Tourism Satisfaction Analysis of Tourism Packages as Tourism Products in Paksebali Village, Klungkung, Bali (original) (raw)
Perception of Tourism Satisfaction: A Study at Blimbingsari Tourism Village in Bali
Blimbingsari tourism village has decreased in the number of tourist visits, even though the potential of tourist attractions offered is increasingly diverse. This situation is a major concern for managers in an effort to increase visiting tourists. The purpose of this study was to analyze the service quality attributes considered important by tourists as well as the perceived performance they felt when visiting. The questionnaires collected amounted to 99 questionnaires and IPA analysis is used in order to identify service quality attributes. Result showed that there is a gap between the level of importance and performance of service quality attributes. Based on cartesian diagram, it is found that there is one attribute in concentrate here quadrant which is the main priority to be improved. These attribute is the experience of trekking, hiking, bird watching, and local activities. Based on the results obtained of customer satisfaction index, service qualities that have been given ar...
The Satisfaction Index of Tourists Experience Quality: A Case Study in Bali Tourism Destination
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 2020
Tourism is very dependent on the quality of the tourist experience, understanding the factors that encourage them to visit destinations and their needs in traveling is an important thing for destination management because it affects satisfaction which has implications for tourist loyalty. This research aims to analyze the satisfaction index of tourism experience quality. The technique of collecting data was done by partipatory observation, questionnaire and interview. This study uses 14 indicators to measure the quality of the tourist experience. The data analysis technique was applying Customer Satisfaction Index. This research was conducted in Bali by involving 600 tourists as sample in 6 tourist attraction. The the index of experience quality satisfaction showed very satisfying value. The quality of the tourist experience on tourist attractions and tourism destinations needs to be continuously improved, especially in indicators of hedonism, novelty, meaning, recognition and perceived quality of the destination.
Identifying Factors Affecting Domestic Tourist Satisfaction of Tourist Destinations in Indonesia
DeReMa (Development Research of Management): Jurnal Manajemen, 2018
The objective of this study was to identify the factors affecting domestic tourist satisfaction of tourist destinations. The type of this study was a quantitative descriptive study using Cochran Q test and factor analysis of tourist satisfaction drivers factors. The result of this study showed that there were 38 attributes affecting domestic tourist satisfaction in Indonesia. The first rank was the beauty of natural attractions; the second rank was artificial tourism attractions; and, the third rank was the cost and cleanliness of facilities and environment of tourism destinations. Furthermore, all these attributes were clustered into several factors: attraction, amenities, accessibility, hospitality, and ancillary. The significance of this study is that the identified factors are beneficial for stakeholders as the indicators of customer satisfaction.Abstrak dalam Bahasa Indonesia : Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan wisatawa...
Awareness of Tourism Products and Tourist Satisfaction: A Case of Indonesia
Objective – The Jember District has a very exotic beach tour of Papuma Beach, which shows its white sand and provides historical tours of the Cave of Japan. Papuma Beach is ranked number 1 of the 10 most beautiful beaches in the Jember District. This research aims to understand the influence of tourism product components on the satisfaction of tourists. The components of tourism products in this study include attractiveness, facilities, and accessibility. Methodology/Technique – This research is a quantitative study with a population of tourists visiting Papuma beaches. The number of samples in this study amounted to 40 samples. The data is analysed using a multiple regression analysis with the SPSS program. Findings – The results of the study show that the influence of tourist attractions and facilities on the satisfaction of tourists at the Papuma Beach Tour in the Jember District is strong. Novelty – However, the accessibility variable has no significant effect on satisfaction.
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 2020
Customer satisfaction is the comparison between the performance expected by the customer and the actual performance in the field. When the actual performance is higher than the customer's expectations, the customer feels satisfied and vice versa. Measuring customer satisfaction is useful for capturing information about what customers need and also for maintaining customer loyalty to the products or services being sold. This study aims to identify the attributes that visitors consider when visiting tourist objects and to analyze the overall level of customer satisfaction by looking at the level of expectations of these attributes. This research was conducted at Boonpring Andeman Malang Tourism Village in July-October 2020. The research approach used is quantitative with data analysis methods, namely the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) diagram and the Consumer Satisfaction Index (CSI). The results showed that the attributes considered important and had a good performance by visitors were scenery, footpaths, fresh air, access to the driveway and parking area, the physical condition of toilets, cleanliness of the worship place, and clean water installations, while important attributes that require immediate handling for improved performance is a game vehicle; physical condition and cleanliness of shelters/cottages, amusement rides, information center; as well as comfort when taking selfies and enjoying games/rides. Based on the results of CSI calculations, it shows that the CSI value obtained is 75.21%, which means that visitors are satisfied with the services provided by Boonpring Tourism Village Andeman Malang.
