Variables Influencing Speed Distribution on Urban Arterials and Collectors

Speeds are affected by several variables such as driver characteristics, vehicle performance, road geometrics, environmental conditions and driving regulations. A knowledge of the relationship between speed and such variables allows conscious speed management on existing and planned roads, with the aim of compelling drivers to select a speed consistent with the posted speed limit. This relationship is of great interest to those who wish to achieve roadway functionality and improve overall safety.

Analysis of the Traffic Parameters on a Section in the City of the National Road during Several Years of Operation

Communications - Scientific letters of the University of Zilina

The study carried out an analysis of the vehicle traffic parameters on a national road in 2011-2016. The variability and uncertainty of results were evaluated. An analysis of traffic data recorded on the city's entry and exit lanes was carried out. The variations in traffic volume are of interest e.g. in dynamic traffic management systems and navigation services, examining the benefits of flexible work time and places and assessing the environmental effects of traffic congestion. Research has shown that the assumption that lanes perform equally is not always true. Traffic volume models should be periodically calibrated taking into account the shape of the daily profile, which may, for example, allow public transport timetables to be more responsive to the needs of travelers.

Analysis of Free Flow Speed on Urban Road

Proceedings of the 11th Asia Pacific Transportation and the Environment Conference (APTE 2018), 2019

Congestion has become a problem of traffic on urban road segments in several major cities in Indonesia, it will have a negative impact on the driver or users of the road due to the longer travel time. Congestion resulting in economic and immaterial losses such as cause stress due to fatigue, and congestion in critical condition can result in excessive fuel consumption and air pollution are also higher. Before the congestion is in critical condition there must be performed Indicator, to be able to determine the handling step early, because handling the congestion problem will be more difficult to handle, if the congestion is already in critical condition. The congestion performance indicator is a derivative of a delay which delays the speed of the vehicle free-flow speed due to side barriers on the road. Free-flow speed is an important characteristic for capacity and level-of-service (LOS) analysis of urban road. The objective of this study is to develop models delay form magnitude of results analysis estimating free-flow speed. Many generic factors like weather, environment, vehicles, roadway characteristics, driver and traffic streams either singly or in combination influence the free flow speed. The quantitative measures of these factors are desirable for reliable free-flow speed measurement and system design. Characteristics of diverse urban roads and high side friction characteristics in major urban cities in Indonesia greatly determine the value of vehicle free current velocities, which will determine the parameter of delay values that occur where this can be a performance indicator approach in defining the performance of an urban road segment in Indonesia. This research was conducted in several road segments and part of an urban road segment in Mataram city, Provence of Nusa Tenggara Barat. Primary data traffic is done with video camera, with variation of time and road segment, in order to get variation of traffic characteristic and the variation side frictions characteristic at the same time. With the data will be analyzed relationship between variations characteristics above components with speed data in 5 minutes Time slice on the range of traffic data in under saturated condition. Free Flow speed (FV) vehicles will be analyzed from the relationship between Speed (V) and traffic flow (Q) as well as variations in side friction (SF) characteristics obtained at time slices at the same time. The result of analysis shows the influence of side friction characteristics that vary in magnitude such as: parking vehicles, vehicles in and out of the road segment, the number of pedestrians, and vehicles stopped. The number of motorcycles in the traffic flow also affects the value of free flow speed analysis. The results of free flow speed analysis above also contrast with the results of free flow speed analysis model IHCM 1997. Type

Comparative Speed Study: A Way to Improve Road Safety Condition Comparative Speed Study: A Way to Improve Road Safety Condition

—With the development of science and technology people experience a large number of motor vehicles which is the main and easier way of travelling for people and carrying goods from one place to another. Roads, highways and streets are fundamental to transportation system and over 70% of passenger travel and much of goods mover is over the highways. However, at the same time we are sacrificing a large number of valuable human lives or being severely injured each day around the world. Road crashes are the major cause for it. It is a leading cause of deaths and serious injuries. Several studies justifies that speed is the major cause related to the risk of getting involved in a road accident. However, very few speed related studies done in the developing countries context, for example, Bangladesh. Specifically, the road safety authority of this country does not aware how speed data can be effectively used to enhance safety. This paper investigates the speed scenario of a particular roadway section of Mirpur Road as a pilot project. The speed data of various types of vehicles that use this particular roadway were taken for this study. To get a complete speed scenario of this road section data were taken on both weekdays and weekends in four different time periods that include morning peak (8.00a.m-9.00a.m), off-peak (11.00a.m-12.00p.m), evening peak (6.00p.m-7.00p.m) and night time (9.00p.m-10.00p.m). Unpaired T-test analysis was performed considering 90% confidence interval for both equal and unequal variances. It is found that compared with other time periods vehicle speed varies in the morning-peak at weekdays and in the evening-peak at weekends. The speed of car, bus and truck significantly varies between two different days. Some measures that demand priority consideration in improving road safety are increasing road width, deploying traffic police in particular time periods, build speed bump, provide adequate streetlight, installing optimum number of speed limit sign etc.

Speed-Flow-Geometric Relationship for Urban Roads Network

Applied Sciences

Speed on the urban roads is significantly affected by the surrounding geometric and traffic parameters. Based on this fact, we ascertained the impact of the geometric and traffic parameters on the average travel speed of the urban roads network. Herein, 197 urban road segments in Johor (Malaysia) with diverse features were randomly selected. The average travel speed and volume of the traffic on these road segments were measured using the moving observer method (MOM). Meanwhile, these roads’ features were recorded via the direct visual inspection. Various geometric (density of the traffic calming speed, right-turn driveway, access, and right-turn) and cross-sectional (median, number of lanes, and side friction) parameters were considered. First, 14 multilinear models constructed via multilinear regression analysis were developed for traffic volume scenarios (in veh/h and pcu/h). Then, 10 models were adopted to evaluate the geometric parameters’ influence on the average travel speed f...

