Continuity of the entropy of macroscopic quantum systems (original) (raw)
Related papers
Aapp Physical Mathematical and Natural Sciences, 2008
What is the physical significance of entropy? What is the physical origin of irreversibility? Do entropy and irreversibility exist only for complex and macroscopic systems? Most physicists still accept and teach that the rationalization of these fundamental questions is given by Statistical Mechanics. Indeed, for everyday laboratory physics, the mathematical formalism of Statistical Mechanics (canonical and grand-canonical, Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distributions) allows a successful description of the thermodynamic equilibrium properties of matter, including entropy values. However, as already recognized by Schrödinger in 1936, Statistical Mechanics is impaired by conceptual ambiguities and logical inconsistencies, both in its explanation of the meaning of entropy and in its implications on the concept of state of a system. An alternative theory has been developed by Gyftopoulos, Hatsopoulos and the present author to eliminate these stumbling conceptual blocks while maintaining the mathematical formalism so successful in applications. To resolve both the problem of the meaning of entropy and that of the origin of irreversibility we have built entropy and irreversibility into the laws of microscopic physics. The result is a theory, that we call Quantum Thermodynamics, that has all the necessary features to combine Mechanics and Thermodynamics uniting all the successful results of both theories, eliminating the logical inconsistencies of Statistical Mechanics and the paradoxes on irreversibility, and providing an entirely new perspective on the microscopic origin of irreversibility, nonlinearity (therefore including chaotic behavior) and maximal-entropy-generation nonequilibrium dynamics. In this paper we discuss the background and formalism of Quantum Thermodynamics including its nonlinear equation of motion and the main general results. Our objective is to show in a not-too-technical manner that this theory provides indeed a complete and coherent resolution of the century-old dilemma on the meaning of entropy and the origin of irreversibility, including Onsager reciprocity relations and maximal-entropy-generation nonequilibrium dynamics, which we believe provides the microscopic foundations of heat, mass and momentum transfer theories, including all their implications such as Bejan's Constructal Theory of natural phenomena.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2002
The Kullback-Leibler inequality is a way of comparing any two density matrices. A technique to set up the density matrix for a physical system is to use the maximum entropy principle, given the entropy as a functional of the density matrix, subject to known constraints. In conjunction with the master equation for the density matrix, these two ingredients allow us to formulate the second law of thermodynamics in its widest possible setting. Thus problems arising in both quantum statistical mechanics and quantum information can be handled. Aspects of thermodynamic concepts such as the Carnot cycle will be discussed. A model is examined to elucidate the role of entanglement in the Landauer erasure problem.
Emergence of thermodynamic properties in quantum pure states. I. Foundations
arXiv (Cornell University), 2009
Investigation on foundational aspects of quantum statistical mechanics are recently entered in a renaissance period due to novel intuitions from quantum information theory and an increasing attention to the dynamical aspects of single quantum systems. In the present contribution a simple but effective theoretical framework to clarify the connections between the pure mechanical description and the thermodynamic characterization of the equilibrium state of a single quantum system is presented. A salient feature of our approach is the very transparent distinction between the statistical aspects and the dynamical aspects of quantum statistical mechanics. On the one hand equilibrium properties of quantum system appear to depend on the details of the initial state due to the abundance of constants of the motion in the Schroedinger dynamics. On the other hands the study of the probability distributions of some functions, such as the entropy or the equilibrium state of a subsystem, in statistical ensembles of pure states reveals the crucial role of typicality as the bridge between macroscopic thermodynamics and microscopic quantum dynamics. The relation between the introduced ensembles, the properties of the single system and the standard quantum statistical description is discussed throughout the presentation. Finally we point out the conditions under which a meaningful thermodynamical characterization of an isolated quantum system in a pure state can be given.
Statistical entropy of open quantum systems
Physical Review E, 2016
Dissipative quantum systems are frequently described within the framework of the so-called "system-plus-reservoir" approach. In this work we assign their description to the Maximum Entropy Formalism and compare the resulting thermodynamic properties with those of the wellestablished approaches. Due to the non-negligible coupling to the heat reservoir, these systems are non-extensive by nature, and the former task may require the use of non-extensive parameter dependent informational entropies. In doing so, we address the problem of choosing appropriate forms of those entropies in order to describe a consistent thermodynamics for dissipative quantum systems. Nevertheless, even having chosen the most successful and popular forms of those entropies, we have proven our model to be a counterexample where this sort of approach leads us to wrong results. I.
