Bob Dylan and the Art of the Citharode (original) (raw)

Marginaal: Unfinished Business


An introductory note to this special journal issue (see abstracts of related articles) laments the decline in interest in sociology in general & organizational sociology in particular since the 1960s. It is argued that sociology has suffered because it has not yet learned to cope with three forces determining the success of other scientific disciplines: (1) rapid advances in the natural & informational sciences; (2) emphasis on the study of pragmatic, potentially lucrative fields; & (3) the expanding role of amusements & diversions. Sociology is not in danger of dying out, but is likely to lose more ground in the future. 2 References. M. Meeks

Russell's moral philosophy


Russell remains famous as a logician, a metaphysician, and as a philosopher of mathematics, but in his own day he was also notorious for his social and political opinions. He wrote an immense amount about practical ethics-women's rights, marriage and morals, war and peace, and the vexed question of whether socialists should smoke good cigars. (They should.) And unlike present-day practical ethicists (with a few notable exceptions such as Peter Singer) he was widely read by the nonphilosophical public. (See for instance Phillips 2013, which details Russell's successes as a popular moralist in the 1950s.) But though Russell was famous as a moralist and famous as a philosopher, he does not have much of a reputation as a moral philosopher in the more technical sense of the term. Until very recently, his contributions to what is nowadays known as ethical theory-meta-ethics (the nature and justification, if any, of moral judgments) and normative ethics (what makes right acts right etc)were either unknown, disregarded or dismissed as unoriginal. Key texts on the history of twentieth century ethics-Warnock's Ethics Since 1900 (1978), Urmson's The Emotivist Theory of Ethics (1968), Milller's Contemporary Metaethics: an Introduction (2013) and Schroeder's Non-Cognitivism in Ethics (2010)-say nothing, or next to nothing, about Russell, at least in his capacity as a moral philosopher. It is only very recently-in the last fifteen years or so-that ethical theorists have begun to pay attention to him. (See Pigden 2003, 2007 and Potter 2006, though L.W. Aiken 1963 anticipated Potter and Pigden by about forty years.) Perhaps Russell would not have repined, since he professed himself dissatisfied with what he had said "on the philosophical basis of ethics" (RoE: 165/Papers 11: 310). But since he took an equally dim view of what he had read on that topic, the fact that he did not think much of his own 1. The Open Question Argument and its Aftermath: Moore's Influence on Russell 2. Desire, Motivation and the Open Question Argument: Did Russell Influence Moore? 2.1. The Open Question Argument versus the Barren Tautology Argument 2.2. Wrestling With Desire: the Young Russell's Adventures in Meta-Ethics 2.3. Why the Open Question Argument? 3.

L-Innu lill-Madonna tal-Ġebla


Il-Gżirjani żgur li jafu bil-ġrajja mirakoluża tal-Madonna tal-Ġebla. Iżda forsi mhux kulħadd jaf eżatt kif twieled dal-innu f'ġieħha u min hu l-awtur u l-kompożitur li mmużikah. Għaldaqstant, permezz ta' dal-artiklu ser neħodkom lura fl-istorja fis-snin ħamsinijiet tas-seklu li għadu kif għadda u ser inlaqqgħakom ma' Dun Anton Xiberras, qassis poeta Naxxari u Dun Dward Corrado, organista. Għallewwel darba qed jidher xi tagħrif siewi dwar dal-Innu li ksibt mir-rivista 'Id-Djarju tan-Naxxar'. Hawn Ħajr lil Dun Karm Tanti (kappillan), Mro. George Debono (surmast), u Paul Catania (Arkivju Parroċċa Naxxar) tal-għajnuna li tawni biex stajt ninseġ dal-artiklu. Nirringrazzja wkoll lil Carmel Portelli u minn hawn nixtieq insellem il-memorja tiegħu.

Ma mmut qatt ... [Never shall I die]


There is only one option to solve this issue, Gius., a friend told me. Which is what? replied I That you'd die ... but my dear friend, replied I I will never die, replied I , thus ... replied I. This 140 page work is an image collage of milestone academic, artistic, diplomatic and personal events that formed me.

Popkultura jako forma interakcji na przykładzie Wrocławskiego Fanklubu Gwiezdnych Wojen


Tekst, bedący skroconą wersją pracy magisterskiej, dotyczy problematyki w jaki sposob popkultura moze prowadzic do powstawania i podtrzymywania grup spolecznych. Artykul otwiera krotki opis podstawowych pojec stosowanych w tekście - fan, Gwiezdne Wojny ( Star Wars ) oraz popkultura rozumiana jako interakcja. Nastepnie zostają wymienione stworzone przed badaniem hipotezy, ktore są konfrontowane z wypowiedziami respondentow. Tekst konczy stwierdzenie, ze studia nad fanami pozwalają lepiej zrozumiec wspolczesnego czlowieka, ktorego tozsamośc formuje sie cześciowo pod wplywem otaczającej go zewsząd popkultury. Pop culture as a form of interaction using the example of Wroclaw Star Wars Fan Club Abstract The text, which is a shortened version of a master thesis, concerns the issue of how pop culture can lead to the formation and maintenance of social groups. The article opens with a brief description of the main terms used in the text - fan, Star Wars (Star Wars) and pop culture under...