Vol.689, Issue 4 - 2019, Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies (original) (raw)

Vol.688, Issue 3 - 2019, Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies

Azərbaycan Məktəbi, 2019

Azərbaycan Respublikası Təhsil Nazirliyinin 5 may 1996-cı il tarixli Nizamnaməsi ilə təsdiq edilmiş, Ədliyyə Nazirliyində dövlət qeydiyyatına alınmışdır. Qeydiyyat № 11/3165 «Azərbaycan məktəbi» jurnalı akademik səviyyədə tədqiq olunan və elmi heyət tərəfindən müsbət qiymətləndirilən Azərbaycan, rus, ingilis və türk dillərində orijinal məqalələrin nəşrini həyata keçirir. Müəlliflərin şəxsi maraqlarını təbliğ edən məqalələr qəbul edilmir. Jurnal aşağıdakı bölmələrdən ibarətdir: Pedaqogika, tədris və təlim, nəzəriyyə və təcrübə, pedaqoji psixologiya, təhsil tarixi və fəlsəfəsi, təhsil siyasəti və texnologiyaları, kurikulum və metodika. Nəşrlər bölməsində elmi, pedaqoji sahədə yeni dərc edilən kitablar tanıdılır. «Azərbaycan məktəbi» ildə dörd dəfə nəşr olunur, həmçinin, xüsusi buraxılışlar, konfrans və simpozium materialları da dərc edir. Jurnal Azərbaycan Respublikasının Prezidenti yanında Ali Attestasiya Komissiyasının tövsiyə etdiyi elmi nəşrlər sırasındadır. Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies is an academic journal founded by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The journal publishes original articles in the following areas of research: education management; educational philosophy and educational theory; education policy; curriculum; educational technologies; pedagogy; sociology of education; history of education; special education; teacher training; assessment, etc. The journal also includes reviews of books on education published in local and foreign publications. Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies is published four times per year. The journal is among the publications recommended by the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Comparison of the Azerbaijani Education System with the Us Education System


The educational reforms implemented in our country, first of all, require the establishment of a system of pedagogical sciences at the level of world standards. Whether in the education reform program, in the materials related to the concept of education, or in the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Education" (2009) it is important to form the worldview of the rising generation with reference to the history of school and pedagogical thought are considered conditions. These documents recommend the humanization, humanization and democratization of education as the most necessary factor. For this, it is impossible to succeed without comparing the educational process in our country with the educational process in our modern world. Therefore, the improvement of the content of education in our country is conditioned by the study and research of comparative pedagogy. At the same time, there is an opportunity to compare the Azerbaijani education system with the education syste...

Comparison of the Azerbaijani education system with the US education system (XX-XXI centuries (1960-2015))


The educational reforms implemented in our country, first of all, require the establishment of a system of pedagogical sciences at the level of world standards. Whether in the education reform program, in the materials related to the concept of education, or in the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Education" (2009) it is important to form the worldview of the rising generation with reference to the history of school and pedagogical thought are considered conditions. These documents recommend the humanization, humanization and democratization of education as the most necessary factor. For this, it is impossible to succeed without comparing the educational process in our country with the educational process in our modern world. Therefore, the improvement of the content of education in our country is conditioned by the study and research of comparative pedagogy. At the same time, there is an opportunity to compare the Azerbaijani education system with the education systems of developed countries and benefit from them. The study of the structure, problems and pedagogical conditions of overcoming the problems of the world education systems, and the generalizations made in this case, the proposed provisions will enrich our pedagogical thinking, as well as increase the outlook of students and educators. The article reflects the research conducted in various areas related to the education system of developed countries (mainly the American education system). These studies cover the history of education in advanced and neighboring countries, its content, structure, management, admission rules, assessment models, etc. reflects the rich material on.

Azerbaijan Education System: Transition from Traditional to Modern Teaching and Learning Strategies. A Review of Literature

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'18), 2018

Education plays important role in the society and in the everyday lives of plenty of people. Education influences people in different ways, and the significance of high quality education is indisputable. Particularly, innovation in education is a light that shows the humankind the right direction to surge. The advancement of the society directly dependent on the development of education and its quality. The fact is that, technological progress and innovative technologies application in education system bring new tools for struggling with complicated obligations in education systems. People get opportunities to express themselves, communicate and interact with other peoples in local, national and global context by using innovative technologies in education. The main purpose of study is to examine traditional and modern, innovative methods of teaching and learning, to explore the impact of these methods on educational environment and specifically discuss different teaching and learnin...

Education system in Azerbaijan

Education system in Azerbaijan, 2022

Historical and cultural basis of education in Azerbaijan a. Sasanid period Azerbaijan's education system has a long story. It dates back to the third century. We can say that the era of systematic school education in Azerbaijan began with Zoroastrian schools. Before the spread of Islam, Zoroastrian schools in Azerbaijan operated more extensively, and the Zoroastrian schools functioned as places of worship, as well as training and education centers of Zoroastrianism.