Quantum thermodynamics of single particle systems
Scientific Reports, 2020
thermodynamics is built with the concept of equilibrium states. However, it is less clear how equilibrium thermodynamics emerges through the dynamics that follows the principle of quantum mechanics. in this paper, we develop a theory of quantum thermodynamics that is applicable for arbitrary small systems, even for single particle systems coupled with a reservoir. We generalize the concept of temperature beyond equilibrium that depends on the detailed dynamics of quantum states. We apply the theory to a cavity system and a two-level system interacting with a reservoir, respectively. The results unravels (1) the emergence of thermodynamics naturally from the exact quantum dynamics in the weak system-reservoir coupling regime without introducing the hypothesis of equilibrium between the system and the reservoir from the beginning; (2) the emergence of thermodynamics in the intermediate system-reservoir coupling regime where the Born-Markovian approximation is broken down; (3) the breakdown of thermodynamics due to the long-time non-Markovian memory effect arisen from the occurrence of localized bound states; (4) the existence of dynamical quantum phase transition characterized by inflationary dynamics associated with negative dynamical temperature. the corresponding dynamical criticality provides a border separating classical and quantum worlds. The inflationary dynamics may also relate to the origin of big bang and universe inflation. And the third law of thermodynamics, allocated in the deep quantum realm, is naturally proved. In the past decade, many efforts have been devoted to understand how, starting from an isolated quantum system evolving under Hamiltonian dynamics, equilibration and effective thermodynamics emerge at long times 1-5. On the other hand, the investigations of open quantum systems initiate interests on the issue of quantum thermodynamics taking place under the quantum evolution of open systems 6-20. The questions of how thermodynamics emerges from quantum dynamics, how do quantum systems dynamically equilibrate and thermalize, and whether thermalization is always reachable in quantum regime, are central and fundamental to research for quantum thermodynamics. However, a general theory of quantum thermodynamics that has conceptually no ambiguity in answering the above questions has not yet been obtained, because investigations in addressing above questions inevitably take various assumptions and approximations. In this paper, we will attempt to answer these questions by rigorously solving the quantum dynamics based on the exact master equation we developed recently for a large class of open quantum systems 21-25. Recall that thermodynamics is built with the hypothesis of equilibrium 26. Macroscopic systems at equilibrium are fully described by the relation between the internal energy E and a set of other extensive parameters, the entropy S, the volume V, and the particle number N i of different components i = 1, 2, ••• , magnetic moment M, etc.,
Perspective on quantum thermodynamics
Classical thermodynamics is unrivalled in its range of applications and relevance to everyday life. It enables a description of complex systems,made up ofmicroscopic particles, in terms of a small number ofmacroscopic quantities, such aswork and entropy. As systems get ever smaller, fluctuations of these quantities become increasingly relevant, prompting the development of stochastic thermodynamics. Recently we have seen a surge of interest in exploring the quantum regime, where the origin offluctuations is quantum rather than thermal.Many questions, such as the role of entanglement and the emergence of thermalisation, lie wide open. Answering these questionsmay lead to the development of quantumheat engines and refrigerators, as well as to vitally needed simple descriptions of quantummany-body systems.
Gibbs and boltzmann entropy in classical and quantum mechanics
arXiv (Cornell University), 2019
The Gibbs entropy of a macroscopic classical system is a function of a probability distribution over phase space, i.e., of an ensemble. In contrast, the Boltzmann entropy is a function on phase space, and is thus defined for an individual system. Our aim is to discuss and compare these two notions of entropy, along with the associated ensemblist and individualist views of thermal equilibrium. Using the Gibbsian ensembles for the computation of the Gibbs entropy, the two notions yield the same (leading order) values for the entropy of a macroscopic system in thermal equilibrium. The two approaches do not, however, necessarily agree for non-equilibrium systems. For those, we argue that the Boltzmann entropy is the one that corresponds to thermodynamic entropy, in particular in connection with the second law of thermodynamics. Moreover, we describe the quantum analog of the Boltzmann entropy, and we argue that the individualist (Boltzmannian) concept of equilibrium is supported by the recent works on thermalization of closed quantum systems.
The second laws of quantum thermodynamics
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2015
The second law of thermodynamics places constraints on state transformations. It applies to systems composed of many particles, however, we are seeing that one can formulate laws of thermodynamics when only a small number of particles are interacting with a heat bath. Is there a second law of thermodynamics in this regime? Here, we find that for processes which are approximately cyclic, the second law for microscopic systems takes on a different form compared to the macroscopic scale, imposing not just one constraint on state transformations, but an entire family of constraints. We find a family of free energies which generalize the traditional one, and show that they can never increase. The ordinary second law relates to one of these, with the remainder imposing additional constraints on thermodynamic transitions. We find three regimes which determine which family of second laws govern state transitions, depending on how cyclic the process is. In one regime one can cause an apparen...
Emergence of equilibrium thermodynamic properties in quantum pure states. I. Theory
Investigation on foundational aspects of quantum statistical mechanics recently entered a renaissance period due to novel intuitions from quantum information theory and to increasing attention on the dynamical aspects of single quantum systems. In the present contribution a simple but effective theoretical framework is introduced to clarify the connections between a purely mechanical description and the thermodynamic characterization of the equilibrium state of an isolated quantum system. A salient feature of our approach is the very transparent distinction between the statistical aspects and the dynamical aspects in the description of isolated quantum systems. Like in the classical statistical mechanics, the equilibrium distribution of any property is identified on the basis of the time evolution of the considered system. As a consequence equilibrium properties of quantum system appear to depend on the details of the initial state due to the abundance of constants of the motion in ...
Introduction to Quantum Thermodynamics: History and Prospects
Thermodynamics in the Quantum Regime, 2018
Quantum Thermodynamics is a continuous dialogue between two independent theories: Thermodynamics and Quantum Mechanics. Whenever the two theories have addressed the same phenomena new insight has emerged. We follow the dialogue from equilibrium Quantum Thermodynamics and the notion of entropy and entropy inequalities which are the base of the II-law. Dynamical considerations lead to nonequilibrium thermodynamics of quantum Open Systems. The central part played by completely positive maps is discussed leading to the Gorini-Kossakowski-Lindblad-Sudarshan "GKLS" equation. We address the connection to thermodynamics through the system-bath weak-coupling-limit WCL leading to dynamical versions of the I-law. The dialogue has developed through the analysis of quantum engines and refrigerators. Reciprocating and continuous engines are discussed. The autonomous quantum absorption refrigerator is employed to illustrate the III-law. Finally, we describe some open questions and perspectives.