Closure of rabbit ileum enterotomies with the argon and CO2 lasers: Bursting pressures and histology (original) (raw)

Preliminary report: A new technique of enterotomy closure using Nd:YAG laser welding compared to suture repair

Journal of Surgical Research, 1987

This study compared the histology and tensile strength of Nd:YAG laser welded and sutured small bowel enterotomies in Sprague-Dawley rats. Enterotomies (0.5 cm long) were either welded with the Nd:YAG laser (1 W and 10.6 set pulses) or repaired with interrupted, simple 6-O silk sutures. Group I consisted of seven animals; five with enterotomies repaired by laser welding and two repaired by suturing. Group II consisted of eight animals with each having both laser and suture repairs. Animals were killed and specimens were removed and examined at 1 day, and at 1,2, and 3 weeks postoperatively to compare the progression of healing. On macroscopic examination the laser welded enterotomies were closed 84% of the time and only 23% had adhesion formation while 90% of sutured repairs were closed and 100% had adhesion formation. Histologic examination of both suture and laser welded enterotomies demonstrated active healing at 1 week with minimal collagen bridging the enterotomies. At 2 and 3 weeks the sutured enterotomies had granulomatous reaction around the sutures while the laser welded enterotomies had minimal inflammatory response and near normal small bowel histology. The tensile strength of the 3-week specimens from both the suture and laser welded enterotomies were 50% of normal bowel. These findings suggest that the laser welding of small bowel enterotomies is comparable in closure and tensile strength to suture repair. The time required to repair the enterotomy is significantly decreased, the procedure is easily performed, and there is a marked decrease in adhesion formation following laser repair. 0 1987 Academic Ress, Inc.

Healing process of laser–welded intestinal anastomosis

Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 1994

Intestinal welding by means of low-power laser has been reported as an efficient method for intestinal anastomosis. We designed an experimental model in rats to investigate collagen and DNA concentrations in CO, laser-welded anastomoses as compared with those in sutured anastomoses on the 4th, 7th, and 10th postoperative days. The results revealed that DNA, total collagen, and insolubIe collagen concentrations were significantly lower in the lased anastomoses than in the sutured anastomoses on the 4th postanastornotic day. On the 7th and 10th postanastomotic days, collagen concentrations increased in the lasertreated group attaining significantly higher levels than in the sutured group at that time. These findings are compatible with other studies demostrating that laser-welded intestinal anastomoses are more prone to dehiscence during the first 4 postanastomotic days, but become at least as effective as the sutured ones with passage of time.

Laser-Assisted intestinal anastomosis

Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 1988

Laser-assisted tissue fusion has been investigated as a new technology to enhance the healing of soft tissues. Laser fusion of intestinal anastomoses shows promise as a method to obtain primary healing while eliminating a foreign-body reaction associated with the sutures. This paper reviews the experimental data that are available regarding laserassisted intestinal anastomoses and summarizes our experience using the CO2, Nd:YAG, and argon lasers to form fusions in small bowel.

Stimulation of the healing of experimental colon anastomoses by low-power lasers

British Journal of Surgery, 1988

Stimulation of the healing of experimental colon anastomoses by low-power lasers Anastomotic leakage following colorectal surgery remains a complication with high mortality and morbidity. Recent studies suggest that helium-neon (He-Ne) lasers at specific energy densities can be used to enhance wound healing in different tissues. I n this experimental study we have tested the strength of end-to-end anastomosis of the rat colon irradiated by He-Ne laser by measuring bursting pressures and bursting wall tensions at 2,4 and 7 days after operation. The study shows that HeN e laser radiation induces a signi$cant increase in colonic strength at the anastomosis. The laser does not cause the luminal narrowing observed in non-irradiated specimens.

Argon laser suture lysis with different suture materials. An experimental study

British Journal of Ophthalmology, 1994

In an in vitro study, 10/0 nylon was found to require a significantly lower laser energy density to produce suture lysis foliowing a single shot than either 10/0 Dacron or 10/0 prolene. Nylon and Dacron monofilament sutures ruptured at reproducible energy levels without significant observable changes at subthreshold irradiation. Prolene, however, was observed to stretch at energy levels below the

Bladder Welding in Rats Using Controlled Temperature CO2 Laser System

The Journal of Urology, 1999

Purpose: Laser tissue welding has potential advantages over conventional suture closure of surgical wounds. It is a noncontact technique that introduces no foreign body and limits the possibility of infections and complications. The closure could be immediately watertight and the procedure may be less traumatic, faster and easier, In spite of these positives laser welding has not yet been approved for wide use. The problem in the clinical implementation of this technique arises from the difficulty in defining the conditions under which a highly reliable weld is formed. We have assumed that the successful welding of tissues depends on the ability to monitor and control the surface temperature during the procedure, thereby avoiding underheating or overheating. The purpose of this work was to develop a laser system for reliable welding of urinary tract tissues under good temperature control.

Endoscopic enhancement of the healing of high-risk colon anastomoses by low-power helium-neon laser

Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, 1992

Recent studies suggest that helium-neon (He-Ne) lasers at low energy can enhance wound healing in intestinal anastomoses. In this experimental study, we tested the Strength and collagen concentration of high-risk anastomoses of the rat colon after endoscopic irradiation by helium-neon laser. Our results show that repeated helium-neon laser irradiation (1.9 J]cm 2) increases the bursting strength of the anastomoses by almost 100% on the fourth postoperative day. This effect is not observed by increasing the radiation dose (6.4 J/cm2). Differences in collagen (hydroxyproline) concentration did not reach statistical significance.

CO2 and argon laser vascular welding: Acute histologic and thermodynamic comparison

Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 1988

<XI2 and argon lasers have been used successfully for vascular welding in both experimental and clinical settings. This study compared the thermodynamics during COz and argon laser welding of 1-cm longitudinal arteriotomies in a canine model. Continuous recordings using an AGA 782 digital thermographic system with spatial and thermal resolution of f0.2 mm and &0.2"C, respectively, were analyzed. A HGM argon laser using a 300-~m optic fiber held a t 1 cm from the vessel edges (spot diameter = 2.8 mm) with concomitant room temperature saline irrigation (1 drop/sec) was used for argon welds. Total exposure time was 150 sec/cm. COz welds were performed with a Sharplan C02 laser (spot diameter = 0.22 mm) with no irrigation for total exposure time of 10 sec/cm. Thermodynamic results and laser parameters are summarized as follows: Argon-n = 20; power = 500 mW; energy fluence = 1,400 .J/cmZ; Tmax = 48.8"C; T mean & S.1). = 45.1 -+ 2.7"C;

Laser welding with an albumin stent: Experimental ureteral end to end anastomosis


ABSTRACT Porcine ureters were anastomosed using an albumin stent and diode laser in vitro. The albumin stent provided precise apposition for an end to end anastomosis and enhanced welding strength. The anastomosis seam was lasered with an 810 nm diode laser using continuous wave and pulse light through a hand-held 600 µm noncontact optical fiber. Tensile strength, burst pressures, operative times, total energy and thermal damaged were measured in this study.