ESTRUTURAÇÃO GENÉTICA DAS POPULAÇÕES DE DUAS ESPÉCIES DE PEIXES RECIFAIS DO ATOL DAS ROCAS E DA COSTA DO CEARÁ. Genetic Structure of Two Reef Fishes Species From Atol das Rocas and Ceará Coast Populations (original) (raw)
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The archaeological sites of the Brazilian coast, known as middens (and as Sambaquis in Brazil), attract attention of archaeologists, biologists and anthropologists. This sub-project was focused on the study of three species commonly recorded in middens of the Brazilian coast: the white-sea catfish Genidens barbus (Siluriformes, Ariidae), the mullet Mugil platanus (Perciformes, Mugilidae) and black drum Pogonias cromis (Perciformes, Scianidae). For the present study, specimens of these three species were purchased in fish markets or collected, prepared as dry skeleton and cataloged in the fish collection of the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (MZUEL). Detailed osteological descriptions of neurocranium, suspensorium and opercular series accompanied by illustrations in dorsal, lateral, ventral and medial views were prepared for each of the three species. The results herein presented could serve as a guide for identifying bony remains of fishes preserved in archaeological sites of the Brazilian coast, improving our understanding of fishing techniques and rituals of hunter-fisher-collectors groups that lived in these sites, and the paleoclimatic changes occurred in these places.
Etnoictiologia dos pescadores artesanais da Resex Marinha Caeté- Taperaçu, Pará
Resumo -O propósito deste estudo é descrever o conhecimento de pescadores artesanais da vila dos Pescadores e vila Bonifácio (Ajuruteua -Pará) acerca do comportamento, usos de hábitat e migração de peixes da família Sciaenidae. Os resultados apresentados revelam o saber acurado e detalhado dos pescadores de Ajuruteua sobre aspectos do comportamento dos peixes relacionados com fisiologia, reprodução, parasitismo e comensalismo. Os pescadores indicaram também as principais unidades espaciais ocupadas pelos peixes e prováveis razões (bióticas e abióticas) para o deslocamento entre essas unidades. Desta forma, é destacado no presente trabalho o papel fundamental da etnobiologia na obtenção de dados plausíveis para o manejo da pesca a partir do conhecimento de pescadores. Palavras-chave adicionais: Amazônia, etnobiologia, pesca local, recursos pesqueiros.
As the aim of investigating the population structure of Brazilian bovine locally adapted breeds, 237 individuals from Caracu (n = 50), Creole Lageana (n = 39), Curraleira (n = 50), Mocha Nacional (n = 50) and Pantaneira breeds (n = 48) were genotyped with 28 microsatellite loci chosen from lists of FAO / ISAG and BIOBOVIS project. Indices of genetic diversity were calculated by FSAT program and the genetic population structure was obtained based on Bayesian analysis implemented by the STRUCTURE program. There was a significant genetic differentiation (p <0.05) between breeds studied, the percentage of variation among populations was 4.64%. In general the expected heterozygosity was higher than observed heterozygosity (0.751 vs 0.696). The Creole Lageana breed showed the highest allelic richness (8.9) while the lowest was observed in the Caracu breed (7.07). The greatest FIS was observed in Curraleira (0.106) and the smallest in the Mocho National (0.035). By the Bayesian analysis...
“Cerrito” é a denominação corrente de uma manifestação cultural arqueológica específica do bioma pampa sul-americano: sítios arqueológicos monticulares compostos predominantemente por sedimentos, que ocorrem desde aproximadamente 5000 anos A.P. Este trabalho discorre sobre as análises tecnológicas realizadas em quatro coleções cerâmicas oriundas de sítios arqueológicos deste tipo, identificados em duas áreas distintas da cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul: o banhado do Pontal da Barra e a Lagoa do Fragata A indústria cerâmica dos cerritos foi caracterizada ainda na década de 1960 como tradição Vieira, e aqui será problematizada a própria definição conceitual deste termo, numa tentativa de se demonstrar que apesar da grande reoxigenação teórica que impulsionou a “arqueologia cerriteira” ao longo das últimas décadas, pouco foi alcançado no que diz respeito a uma atualização conceitual e tecnológica destes vestígios cerâmicos. Partindo da aplicação de parâmetros analíticos pautados pela maleabilidade e uma abordagem interpretativa de orientação ontológica, ambos embasados na conjugação de referenciais arqueológicos e antropológicos, tentar-se-á demonstrar que, para os materiais cerâmicos em questão, a lógica da homogeneidade e simplicidade tecnológica da tradição Vieira é inadequada e necessita de implementos descritivos mais substanciais. O objetivo final deste trabalho é não apenas ressaltar as similaridades e as particularidades verificadas entre as duas áreas de estudo, mas também levantar novas hipóteses e interpretações sobre estes vestígios que possam ser testadas, adotadas e/ou aplicadas em estudos tecnológicos sobre cerâmicas de coletivos cerriteiros de tempos passados.
