2019, Journal article

Nineteen gladiolus germplasms were characterized and evaluated in the Research Field of the Department of Horticulture, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, during November 2017 to May 2018 for identifying suitable line(s) to release as a variety for commercial cultivation. The accession G 8 produced the highest number of shoots (3.3) and effective shoots (3.0) per hill. The accessions that produced flower stalk within 75 days of planting included BARI gladiolus-3 (G 1 , 58.7 days), G 2 (62.3 days), G 3 (65.7 days), BARI gladiolus-5 (G 4 , 61.3 days), G 5 (55.7 days), BARI gladiolus-6 (G 7 , 71.3 days), G 10 (74.0 days), G 14 (73.3 days), G 15 (75.0 days) and G 19 (67.3 days). The highest rachis length was recorded in BARI gladiolus-3 (53.7 cm) which was statistically similar with the rachis length of G 6 (46.0 cm), G 10 (46.3 cm), G 11 (47.0 cm) and BARI gladiolus-1 (G 12 , 46.3 cm) but significantly differed with other accessions. Most of the accessions in general, produced more than 10 florets per spike. Vase life of the accessions varied and G 11 had the highest vase life of 9-11 days and this was close to 9-10 days in G 9 and 8-9 days in BARI gladiolus-3 (G 1), G 8 , G 10 , G 17 , G 18 and G 19. The highest number of corm per hill was recorded in G 8 (10.3) followed by G 5 (8.7), G 16 (8.3), G 17 (7.7) and BARI gladiolus-3 (6.7). Number of cormels per hill ranged from 9.0-941.7 with an average of 237.0. Based on various plant, flower colour, corm and cormel production characters, the gladiolus accessions G