An experimental investigation on the relationship between speed and road geometry


In this work we had to face the topic of intrinsic road safety experimentally by investigating two interurban roads. These roads are characterised by different types of traffic. The results of the investigation are given in the form of prediction relations with their relevant speed diagrams. The present investigation, to be carried out in the field, intends to verify, on some sections considered as significant, the relationship and mutual incidence between the variables flow, road geometry and speed. In the processing of the results, use will also be made of specific instruments for evaluating the geometrical consistency of the road alignment in accordance with operating speed. Our experimental investigation aimed at studying operating speeds on two different categories of roads as regards both importance and circulation. First of all we selected the road samples which belong to the A18 Messina-Catania motorway and to the SS 626 Licata-Ravanusa state highway. The study contemplated the use of a laser beam speedometer and some digital camcorders. In each section we considered two cross-sections at the same time, one on a tangent and one on a curve. At the same time, we also measured traffic flows which were subsequently disaggregated according to all the calculation parameters necessary to establish the level of service. In order to have a clearer interpretation of the experimental evidence and to propose some prediction relations we analysed the rapport between V 85 and some geometrical parameters like CCR s , CCR, i s and i. Both prediction relations and their determination coefficients show that it is the simultaneous and synergic action of planimetric and altimetric elements that determines a high degree of correlation to V 85. In both road samples we found that operating speed values are almost always higher than the design speed of the geometrical elements considered. On the other hand, a general increase in operating speed involves very small speed variations in the transition from one element to the other. This leads us to think that the layouts are appreciably consistent, as can be seen from the diagrams prepared on the basis of the prediction reports V 85-CCR s-i s. As for the motorway sections studied, this datum conflicts with what the curvature planimetric-design speed diagrams, prepared on the basis of the present Italian geometric design standard, affirm. We think that these prediction relations could become behavioural models, on the basis of more thorough studies, referring to a specific category of road geometry characterised by a specific mobility function. Moreover, the values of the evaluation parameters of the consistency of the road should vary-although the intervals should always be small-in relation to both the geometrical and functional characteristics of the road.

Layout effect of roadway on road vehicle speeds

Pollack Periodica, 2009

People, although they are guided by rules, participate in traffic on the basis of independent decisions. In this article on road network sections with different design speed and construction parameters measured speeds of road vehicles have been analyzed with mathematical statistical methods. The hypothesis was the driving speed selected by the driver depends greatly on the conditions of the road network element also. On 5 different sites, over 400 measurements have been carried out on second category main roads with 2x1 and 2x2 lanes; out of these 406 measurements have been evaluated.

Investigations of Section Speed on Rural Roads in Podlaskie Voivodeship

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017

Excessive speed is one of the most important factors considered in road safety and not only affects the severity of a crash but is also related to the risk of being involved in a crash. In Poland the problem of speeding drivers is widely common. Properly recognized and defined drivers behaviour is the base for any effective activities taken towards road safety improvements. Effective enforcement of speed limits especially on rural road plays an important role but conducted speed investigations basically focus on spot speed omitting travel speed on longer sections of roads which can better reflect driver's behaviour. Possible solutions for rural roads are limited to administrative means of speed limitations, installations of speed cameras and police enforcement. However due to their limited proved effectiveness new solutions are still being sought. High expectations are associated with the sectional speed system that has recently been introduced in Poland and covered a number of national road sections. The aim of this paper is to investigate section speed on chosen regional and district roads located in Podlaskie Voivodeship. Test sections included 19 road segments varied in terms of functional and geometric characteristics. Speed measurements on regional and district roads were performed with the use of a set of two ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) cameras. Conducted research allowed to compare driver's behaviour in terms of travel speed depending on roads' functional classification as well as to evaluate the influence of chosen geometric parameters on average section speed.

Determination of Sample Size for Speed Measurement on Urban Arterials

Transportation Research Procedia, 2016

Estimation of speed is an important task for various traffic engineering analyses like crash analysis, establishing speed zones, evaluation of traffic signal locations and so on. Past researchon the sample size estimation was focused on finding the number of GPS based probe vehicles required.However, there are limited studies on the sample size determination of speeds obtained using video-graphic survey. Large samples increases the chances of finding the significant difference but sometimes it leads to wastage of resources. Inadequate sample size may lead to inaccurate results. Hencesample size determination is often an important step in traffic engineering studies. This paper attempts to determine the sample size based on variability and traffic conditions.An evaluation of the sample size determination such as ITE and Hybrid methods were also carried out. From the data analysis, it was found that there was not much variation in speeds for given vehicle type and location. The mean and variance in speeds obtained from first ten speed measurements for a vehicle type are not statistically different from those obtained after one hour of data collection. For some locations, where the proportion of heavy vehicles and flow were low, statistically stable mean speeds of heavy vehicles could not be obtained even after hour of data collection.

Estimation of Travel Time in Urban Streets Using Various Modes

Travel time reliability is one of the most understood measures for road users to perceive the current traffic conditions. It helps them to make smart decisions on route choices so as to avoid unnecessary delays. Travel time information to travelers always helps to better manage trips. It helps in making various decisions, such as: route choice, departure time choice etc. and helps to reduce traffic congestion and travel delay. Establishing a relationship between travel times of various modes is always a better solution. The objective of this study is to find out a statistical relationship between public transit and private cars and vice versa. Travel time data of sections of the study routes were collected using GPS and this information was used for representing the present traffic situation. Linear regression models were developed to predict travel times of modes, one with respect to another and travel time measures were validated.