Locomotor-like activity generated by the neonatal mouse spinal cord (original) (raw)

Spatiotemporal pattern of motoneuron activation in the rostral lumbar and the sacral segments during locomotor-like activity in the neonatal mouse spinal cord

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2002

We used calcium imaging to visualize the spatiotemporal pattern of motoneuron activity during dorsal root-evoked locomotor-like bursting in the lumbosacral spinal cord of the neonatal mouse. Dorsal root stimuli elicited a tonic discharge in motoneurons on which alternating left-right rhythmic discharges were superimposed. Both the tonic and the rhythmic components could be recorded optically from populations of motoneurons labeled with calcium-green dextran. Optical and electrical recordings revealed that rhythmic signals from different parts of the lumbar (L1, L2) and sacral (S1-S3) segments rose, peaked, and decayed in a rostrocaudal sequence. This pattern gave rise to a rostrocaudal "wave" in the activation of motoneurons during each cycle of locomotor-like activity. A similar rostrocaudal delay was observed during episodes of alternation that occurred in the absence of stimulation, suggesting that this delay was not caused by the train of dorsal root stimuli. It is hyp...

O'Donovan, M. J. Properties of rhythmic activity generated by the isolated spinal cord of the neonatal mouse

Journal of Neurophysiology

We examined the ability of the isolated lumbosacral spinal cord of the neonatal mouse (P0-7) to generate rhythmic motor activity under several different conditions. In the absence of electrical or pharmacological stimulation, we recorded several patterns of spontaneous ventral root depolarization and discharge. Spontaneous, alternating discharge between contralateral ventral roots could occur two to three times over a 10-min interval. We also observed other patterns, including left-right synchrony and rhythmic activity restricted to one side of the cord. Trains of stimuli delivered to the lumbar/coccygeal dorsal roots or the sural nerve reliably evoked episodes of rhythmic activity. During these evoked episodes, rhythmic ventral root discharges could occur on one side of the cord or could alternate from side to side. Bath application of a combination of N-methyl-D,L-aspartate (NMA), serotonin, and dopamine produced rhythmic activity that could last for several hours. Under these conditions, the discharge recorded from the left and right L 1-L 3 ventral roots alternated. In the L 4-L 5 segments, the discharge had two peaks in each cycle, coincident with discharge of the ipsilateral and contralateral L 1-L 3 roots. The L 6 ventral root discharge alternated with that recorded from the ipsilateral L 1-L 3 roots. We established that the drug-induced rhythm was locomotor-like by recording an alternating pattern of discharge between ipsilateral flexor and extensor hindlimb muscle nerves. In addition, by recording simultaneously from ventral roots and muscle nerves, we established that ankle flexor discharge was in phase with ipsilateral L 1 /L 2 ventral root discharge, while extensor discharge was in phase with ipsilateral L 6 ventral root discharge. Rhythmic patterns of ventral root discharge were preserved following mid-sagittal section of the spinal cord, demonstrating that reciprocal inhibitory connections between the left and right sides of the cord are not essential for rhythmogenesis in the neonatal mouse cord. Blocking N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, in both the intact and the hemisected preparation, revealed that these receptors contribute to but are not essential for rhythmogenesis. In contrast, the rhythm was abolished following blockade of kainate/AMPA receptors with 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxalene-2,3-dione. These findings demonstrate that the isolated mouse spinal cord can produce a variety of coordinated activities, including locomotor-like activity. The ability to study these behaviors under a variety of different conditions offers promise for future studies of rhythmogenic mechanisms in this preparation.

Properties of rhythmic activity generated by the isolated spinal cord of the neonatal mouse

Journal of …, 2000

We examined the ability of the isolated lumbosacral spinal cord of the neonatal mouse (P0-7) to generate rhythmic motor activity under several different conditions. In the absence of electrical or pharmacological stimulation, we recorded several patterns of spontaneous ventral root depolarization and discharge. Spontaneous, alternating discharge between contralateral ventral roots could occur two to three times over a 10-min interval. We also observed other patterns, including left-right synchrony and rhythmic activity restricted to one side of the cord. Trains of stimuli delivered to the lumbar/coccygeal dorsal roots or the sural nerve reliably evoked episodes of rhythmic activity. During these evoked episodes, rhythmic ventral root discharges could occur on one side of the cord or could alternate from side to side. Bath application of a combination of N-methyl-D,L-aspartate (NMA), serotonin, and dopamine produced rhythmic activity that could last for several hours. Under these conditions, the discharge recorded from the left and right L 1-L 3 ventral roots alternated. In the L 4-L 5 segments, the discharge had two peaks in each cycle, coincident with discharge of the ipsilateral and contralateral L 1-L 3 roots. The L 6 ventral root discharge alternated with that recorded from the ipsilateral L 1-L 3 roots. We established that the drug-induced rhythm was locomotor-like by recording an alternating pattern of discharge between ipsilateral flexor and extensor hindlimb muscle nerves. In addition, by recording simultaneously from ventral roots and muscle nerves, we established that ankle flexor discharge was in phase with ipsilateral L 1 /L 2 ventral root discharge, while extensor discharge was in phase with ipsilateral L 6 ventral root discharge. Rhythmic patterns of ventral root discharge were preserved following mid-sagittal section of the spinal cord, demonstrating that reciprocal inhibitory connections between the left and right sides of the cord are not essential for rhythmogenesis in the neonatal mouse cord. Blocking N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, in both the intact and the hemisected preparation, revealed that these receptors contribute to but are not essential for rhythmogenesis. In contrast, the rhythm was abolished following blockade of kainate/AMPA receptors with 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxalene-2,3-dione. These findings demonstrate that the isolated mouse spinal cord can produce a variety of coordinated activities, including locomotor-like activity. The ability to study these behaviors under a variety of different conditions offers promise for future studies of rhythmogenic mechanisms in this preparation.

