The Forest Map od Spain 1:200.000: methology and analysis of general results (original) (raw)
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Thematic and spatial accuracy: a comparison of the Corine Land Cover with the Forestry Map of Spain
AGILE 2002 proceedings, 2002
Abstract. Land use and vegetation maps have been the subject of several national and international projects in Europe. Projects as Corine Land Cover (CLC) represent a response to the need for environmental information as a basis for development and environmental management policies. Their high cost calls for strict quality control which can verify the accuracy and usefulness of the information for diverse objectives. In the present work we compared two land use maps, the Corine Land Cover map and the Forestry Map of Spain, ...
Forest and Arborescent Scrub Habitats of Special Interest for SCIs in Central Spain
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Plant Ecology, 2006
About 45% of the total surface area of the Castile and Leon region today can potentially be occupied by semi-deciduous forests, chiefly dominated by Quercus faginea Willd. and Quercus pyrenaica Lam. On the basis of extrapolated trends in annual mean temperature and precipitation in Castile and Leon observed over the 37-year period from 1961 to 1997 [del Rı´o et al. 2005], predicted changes in the areas covered by Q. faginea and Q. pyrenaica forests in 2025, 2050 and 2075 were made. A decrease in Q. faginea forests may occur if observed trends in temperature and precipitation continue. With respect to Q. pyrenaica forests, they may increase in present Mediterranean areas and decreases in Temperate Submediterranean areas. In some cases, both types of forests could be replaced by deciduous forests. The predicted results in the natural distribution of vegetation types by the bioclimatic models can be used to establish policies for improved future nature conservation and land management.
The multi-objective Spanish National Forest Inventory
Forest Systems, 2017
Aim of study: To present the evolution of the current multi-objective Spanish National Forest Inventory (SNFI) through the assessment of different key indicators on challenging areas of the forestry sector.Area of study: Using information from the Second, Third and Fourth SNFI, this work provides case studies in Navarra, La Rioja, Galicia and Balearic Island regions and at national Spanish scale.Material and methods: These case studies present an estimation of reference values for dead wood by forest types, diameter-age modeling for Populus alba and Populus nigra in riparian forest, the invasiveness of alien species and the invasibility of forest types, herbivore preferences and effects on trees and shrub species, the methodology for estimating cork production , and the combination of SNFI4 information and Airborne Laser Scanning datasets with the aim of updating forest-fire behavior assessment information with a high degree of accuracy.Main results: The results show the suitabilit...
Investigación Agraria: Sistemas y Recursos Forestales, 2008
A multivariate methodology was assayed to evaluate the phytoclimatic versatility of peninsular Spain and how this relates to the potential diversity of natural tree covers. The instances of greatest phytoclimatic versatility occur in a range of altitude between 1000 and 1300 m; these are cool phytoclimates with only short, low-intensity periods of aridity. These factorial ambits of maximum versatility correspond chiefly to the substeppe nemoral subtype VI(VII), followed by genuine nemoral VI and humid nemoromediterranean VI(IV) 2 subtypes. The lowest values of versatility and potential diversity correspond to dry genuine Mediterranean (IV i) or transitional Mediterranean IV(VI) 1 subtypes and to alpine oroborealoid or oroarcticoid subtypes. In geographical terms, intermediate mountain areas in the north of the Peninsula and some massifs in the southern half score the highest in the Diversity Index used. The lowest scores are found in the southern half of the Peninsula, although in the northern half low scores are also found for littoral areas, interior areas of the Duero and Ebro basins and alpine areas. Autoecological phytoclimatic spectra headed by stands of Pinus nigra and Quercus petraea present the greatest phytoclimatic versatility, while those headed by Quercus ilex ballota and Pinus uncinata stands present the least versatility. This article offers new methodological horizons for the study of the effects of climate change on plant diversity.
Relations between climax vegetation and isobioclimates in the Northwest of Spain (Le�n province)
Acta Bot Gallica, 2012
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