Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the European Portuguese version of the heartland forgiveness scale (original) (raw)

Construct validity of two measures of self-forgiveness in Portugal: a study of self-forgiveness, psychological symptoms, and well-being


Several studies have suggested that self-forgiveness promotes psychological well-being. The state self-forgiveness scale (SSFS) and the differentiated self-forgiveness process scale (DSFPS) are two self-report questionnaires that assess self-forgiveness in psychotherapy, personal change, and health. The present study aims to examine the psychometric properties of the SSFS and the DSFPS in a Portuguese sample, highlighting reliability and validity properties for scores on both scales. We examine the relationships among self-forgiveness, self-criticism, psychological well-being, and global psychopathological symptoms. The two scales were completed in a random nonclinical sample of 475 University students. The psychological well-being scale was used to explore the relation between self-forgiveness and well-being. Our findings show evidence of a good estimated internal consistency for scores on both scales - SSFS and DSFPS. Self-forgiveness is related to higher indexes of positive feeli...

Assessing Psychometric Properties of the Italian Version of the Heartland Forgiveness Scale

Frontiers in Psychology, 2020

Despite increasing popularity and intensive worldwide use, few studies have assessed the validity and factorial structure of the Heartland Forgiveness Scale (HFS). However, scientific literature showed that the original factorial structure of the HFS was not fully replicated and-in addition-the Italian translation is still lacking. To fill this gap, this study aims to extend evidence about the original HFS factorial validity by analyzing the Italian version. The final sample was composed of 523 randomly enrolled participants [139 males (26.6%), 384 females (73.4%)] aged from 18 to 82 years (mean = 42.53, SD = 16.41) who completed the Italian version of the HFS. The confirmatory factor analysis showed good fit indices for the original hierarchical factor solution and a significant decrease in model fit was found for all of the competing models. Also, the Italian version of the HFS revealed good reliability and very good psychometrical properties. Findings suggest that the Italian version of the HFS can be considered a reliable and good psychometrically based instrument for the assessment of dispositional forgiveness of the Self, Other, and Situation.

Translation, adaptation, and contribution to the validation of the Warwick–Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale for the Portuguese population

RevSALUS, 2022

Introdução O conceito de Bem-Estar Mental tem ganho mais destaque internacionalmente, sendo um aspeto crucial da saúde, com impacto na funcionalidade. Assim, em Portugal, impõe-se a necessidade de possuir medidas validadas que avaliem o bem-estar das populações. Objetivo: Traduzir, adaptar culturalmente e contribuir para validar a Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (WEMWBS), que avalia o bem-estar mental subjetivo e psicológico, para a população portuguesa. Material e Métodos: Após a aprovação da tradução portuguesa por um painel de peritos, a escala foi aplicada a 1728 indivíduos da área metropolitana do Porto recrutados por conveniência, bem como o Índice de Felicidade de Pemberton, para uma análise da validade de critério. Utilizou-se o alpha de Cronbach para avaliar a consistência interna e uma análise fatorial exploratória para a validade de construto. Ambos os instrumentos foram aplicados duas vezes a 39 participantes, com aproximadamente uma semana de intervalo, para testar a fiabilidade testereteste. Resultados: Obteve-se um alpha de Cronbach de 0,91, sugerindo uma consistência interna muito boa. A análise fatorial confirmou a unidimensionalidade do instrumento, com todos os itens a saturarem um único fator. Verificou-se uma alta correlação entre a WEMWBS e o instrumento usado como medida de critério, com r=0,75. A fiabilidade testereteste obteve uma alta correlação, com r=0,77. Conclusão: Os valores obtidos neste primeiro estudo de validação da WEMWBS para a população portuguesa encontram-se próximos dos da versão original, podendo ser considerado como um contributo legítimo e importante para a sua concretização.

Assessment of Reliability and Validity of the Turkish Version of Heartland Forgiveness Scale 1

Psychological Reports, 2012

The current study investigated the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Heartland Forgiveness Scale (HFS). The Turkish version of the HFS, the Ruminative Response Scale (RRS), and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) were administered to 796 Turkish university students (430 women, 366 men) with a mean age of 20.6 yr. ( SD = 2.1). Internal consistency reliability was calculated and Cronbach alpha coefficients ranged between .71 and .82. Criterion validity (Pearson correlation) between the HFS and other scales ranged from −.09 to .34. Additionally, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to assess the fit of the standard three-factor solution of the HFS. The results suggested that the Turkish version of the HFS had adequate internal consistency, criterion validity, and reflected the standard three-factor structure, indicating that it can be reliably used to measure forgiveness among a Turkish sample.

Portuguese version of the EUROPEP questionnaire: contributions to the psychometric validation

Revista de saude publica, 2016

To assess the construct validity and reliability of the Portuguese version of the European Task Force on Patient Evaluation of General Practice Care questionnaire. We applied the Portuguese version of the European Task Force on Patient Evaluation of General Practice Care to 392 users of 20 Family Health Units from the North of Portugal. The validity of the construct was evaluated by exploratory factor analysis, with the Principal Axis Factoring method, by orthogonal rotation (varimax procedure), by the Kaiser normalization criteria (eigenvalue ≥ 1). The factorability of the data matrix was verified by the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and Bartlett's sphericity test. We estimated the reliability by the indicator of internal consistency Cronbach's alpha. To analyze the correlations between satisfaction and loyalty, we used the Pearson correlations. The predictor effect of satisfaction on loyalty was analyzed by simple linear regression. Satisfaction presented five robust and well individ...