Analysis Tourist Satisfaction on Bukit Kubu, Berastagi North Sumatera, Indonesia
The International Journal of Business & Management, 2019
This study aims to test and find out whether experience significantly influences tourist satisfaction through destination image on the Bukit Kubu attraction. The sampling technique in this study is accidental sampling. The sample used was people who were visiting the Bukit Kubu tourist attraction. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires with a Likert scale system distributed to 91 respondents. The data obtained were then tested using a validity test technique and a reliability test using SPSS program assistance. After that proceed with data analysis with the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method with the help of Smart PLS 3 software. The results of the study show that the experience variable has a significant effect on destination image and tourist satisfaction variables.
TRJ Tourism Research Journal
This study aims to determine the effect of service quality and part of tourist destinations on visitor satisfaction at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. The type of research is descriptive quantitative with multiple regression analysis methods. Collecting data by distributing questionnaires with a google form, a sampling technique using accidental sampling. The population in this study were tourists who had visited Taman Mini Indonesia Indah in the last five years, as many as 4,471,504 people. While the sample uses the Slovin formula, the results show a selection of 100 respondents. The results showed that the quality of service and the part of tourist destinations partially and simultaneously affect visitors' satisfaction with Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. The better the quality of service and the 4A tourism components provided by the manager of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah to visitors will increase visitor satisfaction. The manager of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is expected to provide tr...
Tourists Perception Towards Tourist Satisfaction in Pangandaran Beach, West Java, Indonesia
Journal of Economics, Management and Trade, 2019
Pangandaran Regency has quite diverse tourist destinations ranging from beach tourism, cave tourism, cultural tourism and others. Pangandaran Beach is one of the tourist destinations in the Regency of Pangandaran, West Java, from sources of the Tourism Office and Pangandaran Culture it can be seen that the level of tourist visits to Pangandaran Beach from 2016 to 2017 has decreased for international tourists while experiencing an increase for domestic tourists. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research aimed to determine the perceptions of tourists to improve the quality of management services in Pangandaran Beach tourist destination. The method used is the servqual method and PGCV (Potential Gain Customer Value). The servqual method aims to see the service quality attributes that need to be improved and the PGCV method aims to complete the analysis results of servqual by determining the priority of improvements that must be done based on the PGCV index. Based on the results of...
This study aims to analyze the influence of tourism products, the service quality and the uniqueness of the destination toward tourist satisfaction and loyalty. This research was conducted in the five most visited areas of South Sulawesi; Makassar, Maros, Bantaeng, Bulukumba, and North Toraja and as many as 250 respondents have been set during the research. SEM analysis techniques with AMOS software were both applied. The results show that Tourism Products have a positive and significant influence on the satisfaction of tourists as well as positive and significant relationship to the loyalty of tourists. On the contrary, Service Quality has a positive but not significant impact on the loyalty of tourists. The uniqueness of Destination however has positive and significant influences on the satisfaction of tourists and has a negative and insignificant influence on the loyalty of tourists. The satisfaction of tourists has a positive and significant influence on the loyalty of tourists.
E-Journal of Tourism, 2020
Although the mountain is a popular tourist destination, research regarding mountain tourism is still limited. Over the years, researches on tourist satisfaction covered a more general context of tourism, without specifically analyzing mountain tourism. Therefore, this research aims to investigates factors influencing tourists’ satisfaction on mountain tourism, with Mount Papandayan, Garut Regency, West Java, Indonesia, as a case. Eleven variables regarding tourist satisfaction were derived from several interviews with Mount Papandayan’s management staff and 30 tourists that were hiking and camping on Mount Papandayan. A sample of 100 respondents, who were the Mount Papandayan’s tourists that had been hiking and camping, completed questionnaires. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to analyze the data. The results show that there are three factors that affect tourist’s satisfaction in mountain tourism, which are ‘infrastructure and facili...