General staff of the army of the UPR (the specifics of activities in the conditions of internment in the camps of Poland, 1921-1924) (original) (raw)


Вопросы истории. 2021. № 12-4. С. 162-180., 2021

The article presents the main aspects of the conditions of stay of Polish prisoners of war (Polish-Soviet War) in the camps of central Russia in 1919-1921. Material and living conditions, medical care, food in concentration camps and in specially created prisoner-of-war camps corresponded to international standards and agreements. Polish prisoners of war, as well as prisoners of the Red Army in Poland, were used for forced labor. The labor of Polish prisoners was paid according to the same standards as for the local population. The repatriation of Polish prisoners of war was carried out as soon as possible after the signing of the relevant interstate agreement: during March-October 1921. В статье представлены основные аспекты условий пребывания польских военнопленных (польско-советская война) в лагерях Центральной России в 1919-1921 гг. Материально-бытовые условия, медицинское обслуживание, питание в концлагерях и в специально создаваемых лагерях военнопленных соответствовали международным стандартам и соглашениям. Польских военнопленных, как и пленных красноармейцев в Польше, использовали на принудительных работах. Труд польских пленных оплачивался по тем же нормам, что и для местного населения. Репатриация польских военнопленных была осуществлена в кратчайшие сроки после подписания соответствующего межгосударственного соглашения: в течение марта-октября 1921 г.

Sanitary and epidemiological condition of the camp of interned soldiers-Ukrainians Aleksandrov (Poland), December 1920 – July 1921


САНІТАРНО-ЕПІДЕМІОЛОГІЧНИЙ СТАН ТАБОРУ ІНТЕРНОВАНИХ ВОЯКІВ-УКРАЇНЦІВ АЛЕКСАНДРІВ (ПОЛЬЩА), грудень 1920-липень 1921 рр. © І. В. Срібняк В статті проаналізовано санітарно-епідеміологічну ситуацію в таборі інтернованих вояків-українців в Александрові (Польща) у кінці 1920-першій половині 1921 рр. Доведено, що незадовільний санітарний стан в таборі причинився взимку 1921 р. до спалахів пошесних хвороб, які відразу були локалізовані зусиллями українських та польських лікарів. У подальшому переважна більшість хворих інтернованих проходила лікування в українському загальнотаборовому шпиталі та амбулаторії, отримуючи там кваліфіковану медичну допомогу

Polish Prisoners of War in the Camps of Central Russia, 1919–1922

Вестник Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований. Гуманитарные и общественные науки. 2021. № 4 (106). С. 21-34., 2021

Вестник Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований. Гуманитарные и общественные науки. 2021. № 4 (106). С. 21-34. The problem of the prisoners of the Polish–Soviet war of 1919–1920 remains one of the most controversial issues in modern Polish–Russian historiography. The situation of Red Army soldiers in Polish captivity has been examined in sufficient detail; however, there have been considerable differences in assessments. Meanwhile, the conditions of stay of the Polish prisoners of war in the camps of Central Russia have not become subject to historical research until recent times. In this scientific project, the material and living conditions of Russian camps with Polish prisoners of war and their medical care, nutrition, labor use, propaganda work, and process of repatriation in 1921–1922 are analyzed for the first time. Проблема военнопленных польско-советской войны 1919–1920 гг. остаётся одним из самых дискуссионных вопросов в современной польско-российской историографии. При этом условия пребывания польских военнопленных в лагерях Центральной России до последнего времени вообще не являлись предметом исторических исследований. В ходе реализации настоящего научного проекта впервые анализируются бытовые условия лагерей с польскими военнопленными, медицинское обслуживание, питание, трудовое использование пленных, агитационно-пропагандистская работа среди военнопленных, процесс их репатриации

The participation of leavers of Vilna military infantry school in organizing cultural and educational departments in polish camps for interned Ukrainian troops (1920-1923)

History of Science and Biographical Studies, 2017

Проаналізовано умови життя військ УНР (1920-1923 рр.) в найчисельніших польських таборах для інтернованих в Пікуленцях, Ченстохові, Олександрові та ін. Детально досліджено роль окремих випускників Віленського військового піхотного училища, які долучилися до розбудови культурно-освітніх відділів при таборах для інтернованих. Уперше опубліковано документи (протоколи засідань різних секцій) учасників культурно-освітніх відділів й проаналізовано напрями їхньої роботи. Встановлено, що більшість віленців, крім військової, мали й педагогічну освіту, що спростило їм роботу. Методом порівняльного аналізу встановлено, що найуспішніше справа розбудови культурно-освітніх відділів проходила в Пікуленцях, а згодом її налагодили й в Олександрові. Основними видами діяльності стало відкриття спортивних секцій, читалень, закупівля книжок, розвиток театральних студій, випуск власної преси тощо. Саме завдяки активістам культурно-освітніх відділів українські військові у статусі інтернованих не зневіритися в собі й підтримували один одного у скрутних життєвих обставинах. Ключові слова: УНР, Польща, інтернування, культурно-освітній відділ. ШАРАВАРА Тамара Олексіївна доктор історичних наук, доцент завідувач кафедри іноземних мов та українознавства Полтавської державної аграрної академії

Kornilova O. Different groups of Prisoners-Of-War in Polish camps in 1918–1924: modern Polish and Russian historiography

