressive Models
The models, principles and steps of Bayesian time series analysis and forecasting have been established extensively during the past fifty years. In order to estimate parameters of an autoregressive (AR) model we develop Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) schemes for inference of AR model. It is our interest to propose a new prior distribution placed directly on the AR parameters of the model. Thus, we revisit the stationarity conditions to determine a flexible prior for AR model parameters. A MCMC procedure is proposed to estimate coefficients of AR(p) model. In order to set Bayesian steps, we determined prior distribution with the purpose of applying MCMC. We advocate the use of prior distribution placed directly on parameters. We have proposed a set of sufficient stationarity conditions for autoregressive models of any lag order. In this thesis, a set of new stationarity conditions have been proposed for the AR model. We motivated the new methodology by considering the autoregressive model of AR(2) and AR(3). Additionally, through simulation we studied sufficiency and necessity of the proposed conditions of stationarity. The researcher, additionally draw parameter space of AR(3) model for stationary region of Barndorff-Nielsen and Schou (1973) and our new suggested condition. A new prior distribution has been proposed placed directly on the parameters of the AR(p) model. This is motivated by priors proposed for the AR(1), AR(2),..., AR(6), which take advantage of the range of the AR parameters. We then develop a Metropolis step within Gibbs sampling for estimation. This scheme is illustrated using simulated data, for the AR(2), AR(3) and AR(4) models and extended to models with higher lag order. The thesis compared the new proposed prior distribution with the prior distributions obtained from the correspondence relationship between partial autocorrelations and parameters discussed by Barndorff-Nielsen and Schou (1973).
Bayesian Analysis of Extended Auto Regressive Model with Stochastic Volatility
Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, 2019
This paper proposes an extension of the autoregressive model with stochastic volatility error. The Bayes analysis of the proposed model using vague priors for the parameters of the conditional mean equation and informative prior for the parameters of conditional volatility equation is done. The Gibbs sampler with intermediate Metropolis steps is used to find out posterior inferences for the parameters of autoregressive model and independent Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is used to simulate the volatility of the mean equation. The two data sets in the form of gross domestic product growth rate of India at constant prices and exchange rate of Indian rupees relative to US dollar are considered for numerical illustration. These data are used after assuring the stationarity by differencing the data once. The retrospective as well as prospective short term predictions of the data are provided based on the two simple components of the general autoregressive process. The findings based on the real data are expected to assist the policy makers and managers to make economic and business strategies more precisely.
Comparing Parameter Estimation of Random Coefficient Autoregressive Model by Frequentist Method
This paper compares the frequentist method that consisted of the least-squares method and the maximum likelihood method for estimating an unknown parameter on the Random Coefficient Autoregressive (RCA) model. The frequentist methods depend on the likelihood function that draws a conclusion from observed data by emphasizing the frequency or proportion of the data namely least squares and maximum likelihood methods. The method of least squares is often used to estimate the parameter of the frequentist method. The minimum of the sum of squared residuals is found by setting the gradient to zero. The maximum likelihood method carries out the observed data to estimate the parameter of a probability distribution by maximizing a likelihood function under the statistical model, while this estimator is obtained by a differential parameter of the likelihood function. The efficiency of two methods is considered by average mean square error for simulation data, and mean square error for actual ...
Pesquisa Operacional, 2012
In this work we compared the estimates of the parameters of ARCH models using a complete Bayesian method and an empirical Bayesian method in which we adopted a non-informative prior distribution and informative prior distribution, respectively. We also considered a reparameterization of those models in order to map the space of the parameters into real space. This procedure permits choosing prior normal distributions for the transformed parameters. The posterior summaries were obtained using Monte Carlo Markov chain methods (MCMC). The methodology was evaluated by considering the Telebras series from the Brazilian financial market. The results show that the two methods are able to adjust ARCH models with different numbers of parameters. The empirical Bayesian method provided a more parsimonious model to the data and better adjustment than the complete Bayesian method.
International Journal of Advanced Statistics and Probability, 2013
This paper compares a Least-Squared Random Coefficient Autoregressive (RCA) model with a Least-Squared RCA model based on Autocorrelated Errors (RCA-AR). We looked at only the first order models, denoted RCA(1) and RCA(1)-AR(1). The efficiency of the Least-Squared method was checked by applying the models to Brownian motion and Wiener process, and the efficiency followed closely the asymptotic properties of a normal distribution. In a simulation study, we compared the performance of RCA(1) and RCA(1)-AR(1) by using the Mean Square Errors (MSE) as a criterion. The RCA(1) exhibited good power estimation in both cases where the data is stationary and nonstationary. On the other hand, when data oscillates around its mean, RCA(1)-AR(1) performed better. For real world data, we applied the two models to the daily volume of the Thai gold price and found that RCA(1)-AR(1) performed better than RCA(1).