American Transcendentalism: A History, and: The Transcendentalists (review (original) (raw)


transcendentalism, 2021

Transcendentalism Transcendentalism, called as American Enlightenment by someone, aroused in the scope of religion, philosophy and as a literary movement between the years 1830s and 60s in New England. The cities such as Concord, Philadelphia which were freer than other states were home to transcendentalists. In this movement, people thought that each individual has the same soul with the world, and even they are cast in the same mould with the world. This movement was based on a belief which defends that the world and the God has the same unity. However, It contains Deism which recquires an uninvolved god. Pioneers of transcendentalism seperate God's existance from the holly books and they attributed the logic and reason. They give importance to the self. Self-assurance and individuality doctrines flourished with the belief that God incarnates with the individual soul. The terms such as individuality, self, liberation showed itself in the work of writers such as

The Fear of a Religious and Social Radicalism: the Princeton Critics' Reaction against Transcendentalism

Cet article se propose d'explorer un des aspects de la réaction des théologiens de Princeton contre le transcendantalisme. Pour les professeurs du séminaire de Princeton, le transcendantalisme était une double hérésie, à la fois religieuse et sociale, d'autant plus dangereuse qu'elle semblait légitimer et encourager beaucoup d'autres formes d'agitation sociale qui traversaient la société américaine à l'époque antebellum. Who are the authors that are the most effective in coloring and shaping the current of public thought in our day? […] They are Wordsworth, […] Coleridge, Carlyle, and Emerson, baptized with the spirit of German transcendentalism, and in various ways disseminating its mystic sentiments among their countrymen. These are the writers who, more than any other at the present day, are shaping public opinion in England and America. Hence it may be inferred with the utmost certainty that metaphysics is not a science merely confined to the regions of speculative thought. It exerts a greater influence on the mass of men than almost any other intellectual pursuit. 2


1, Rahner meditates on the reality of the word "God," on its meaning, and on its very future as a word and concept. Then he reflects on what the human being would be like without the word "God," on the function of the word, and on how human beings were presented with the 135 all'esperienza del mistero che ci coinvolge. I 'nomi' con i quali specifichiamo Dio, persino come 'persona' rimangono di dubbia applicabilità 1 . Da questo approccio quasi apofatico su Dio ed i suoi 'nomi' appare più comprensibile la insofferenza della corrente di teologia estetica per la convergenza rahneriana: l'espressione è prioritaria e deve implicare una corrispondenza sicura a ciò che si indica (cfr volume III, sezione A, "la teologia della Gloria"). L'anonimato è un tradimento dell'espressione debitamente formulata ben più che del mistero indicibile, la salvaguardia sarà senza pietà riguardo a questo confronto. Ma, d'altra parte, l'incertezza dei 'nomi' in se stessi da spazio alla riarticolazione del prospetto religioso nell'intento umano -non dalla conoscenza 'tecnica' delle religioni in se ma dalle sorgenti fondamentali dell'intuito religioso. La "teologia pluralista" entra organicamente nella discussione sulle chiavi interreligiose (cfr volume III, sezione B, "la teologia pluralista"). Dalla posizione di Rahner sul 'cristiano anonimo' (in tante fedi esplicite o negli indirizzi ultimi (trascendentali) non del tutto consapevoli) si esploreranno le implicazioni teologiche di una eventuale doppia appartenenza inter-religiosa. L'iniziatore cristiano di questa apertura è Upadhyaya con la sua questione se 'siamo tutti hindu', o se esiste l'hindu 'anonimo' 2 .

The Metaphysical Correspondence between Nature and Spirit in the Visions of the American Transcendentalists Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau

TRANS-, 2011

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Transcendentalism in Contemporary Literature

Transcendentalism is not Archaic: The Legacy of American Transcendentalism in Contemporary Literature, 2019

American Transcendentalism (1836-1860), despite having an amorphous and transient lifespan, holds strong importance in American history: religious, philosophical, and literary. Not only did this movement approach societal and spiritual life with new and radical perceptions concerning a variety of matters, but the tenets it preached still strike a certain chord within all who study them. Leaders of this compelling movement, including Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Margaret Fuller, who are all prominent names in American literary history, called for a “transcendence” from a mediocre existence. Transcendentalism rooted from and sprouted diverse explanations of religion and philosophy including Unitarianism, Puritanism, and Idealism. However, in spite of the pivotal role politics, religion and philosophy played in the formation of the American Transcendentalist thought, this paper will not be discussing them. The following chapters have been orchestrated to exemplify, in breadth and depth, how 19th century American Transcendentalist doctrines yet seep from contemporary literature, contrary to a widespread belief that American Transcendentalist texts were extinguished when their explicitly transcendental authors passed away, and the movement itself subsided. In doing so, I will be analyzing two modern novels (fiction and nonfiction) in light of a quintessential transcendentalist text.

Movements of the World: The Sources of Transcendental Philosophy


A great difference is made to contemporary accounts of transcendental philosophy if the question is raised as to how far down its inquiries into the sources of cognitions extend. It is true that the transcendental deduction is designed to reset the orbit of metaphysics around experiences rather than things; and although there are exceptions, neither Kant nor his successor transcendentalists ceased to extend the inquiry into the ultimate grounds of cognition insofar as these are made possible not by objectives, but by what exceeds their being, that is, their formation. Indeed, it is in thinking sources, in descendence, that transcendental philosophy most achieves its objects.