РОССИЯ И БЕЛАРУСЬ: ИСТОРИЯ И КУЛЬТУРА В ПРОШЛОМ И НАСТОЯЩЕМ Материалы международной научной конференции «Польско-советская война 1919–1920 гг.: эволюция историографических оценок (к 100-летию начала войны)» (Смоленск, 10–11 октября 2019 г.), 2019

The article discusses the situation of prisoners of war in Polish internment camps, their classification into groups depending on nationality, origin and political views. The conditions of being in the camp, the life and advantages of certain groups of internees, for example, the Cossacks or supporters of the anti-Bolshevik regime in Russia, are examined. The camps intended for prisoners of war of the Polish-Soviet war and the features of their maintenance are noted. In addition, the difference in the content of internees in a particular camp and the difference in the position of prisoners of war between the data on the papers or in accordance with the international and actual ones is emphasized. It also shows the attitude of the prisoners of war themselves to living conditions in the camps and methods of struggle: letters to the head of the camp, to international organizations, and in extreme cases, open uprisings inside the camps. The scientific research is based on archival materials of the Prague Archive (GARF, Moscow) of the expat periodical and published documents of the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation.

Kornilova O. Polish Camps for Red Army Prisoners of War in the 1919–1924s: Modern Russian-Polish Approaches

Известия Смоленского государственного университета, 2020

The article discusses modern Russian and Polish historiography, devoted to the organization, functioning and liquidation of Polish camps for the Red Army prisoners of war who were captured during the Soviet-Polish War of 1919–1920. The history of the camps for the Red Army prisoners of war Polish authors begin with the creation of German camps in Poland during World War I. After the repatriation the camps continued to contain interned members of anti-Soviet armed groups and members of their families. Without considering the methodology of establishing the total number of prisoners and deceased, the author raises the question of interpreting the causes of the Red Army prisoners of war massive loss in Polish captivity. The researchers’ opinions range from the objective impossibility of the Polish authorities to provide prisoners with proper conditions to a targeted policy of destroying the Red Army soldiers by famine, cold, and refusal of medical care.

Repatriation of Polish Prisoners of War from Camps of Central Russia (1921–1922) // Репатриация польских военнопленных из лагерей Центральной России (1921-1922))


Modern History of Russia, vol.11, no.1, 2021, pp.72–88. // Новейшая история России. 2021. Т.11, № 1. С.72–88. The problem of prisoners of war of the Polish-Soviet war of 1919–1920 remains one of the most debatable issues in modern historiography. This topic is poorly studied in both domestic and foreign (especially Polish) historiography. The article deals with the process and mechanism of repatriating Polish prisoners from camps in Central Russia in 1921–1922. The authors note that the discussion of repatriation began at the end of 1919. Negotiations ended with the signing of a repatriation agreement between the RSFSR, the Ukrainian SSR, and Poland on February 24, 1921. In accordance with the developed normative documentation, Polish prisoners of war were subjected to sanitary treatment (baths, haircuts) before being sent; they were given underwear and uniforms; they were provided with food for the period of their journey; and they were fully paid. Sick prisoners of war were sent in special trains or in separate ambulances accompanied by medical personnel. The first echelons with Polish prisoners of war began “leaving” for Poland in March 1921. Mass repatriation was completed by the autumn of the same year. In the future, repatriation concerned only individuals and would be of a personal nature. In total, almost 35 000 prisoners of war were sent to Poland

In Defense of Interests of the Interned Army of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (Little-known Pages of Activity of Ukrainian Military Diplomacy in Poland, 1921)

Archivi Ukraїni, 2023

The purpose of the work is to reveal the peculiarities of the activities of the Ukrainian Military Liquidation Commission in Poland at the end of 1920–1921, which was connected, in particular, with the placement of units and units of the interned Army of the Ukrainian People's Republic in camps on the territory of Poland and the provision of acceptable living conditions for soldiers Ukrainians. The commission performed mediating functions between the commanders of the groups of internees and the main command of the Army of the Ukrainian People's Republic, on the one hand, and the Polish ministries that took turns taking care of the interned Ukrainian soldiers (military affairs, foreign and internal affairs), on the other. Her activities made it possible to find balanced and compromise solutions related to various aspects of the stay of the Army of the Ukrainian People's Republic in internment camps, and in a broader sense, it contributed to the adaptation of Ukrainian soldiers to their stay in Poland, the adjustment of their lives as political emigrants.

Repatriation of Polish Prisoners of War from Camps of Central Russia (1921–1922)


The problem of prisoners of war of the Polish-Soviet war of 1919–1920 remains one of the most debatable issues in modern historiography. This topic is poorly studied in both domestic and foreign (especially Polish) historiography. The article deals with the process and mechanism of repatriating Polish prisoners from camps in Central Russia in 1921–1922. The authors note that the discussion of repatriation began at the end of 1919. Negotiations ended with the signing of a repatriation agreement between the RSFSR, the Ukrainian SSR, and Poland on February 24, 1921. In accordance with the developed normative documentation, Polish prisoners of war were subjected to sanitary treatment (baths, haircuts) before being sent; they were given underwear and uniforms; they were provided with food for the period of their journey; and they were fully paid. Sick prisoners of war were sent in special trains or in separate ambulances accompanied by medical personnel. The first echelons with Polish pr...