Internet of Things and value co-creation in the cultural industry towards Service Dominant logic perspective (original) (raw)

[Re]-imagining vision and values: design as a driver for value creation in the Internet of Things

Living in the Internet of Things: Cybersecurity of the IoT - 2018, 2018

In digital age in which a myriad of products is becoming connected through the Internet of Things (IoT), new business opportunities and challenges arise for organisations regardless of size and product/service offerings. The traits of digital technology and digital economy results in not only profound changes in the ways organisations create value and develop their IoT products and services, but also emergent and dynamic business models. It also opens new opportunities in terms of how organisations increase turnover, thus conventional theories and practices of how value is created in the design and development process is constantly being challenged. Although, academics and practitioners often critically debate these emergent opportunities and challenges to the adoption of the 'Internet of Things', there is a paucity of established academic theories and industry practices to support and rethink traditional processes of product design and development to meet current needs and potential commercial opportunities in the era of IoT. This paper will offer a critical examination on how design processes have evolved with regard to the differences in value creation between goods-dominant logic and the service-dominant logic in order to identify an emergent design process feasible for IoT product and service development. In addition, factors that affect value creation, and design and development process in the IoT are reviewed. It concludes by offering key insights and observations as to where design can contribute to value creation in the internet of things.

Design principles for digital value co-creation networks: a service-dominant logic perspective

Electronic Markets, 2019

Information systems (IS) increasingly expand actor-to-actor networks beyond their temporal, organizational, and spatial boundaries. In such networks and through digital technology, IS enable distributed economic and social actors to not only exchange but also integrate their resources in materializing value co-creation processes. To account for such IS-enabled value co-creation processes in multi-actor settings, this research gives rise to the phenomenon of digital value co-creation networks (DVNs). In designing DVNs, it is not only necessary to consider underpinning value co-creation processes, but also the characteristics of the business environments in which DVNs evolve. To this end, our study guides the design of DVNs through employing servicedominant logic, a theoretical lens that conceptualizes value co-creation as well as business environments. Through an iterative research process, this study derives design requirements and design principles for DVNs, and eventually discusses how these design principles can be illustrated by expository design features for DVNs.

Value co-creation, co-destruction, and firm performance: A proposed mediation of the internet of things


Value co-creation is a study on consumer-firm interactions, where consumers can be actively involved with firms in designing, developing, marketing, distributing, and (or) selling of products to personalize their service experiences. In contrast, value codestruction exists due to imbalance involvement between consumers and firm in cocreating of value as a result of misuse of resources. Previous studies have suggested while value co-creation will increase firm performance, value co-destruction will do just the opposite of that. In the meantime, the internet of things (IoT) has becoming important topic to study how value co-creation and co-destruction can be created. Therefore, it was expected the effects of value co-creation and co-destruction on firm performance can be better understood with IoT. However, study that has looked into the mediating effects of IoT in the relationships between value co-creation and co-destruction on firm performance in a single topic is still hard to fin...

Value Co-creation in the Context of Digitally-Enabled Product-Service Systems

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2021

This paper describes the development of a conceptual framework to support the identification of value co-creation within the context of digitallyenabled Product-Service Systems (PSS). The framework was developed based on five themes. It considers how and where value co-creation occurs and also the translation of data into information that can become knowledge for individuals and organizations within the digitally-enabled PSS context. The model brings together the different actors and beneficiaries with a governance process that focuses on supporting value co-creation by integrating the information with data. The framework supports new innovation and improvements to existing PSS.

Value Co-creation Ontology—A Service-dominant Logic Perspective


Marketing research apprises scholars in different disciplines of a paradigmatic reorientation from a traditional goods-dominant (G-D) to a service-dominant (S-D) logic. S-D logic re-conceptualizes the notion of economic exchange. The cornerstone of this reorientation is the concept of value co-creation—a collaborative process of reciprocal value creation among various actors. Owing to S-D logic’s significance, information systems (IS) research discusses its prospective implications on core elements of the IS knowledge base. However, an equivocal understanding of value co-creation’s foundations, semantics, and use emphasizes its underlying theoretical ambiguity in IS and marketing research. Through employing Methontology, a well-structured methodology to build ontologies, we develop a value co-creation ontology for IS from an S-D logic perspective. The developed ontology not only offers a multidisciplinary glossary of value co-creation’s constituent concepts, but also thoroughly depi...