Visualizing the three dimensional organization of locomotor-like activity in the mouse spinal cord using calcium imaging

Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2012

We used calcium imaging to visualize the spatiotemporal pattern of motoneuron activity during dorsal root-evoked locomotor-like bursting in the lumbosacral spinal cord of the neonatal mouse. Dorsal root stimuli elicited a tonic discharge in motoneurons on which alternating left-right rhythmic discharges were superimposed. Both the tonic and the rhythmic components could be recorded optically from populations of motoneurons labeled with calcium-green dextran. Optical and electrical recordings revealed that rhythmic signals from different parts of the lumbar (L1, L2) and sacral (S1-S3) segments rose, peaked, and decayed in a rostrocaudal sequence. This pattern gave rise to a rostrocaudal "wave" in the activation of motoneurons during each cycle of locomotor-like activity. A similar rostrocaudal delay was observed during episodes of alternation that occurred in the absence of stimulation, suggesting that this delay was not caused by the train of dorsal root stimuli. It is hypothesized that this behavior may simplify the appropriate sequencing of motoneurons during locomotion.

Sensory and Motor Systems Interactions between Dorsal and Ventral Root Stimulation on the Generation of Locomotor-Like Activity in the Neonatal Mouse Spinal Cord

We investigated whether dorsal (DR) and ventral root (VR) stimulus trains engage common postsynaptic components to activate the central pattern generator (CPG) for locomotion in the neonatal mouse spinal cord. VR stimulation did not activate the first order interneurons mediating the activation of the locomotor CPG by sacrocaudal afferent stimulation. Simultaneous stimulation of adjacent dorsal or ventral root pairs, subthreshold for evoking locomotor-like activity, did not summate to activate the CPG. This suggests that locomotor-like activity is triggered when a critical class of efferent or afferent axons is stimulated and does not depend on the number of stimulated axons or activated postsynaptic neurons. DR-and VR-evoked episodes exhibited differences in the coupling between VR pairs. In DR-evoked episodes, the coupling between the ipsilateral and contralateral flexor/extensor roots was similar and stronger than the bilateral extensor roots. In VR-evoked episodes, ipsilateral flexor/extensor coupling was stronger than both the contralateral flexor/extensor and the bilateral extensor coupling. For both types of stimulation, the coupling was greatest between the bilateral L1/L2 flexor-dominated roots. This indicates that the recruitment and/or the firing pattern of motoneurons differed in DR and VR-evoked episodes. However, the DR and VR trains do not appear to activate distinct CPGs because trains of DR and VR stimuli at frequencies too low to evoke locomotor-like activity did so when they were interleaved. These results indicate that the excitatory actions of VR stimulation converge onto the CPG through an unknown pathway that is not captured by current models of the locomotor CPG.

Whole Cell Recordings of Lumbar Motoneurons During Locomotor Like Activity in the In Vitro Neonatal Rat Spinal Cord

Hochman, S. and B. J. Schmidt. Whole cell recordings of lumbar central pattern generator (CPG) for locomotion (for review, motoneurons during locomotor-like activity in the in vitro neonatal see Gossard and Hultborn 1991). Progress in this area has rat spinal cord. J. Neurophysiol. 79: 743-752, 1998. Whole cell been hampered, in part, by the inherent difficulties of trying current-and voltage-clamp recordings were obtained from lumbar to identify the essential interneuronal components of the motoneurons in the isolated neonatal rat spinal cord to characterize CPG using electrophysiological criteria. the behavior of motoneurons during neurochemically induced loco-One approach to delineating CPG organization, as used motor-like activity. Bath application of serotonin (10-100 mM) in 743 0022-3077/98 $5.00

Mechanisms of Spontaneous Activity in the Developing Spinal Cord and Their Relevance to Locomotion

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1998

The isolated lumbosacral cord of the chick embryo generates spontaneous episodes of rhythmic activity. Muscle nerve recordings show that the discharge of sartorius (flexor) and femorotibialis (extensor) motoneurons alternates even though the motoneurons are depolarized simultaneously during each cycle. The alternation occurs because sartorius motoneuron firing is shunted or voltage-clamped by its synaptic drive at the time of peak femorotibialis discharge. Ablation experiments have identified a region dorsomedial to the lateral motor column that may be required for the alternation of sartorius and femorotibialis motoneurons. This region overlaps the location of interneurons activated by ventral root stimulation. Wholecell recordings from interneurons receiving short latency ventral root input indicate that they fire at an appropriate time to contribute to the cyclical pause in firing of sartorius motoneurons. Spontaneous activity was modeled by the interaction of three variables: network activity and two activity-dependent forms of network depression. A "slow" depression which regulates the occurrence of episodes and a "fast" depression that controls cycling during an episode. The model successfully predicts several aspects of spinal network behavior including spontaneous rhythmic activity and the recovery of network activity following blockade of excitatory synaptic transmission.