Divergência genética entre jenipapeiros nativos do recôncavo baiano
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias - Brazilian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2010
A identificação precoce de genótipos superiores é de suma importância para os programas de melhoramento genético devido à necessidade de redução do tempo gasto na seleção de indivíduos destaques. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o crescimento inicial de plantas de jenipapeiros visando à obtenção dos genótipos mais dissimilares, possibilitando gerar informações úteis a trabalhos futuros, auxiliando na preservação desta fruteira. Utilizaram-se 10 genótipos para estudo dos quais foram coletadas sementes aleatoriamente na cidade de Cruz das Almas, localizada no Recôncavo Baiano, com a identificação das plantas feitas com o auxílio do GPS (Sistema de Posicionamento Global). As variáveis estudadas foram: massa fresca de folha (g), massa fresca de raiz (g), massa fresca de haste (g), massa fresca total (g), altura de planta, número de folhas, diâmetro da haste, massa seca de folha (g), massa seca de raiz (g), massa seca de haste (g), massa seca total (g) e área foliar (dm 2). Pelos resultados obtidos verificou-se que existe variabilidade entre os genótipos de jenipapeiro para os 12 caracteres avaliados, que nos possibilitou obter dois grupos distintos. Os genótipos estudados apresentam variabilidade genética satisfatória para futuras hibridizações controladas e preservação organizada da espécie. Palavras-chave: área foliar, Genipa americana L., variabilidade genética Genetic diversity between native jenipapeiro plants from the reconcavo region of Bahia AB S TR ACT Early identification of superior genotypes is greatly important in genetic breeding programs aiming the reduction of time spent in the selection of promising genotypes. The objective of the present work was to evaluate initial growth of Genipa americana L. plants in order to obtain most dissimilar genotypes providing useful information for future work such as preservation of this plant. Ten genotypes were used whereas seeds were collected randomly in the city of Cruz das Almas, located in the Reconcavo of Bahia Region, and plants identified using GPS (Global Positioning System). The variables studied were: fresh leaf mass (g), fresh root mass (g), fresh stem mass (g), plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, leaf dry mass (g), root dry mass (g), stem dry mass (g), total dry mass (g) and leaf area (dm 2). The results showed that there is variability between the jenipapeiro genotypes for the 16 characteristics evaluated, with the formation of 2 distinct groups for initial plant growth. The genotypes studied presented satisfactory genetic variability for future controlled hybridizations and organized preservation of the species.
SITIENTIBUS Série Ciências Biológicas, 2011
The purpose of this study was to describe the traditionalknowledge of fishermen regarding the behaviour, habitat use and migration of fishes from the Sciaenidae in the villages ofPescadores and Bonifacio (Ajuruteua – Pará). Results show a detailed and accurate knowledge of the Ajuruteua fishermenregarding aspects of fish behaviour, physiology and parasite attack. They also identified the main spatial units occupiedby fish, and indicated probable reasons for fish migration within these spatial units. As such, the fundamental role ofethnobiology in the collection of data, that incorporates the popular knowledge of fishermen for fisheries management, isrecognized in this study.
Stingrays of the genus Dasyatis can be found in all tropical seas, and are considered as the most exploited fishing resources among the elasmobranchs. The goal of this study was to identify the phylogenetic relationships among four Dasyatis species (D. americana, D. guttata, D. centroura e D. marianae), which stand out in the small-scale fisheries of Ceara State, Brazil. Tissue samples were collected from those four species and from the guitar fish, Rhinobatos percellens, to be used as the outgroup in this analysis. The genetic distance was determined by PCR-RAPD markers. Six primers were analysed. Genetic distances determined relationships between the species. A most parsimonious tree was obtained, in which three monophyletic groups were found. The phylogenetic relationships were established between the four Dasyatis species. D. guttata was the most distant species from the other three. The genotype distance found between D. americana and D. centroura was the shorter one, and the n...
ABSTRACT. Ethnoichthyology of artisan fishermen from Siribinha, municipality of Conde (Bahia): aspects related to the ethology of fishes. This paper aimed to record the ethnoichthyological knowledge of fishermen from Siribinha, an artisan fishing community located in the municipality of Conde, northern coast state of Bahia. In this article, the native perception about fish behavior is observed including sound production, reproduction, and trophic ecology. Data were obtained through open and semi-structured interviews, and questionnaires conducted with 84 informants, men and women of varying ages. Fish specimens were collected, identified, and deposited at the Laboratory of Ichthyology of the Department of Biology at Feira de Santana State University (UEFS). Fishermen perceive the fish behavior by classifying it into 18 ethological ethnocategories, such as “jumping fish”, “travelling fish”, “schooling fish”, and “bed-maker fish”. This traditional ichthyological knowledge has shown itself consistent with the western ichthyological knowledge. Fishermen’s knowledge about fish’s ethological characters is a significant resource that they utilize during their fishing activities. This knowledge should be incorporated in studies of management, conservation, and rational utilization of fishing resources.