Value creation for IoT: challenges and opportunities within the design and development process

Living in the Internet of Things (IoT 2019), 2019

IoT initiatives look promising and straightforward, but they are far more complicated to enact as it stands today. Although developing digitised artefacts offers a rich new set of value creation and growth opportunities to organisations, to grab these opportunities encompass a wide variety of strategic risks. In this context, in academia, little attention has been focused on NPD processes, development risks and value creation in IoT. Thus, this paper offers a discussion on what development risks are found, what is new approach to NPD process, and how value for IoT is created comparing its counterpart in traditional manufacturing economy. To achieve this aim, a literature review was undertaken to examine existing value creation and NPD models, which are continuously evolving but not much improved in their application to developing digitalised artefacts. Through a case study, the risks, opportunities and activities for IoT development are further elaborated and critically discussed. Finally, along with a discussion of the strategic development challenges and opportunities, a continuous process of a new NPD model for IoT products and services is proposed.

Enabling the Mapping of Internet of Things Ecosystem Business Models Through Roles and Activities in Value Co-creation

Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2018

The increasing connectivity provided by the Internet of Things (IoT) supports novel business opportunities for actors' overlapping service systems. Therefore, the co-creative nature of IoT business needs to be further studied. This paper contributes to the understudied area of IoT ecosystem dynamics by reporting an empirical study on a European IoT initiative and describing different actor roles and activities in the IoT use cases, and their implications for IoT ecosystem value creation. The paper shows how IoT ecosystem actors may take the roles of Ideator, Designer, or Intermediary in different design layers, and, recommends this approach to better understand and describe ecosystem business models. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.

Towards service logic: The unique contribution of value co-creation


The underpinning logic of value co-creation in service logic is analysed. It is observed that three of the ten foundational premises of the so-called service-dominant logic are problematic and do not support an understanding of value-co-creation and creation that is meaningful for theoretical development and decision making in business and marketing practice. Without a thorough understanding of the interaction concept, the locus and nature of value co-creation cannot be identified. Based on the analysis in the present article it is observed that a unique contribution of a service perspective on business (service logic) is not that customers always are co-creators of value, but that under certain circumstances the service provider gets opportunities to co-create value together with its customers. Finally, the three problematic premises are reformulated accordingly.

How Digital Platforms Can Trigger Cultural Value Co-Creation?—A Proposed Model

Journal of Service Science and Management

Starting from an overview of the current trends in ICTs and adopting a SD Logic perspective, the paper is aimed both at analyzing users' engagement in the e-cultural value co-creation process and at proposing a theoretical model conceptualized to shed lights on the interactions occurring between users and culture organizations that led to the (co)creation of value-in-context. The paper starts with a theoretical-conceptual analysis about the digitalization process and focuses on the impact that this process has had on culture heritage domain. The proposed theoretical model specifies which mechanisms the digital capabilities enable for co-creating e-cultural value. Even though the paper lacks an empirical validation, it offers a concrete exemplification of the proposed model. Thus the paper conceptualizes a theoretical model which provides interesting suggestions that help heritage managers in adopting strategies able to shape a cultural service ecosystem. The originality of this conceptual research lies upon its contribution in deepening the understanding about e-cultural value co-creation process and in conceptualizing a model based on the concept of value in context.


In this article, we offer a broadened view of service innovation—one grounded in service-dominant logic—that transcends the tangible–intangible and producer–consumer divides that have plagued extant research in this area. Such a broadened conceptualization of service innovation emphasizes (1) innovation as a collaborative process occurring in an actor-to-actor (A2A) network, (2) service as the application of specialized competences for the benefit of another actor or the self and as the basis of all exchange, (3) the generativity unleashed by increasing resource liquefaction and resource density, and (4) resource integration as the fundamental way to innovate. Building on these core themes, we offer a tripartite framework of service innovation: (1) service ecosystems, as emergent A2A structures actors create and recreate through their effectual actions and which offer an organizing logic for the actors to exchange service and cocreate value; (2) service platforms, which enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of service exchange by liquefying resources and increasing resource density (facilitating easy access to appropriate resource bundles) and thereby serve as the venue for innovation; and (3) value cocreation, which views value as cocreated by the service offer(er) and the service beneficiary (e.g., customer) through resource integration and indicate the need for mechanisms to support the underlying roles and processes. In discussing these components, we consider the role of information technology—both as an operand resource and as an operant resource—and then examine the implications for research and practice in digitally enabled service innovation.