Interactions between Dorsal and Ventral Root Stimulation on the Generation of Locomotor-Like Activity in the Neonatal Mouse Spinal Cord


We investigated whether dorsal (DR) and ventral root (VR) stimulus trains engage common postsynaptic components to activate the central pattern generator (CPG) for locomotion in the neonatal mouse spinal cord. VR stimulation did not activate the first order interneurons mediating the activation of the locomotor CPG by sacrocaudal afferent stimulation. Simultaneous stimulation of adjacent dorsal or ventral root pairs, subthreshold for evoking locomotor-like activity, did not summate to activate the CPG. This suggests that locomotor-like activity is triggered when a critical class of efferent or afferent axons is stimulated and does not depend on the number of stimulated axons or activated postsynaptic neurons. DR- and VR-evoked episodes exhibited differences in the coupling between VR pairs. In DR-evoked episodes, the coupling between the ipsilateral and contralateral flexor/extensor roots was similar and stronger than the bilateral extensor roots. In VR-evoked episodes, ipsilateral ...

Locomotor rhythmogenesis in the isolated rat spinal cord: a phase-coupled set of symmetrical flexion extension oscillators

The Journal of Physiology, 2007

The temporal properties of limb motoneuron bursting underlying quadrupedal locomotion were investigated in isolated spinal cord preparations (without or with brainstem attached) taken from 0 to 4-day-old rats. When activated either with differing combinations of N-methyl-D,L-aspartate, serotonin and dopamine, or by electrical stimulation of the brainstem, the spinal cord generated episodes of fictive locomotion with a constant phase relationship between cervical and lumbar ventral root bursts. Alternation occurred between ipsi-and contra-lateral flexor and extensor motor root bursts, and the cervical and lumbar locomotor networks were always active in a diagonal coordination pattern that corresponded to fictive walking. However, unlike typical locomotion in adult animals in which extensor motoneuron bursts vary more with cycle period than flexor bursts, in the isolated neonatal cord, an increase in fictive locomotor speed was associated with a decrease in the durations of both extensor and flexor bursts, at cervical and lumbar levels. To determine whether this symmetry in flexor/extensor phase durations derived from the absence of sensory feedback that is normally provided from the limbs during intact animal locomotion, EMG recordings were made from hindlimb-attached spinal cords during drug-induced locomotor-like movements. Under these conditions, the duration of extensor muscle bursts increased with cycle period, while flexor burst durations now tended to remain constant. Moreover, after a complete dorsal rhizotomy, this extensor dominant pattern was replaced by flexor and extensor muscle bursts of similar duration. In vivo and in vitro experiments were also conducted on older postnatal (P10-12) rats at an age when body-supported adult-like locomotion occurs. Here again, characteristic extensor-dominated burst patterns observed during intact treadmill locomotion were replaced by symmetrical patterns during fictive locomotion expressed by the chemically activated isolated spinal cord, further indicating that sensory inputs are normally responsible for imposing extensor biasing on otherwise symmetrically alternating extensor/flexor oscillators.

Distribution of networks generating and coordinating locomotor activity in the neonatal rat spinal cord in vitro: a lesion study

The Journal of Neuroscience, 1996

The isolated spinal cord of the newborn rat contains networks that are able to create a patterned motor output resembling normal locomotor movements. In this study, we sought to localize the regions of primary importance for rhythm and pattern generation using specific mechanical lesions. We used ventral root recordings to monitor neuronal activity and tested the ability of various isolated parts of the caudal thoraciclumbar cord to generate rhythmic bursting in a combination of 5-HT and NMDA. In addition, pathways mediating left /right and rostrocaudal burst alternation were localized. We found that the isolated ventral third of the spinal cord can generate normally coordinated rhythmic activity, whereas lateral fragments resulting from sagittal sections showed little or no rhythmogenic capability compared with intact control preparations. The ability to generate fast and regular rhythmic activity decreased in the caudal direction, but the rhythm-generating network was found to be distributed over the entire lumbar region and to extend into the caudal thoracic region. The pathways mediating left/ right alternation exist primarily in the ventral commissure. As with the rhythmogenic ability, these pathways were distributed along the lumbar enlargement. Both lateral and ventral funiculi were sufficient to coordinate activity in the rostral and caudal regions. We conclude that the networks organizing locomotorrelated activity in the spinal cord of the newborn rat are distributed.