Portuguese Version of the HLS-EU-Q6 and HLS-EU-Q16 Questionnaire: Psychometric Properties

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Health literacy refers to the competencies of individuals and the general population to navigate all the areas of health care, making health decisions. Health professionals need a set of skills and information to adapt to people’s health literacy. To succeed, it is crucial to determine the health literacy level of a population, in this case, the Portuguese. This study aims to measure the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of HLS-EU-Q16 and HLS-EU-Q6 from the long form of HLS-EU-Q47, already validated for Portugal. To analyse these results, a comparison was made with the HLS-EU-PT index. Spearman correlation analysis was performed between the single items and scale scores. Cronbach’s alphas for all the indexes were calculated. For the statistical analysis, SPSS (version 28.0) was used. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for HLS-EU-PT-Q16 internal consistency was 0.89 overall, and for HLS-EU-PT-Q6 was 0.78 overall. Indexes were not normally distributed, and the Spearman corre...

The Portuguese long version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II (COPSOQ II) – a validation study

Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, 2017

Background: Psychosocial risks are now widely recognised as one of the biggest challenges for occupational safety and health (OSH) and a major public health concern. The aim of this paper is to investigate the Portuguese long version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II (COPSOQ II), in order to analyse the psychometric properties of the instrument and to validate it. Methods: The Portuguese COPSOQ II was issued to a total of 745 Portuguese employees from both private and public organisations across several economic sectors at a baseline and then 2 weeks later. Methodological quality appraisal was based on COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) recommendations. An analysis of the psychometric properties of the long version of COPSOQ II (internal consistency, intraclass correlation coefficient, floor and ceiling effects, response rate, missing values, mean and standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis) was performed to determine the validity and reliability of the instrument. Results: The COPSOQ II had a response rate of 60.6% (test) and a follow-up response rate of 59.5% (retest). In general, a Cronbach's alpha of the COPSOQ scales (test and retest) was above the conventional threshold of 0.70. The test-retest reliability estimated by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) showed a higher reliability for most of the scales, above the conventional 0.7, except for eight scales. The proportion of the missing values was less than 1.3%, except for two scales. The average scores and standard deviations showed similar results to the original Danish study, except for eight scales. All of the scales had low floor and ceiling effects, with one exception. Overall, the exploratory factor analysis presented good results in 27 scales assuming a reflective measurement model. The hypothesized factor structure under a reflective model was not supported in 14 scales and for some but not all of these scales the explanation may be a formative measurement model. Conclusion: The Portuguese long version of COPSOQ II is a reliable and valid instrument for assessing psychosocial risks in the workplace. Although the results are good for most of the scales, there are those that should be evaluated in greater depth in future studies. This instrument may contribute to the promotion of a healthy working environment and workforce, providing clear benefits for companies and employees.

Seeking Forgiveness: Factor Structure in Samples from Latin America, Africa, Asia and Southern Europe

The study examined, using confirmatory factor analyses, the three-factor structure of the Disposition to Seek Forgiveness Questionnaire -inability in seeking forgiveness, sensitivity to circumstances before seeking forgiveness, and unconditional seeking of forgiveness -among samples from Latin America (Brazil), Africa (Angola and Mozambique), Asia (Indonesia), and Southern Europe (Portugal). It was found that this ternary structure has cross-cultural generality.

Validation of a Portuguese Version of the Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale

Applied Research in Quality of Life, 2007

The paper describes the development of the Portuguese version of the Students' Life Satisfaction Scale and the examination of its psychometric properties. A sample of 367 Portuguese students completed the Students' Life Satisfaction Scale ). The first step includes translation, back-translation, inspection for lexical equivalence and content validity, and cognitive debriefing. Then we considered reliability, factor structure, and criterion-related validity. The validation process of the Portuguese SLSS version shows psychometric properties similar to the English language SLSS, suggesting that it measures the same construct in the same way. Implications of these findings are discussed.

Benitez-Borrego, S., Guardia-Olmos, J., Urzúa-Morales, A., Factorial structural analysis of the Spanish version of WHOQOLBREF: an exploratory structural equation model study. Quality of Life Research 2014. 23: 2205 - 2012

Purpose The purpose of this study was to analyze the factor structure of the abbreviated Spanish version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF; WHOQOL Group in Psychol Med 28(3): 551-558, 1998b) questionnaire in a sample of individuals from several Spanish-speaking countries. Method The data were based on a sample of 1,972 undergraduates from nine Spanish-speaking countries. Within the framework of a somewhat wider research protocol, they were administered the WHOQOL-BREF. Results The data were initially analyzed using a confirmatory factor analysis, which yielded a poor fit to the fourfactor theoretical model. Based on these results, the best solution was estimated assuming structural invariance across countries. The data showed a four-factor structure that differed slightly from the model proposed. This fourfactor model was subsequently analyzed using exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM; Asparouhov and Muthén in Struct Equ Model 16 : 2009) to obtain the invariant structure across countries and an estimation of the relation between the four latent factors. The results obtained allowed us to establish that the factor structure of WHOQOL-BREF maintains the four-factor solution hypothesized for a Spanish-speaking population, although the solution has a different and more complex configuration than the original one with a clear tendency toward non-orthogonality of the latent factors. Conclusions As has been suggested by some studies on the application of ESEM, it is reasonable to think that the ESEM approximation is a useful approach for conducting the factor analysis of instruments measuring complex psychological phenomena.