Challenges and New perspectives of Teacher Training in Azerbaijan: Assessment of pedagogical activities of English language Teachers

Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies, 2019

Tədqiqat işi müəllimlərin peşəkar inkişafı sahəsində səmərəlii dəyişiklikləri araşdırır və onların karyera bacarıqlarının artırırılması üzrə təlimlərdə qazandıqları bilik və bacarıqlarının qiymətləndirilməsi sahəsinə geniş nəzər yetirir. Məqalənin əsas hissəsi Azərbaycan məktəblərində müəllim hazırlığı ilə bağlı müxtəlif müzakirələrə və problemlərə tənqidi yanaşma, müəllimlərin bilik və bacarıqlarını inkişaf etdirməyə yönəlmiş təlim proqramlarının məzmunu haqqında fikirlərə həsr edilmişdir. Aparılan tədqiqatın əsas məqsədi müəllimlərin, təlimçilərin və məktəb menecerlərinin perspektiv fəaliyyətlərinin qiymətləndirilməsi yollarını təqdim etmək və bununla da məktəblərdə müəllim hazırlığı təcrübəsi reallıqlarını müəyyənləşdirməkdir. Məruzənin sonunda müəllimlər, təhsil işçiləri və təhsil siyasətçiləri üçün inkişaf etməkdə olan ölkələrin ən yaxşı təcrübələri və bəzi səmərəli metod və üsulları tövsiyə şəklində verilmişdir. Qiymətləndirmə, müəllim, təlim, məktəb, təhsildən əvvəlki və sonrakı xidmət, proqram.

Historical Development of Azeri Education System and the Effects of the Private Azerbaijani-Turkish Schools

Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2011

The foundation of Azerbaijan education system laid down thousand years ago. Azerbaijani Education System has taken shape by various elements until it comes to its today's case. One of these significant elements is the private Azerbaijan-Turkish (Gulen-inspired) schools.These schools have a major role on the passing from the Russian Traditional school education to modern one. These schools have positively affected the Azerbaijan culture, the economy and the policy by their outcomes in last 19 years. The students they raised have come to important classes in community, both inside outside of the country. By this way the positive effects of these schools have increased day by day. The private Azerbaijan-Turkish (Gulen-inspired) Schools have contributed to development of Azerbaijani education system. As a result they have formed a model for education organization and schools model of modern world.


African Journal of Biological Sciences, 2024

The article examines the system and structure of education management based on Azerbaijani materials. It has been determined that treating education as a strategically important field in Azerbaijan, implementing the concept of continuous, national education and adapting it to world standards by achieving the national human integration of education is the main essence of the education policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan. These impose new demands on education management. It is important to take into account the specific laws of education in all aspects of education, including when managing the school, pedagogical process, events and facilities. Pedagogical leadership, education management is important. In modern conditions, education in Azerbaijan is, first of all, a field that serves the strategic-ideological policy of the state and is therefore considered superior. The main feature that characterizes it is its connection with a specific country, its full consideration of all educational opportunities and the systematic regulation of communication between these institutions. Continuous national education implies citizens of the same country, does not deny the possibility of moving from one educational opportunity to another, and finally considers it necessary to ensure the lifelong improvement of the citizens of the country.


“Metafizika” Journal (pISSN 2616-6879; eISSN 2617-751X), Serial. № 27, 2024

This paper addresses the development of the education system during the Soviet period, with particular attention given to the role of intellectuals in the growth of education. The establishment of the new Soviet education system in Azerbaijan faced significant challenges, such as the lack of qualified teaching staff. It was necessary to prepare educators, introduce new teaching materials and programs, and apply progressive teaching methods. In response, the Soviet government of Azerbaijan issued a series of decrees and orders in 1920 to guide the development of public education. These aspects are given special attention in this article. Azerbaijani intellectuals endeavored to create all possible opportunities for the advancement of education. The 20th century holds a special place as a productive period in the enrichment of Azerbaijani culture, which is an integral part of human civilization. This period of history is distinguished by its unique characteristics, historical and social conditions, all of which left a profound impact on the fields of culture and art. The 20th century is remembered as a time of social and political revolutions and changes in the history of the Azerbaijani people. Although the social, historical, and political changes had a significant impact on national culture and art, this period can generally be characterized as a productive stage of development. At the beginning of the century, the efforts of national enlightened forces in cultural development, their initiatives, and their work in organizing and forming various cultural and artistic fields provided a major impetus for the revival of culture in Azerbaijan. It was necessary to create a new system of public education, develop a wide network of cultural and educational institutions, lay the foundations of scientific knowledge, familiarize the working class with artistic resources, free women from patriarchal oppression, eliminate harmful customs and ceremonies, and pave the way for the cultural and spiritual development of individuals.