The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension at the Third Semester of English Department Student at Stain Ponorogo in (original) (raw)

The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension

Tarbawi : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2018

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur apakah ada korelasi antara penguasaan kosakata dan kemampuan membaca mahasiswa di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Riau pada Program Studi keuangan Perbankan dan Akuntansi. Adapun responden penelitian ini sebnyak 26 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan sensus sampling dimana semua mahasiswa Program Studi Keuangan dan Perbankan serta Akuntansi menjadi sample. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan instrument tes. Tes diberikan kepada mahasiswa untuk mengukur kosa kata dan kemampuan membaca. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan program SPSS dalam menghitung hasil. Adapun hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah: Penguasaan kosakata mahasiswa sangat baik dan kemampuan membaca mahasiswa berada di kategori baik. Tetapi dari hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada korelasi antara penguasaan kosakata terhadap kemampuan membaca mahasiswa. Dari hasil ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada factor lain yang mempengaruhi kemampuan membaca mahasiswa

The Correlation Between Students' Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Comprehension in Descriptive Text at State Senior High School 2 Pekanbaru


ABSTRAK Nadya Aprilia (2019) Korelasi antara Penguasaan Kosakata Siswa dan Pemahaman Membaca Mereka dalam Teks Deskriptif di SMA Negeri 2 Pekanbaru Berdasarkan penelitian pendahuluan, ditemukan bahwa penguasaan kosakata siswa tidak baik di sekolah. Kemudian, mempertimbangkan beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kosa kata, juga ditemukan bahwa mereka masih memiliki kesalahan untuk menggunakan kata-kata konten, terdiri dari kata benda, kata kerja, kata sifat, dan kata keterangan. Dan kata fungsi, terdiri dari kata depan, artikel, dan kata ganti. Jadi, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara penguasaan kosakata siswa dan pemahaman bacaan mereka dalam teks deskriptif di SMA Negeri 2 Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasional. Ada dua tes yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data untuk penelitian ini: tes kosakata dan tes membaca pemahaman. Populasi penelitian ini adalah 322 siswa. Kemudian, dalam mengambil sampel, peneliti menggunakan simple random sampling dan...

Vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension

Ali, Irwan Ro'iyal. 2010, The Correlation between Students' Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension, Skripsi, English Department, The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers' Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. Advisor : Drs. A.M. Zaenuri M.Pd.

The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension at Second Grade of SMP N 11 Bandar Lampung


The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is a significant correlation between students’ vocabulary and their reading comprehension skill. This is quantitative research. The population of the research was the students of the second grade of SMPN 11 Bandar Lampung. There were ten classes of second-grade students. The sample was taken by using simple random sampling and class VIII A was taken as the sample of the research. The research design was ex-post facto design; the researcher did not give treatment but collecting the data by seeing the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension skill after analyzing by using SPSS 16.0. The aim of reading comprehension skill and vocabulary mastery test were used as the instruments to measure the level of students’ comprehension skill and vocabulary mastery in this research. The result of the correlation analysis showed there was a significant correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and readin...

The Correlation between Indonesian Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Comprehension

Al-Ta lim Journal, 2016

Exploring students’ background knowledge in pre-reading activities suggests the importance of interaction in the process of meaning making which requires appropriate vocabulary. Although many factors constitute students’ comprehension, vocabulary should be the main concern in EFL reading classes. Consistence with this premise, the current study was aimed at proving the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading achievement at the fourth semester of STKIP Dharma Bakti Lubuk Alung. This correlational study involved 70 students taken through cluster random sampling. Vocabulary and reading test were employed to determine the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension. Through Correlation of Product Moment, coefficient correlation between two variables was found to be 0.61 with index correlation in r-table was 0.1617 for α= 0.05, suggesting that the coefficient correlation between two variables (rxy) t-calculated was bigger ...

Correlation Between Students` Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara penguasaan kosa kata dalam membaca teks narasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain co-relational pada ex post facto. Data sampel dipilih dengan menggunakan sistem acak. Pengambilan sampel diambil dari siswa kelas 9 SMP N 1 Tegineneng pesawaran kelas IX D yang terdiri dari 30 siswa. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan test dan dianalisa dengan menggunakan SPSS pada level significant 0,05 .Hasil menunjukan ada korelasi signifikan antara kemampuan penguasaan kosa kata siswa dan kemampuan narati teksnya, dengan rxy adalah 0.729 dengan N berjumlah 30, derajad kebebasan pada level 0,05 sementara r table 0.370 yang berarti korelasi signifikan. Oleh karena itu hipotesis penelitian h1 diterima dan hipotesis h0 ditolak. The objective of this research is to find out the correlation between students` vocabulary mastery and their reading focus on narrative text. This. The research design used a corelational design of ex post facto design. ...

Students' Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Comprehension

Journal of Language, Literature, and English Teaching (JULIET)

The purpose of this research was to find whether or not there is a relationship between vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. The researcher focused on the relationship between students' vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension in this study. The researcher employed a quantitative method in their investigation. The sample in this study was 30 students at seventh grade in SMPN 4 Senayang. 20 items for vocabulary mastery and 10 items for reading comprehension in a multiple-choice test were used to collect data for this study. The Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was employed to analyze the data. The correlation coefficient variable of mastery of vocabulary and reading comprehension was 0.473 based on the data obtained by the authors. The correlation coefficient was 0.473, which is placed between 0.400.0.600 was seen in the table. The correlation is moderate correlation. As a result, Ho is rejected, while Ha is accepted. The authors found a rel...

An Analysis on the Students’ Ability in Understanding Vocabulary at First Year Students of English Education Study Program (Tbi) Stain Padangsidimpuan

The Journal of Teaching and Learning, 2013

Penelitian ini mengangkat masalah penguasaan kosa kata bahasa Inggris mahasiswa Program STudi Tadris Bahasa Inggris STAIN Padangsidimpuan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dimana peneliti ingin mendeskripsikan tentang penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris mahasiswa. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa mahasiswa lemah dalam memahami kosa kata terkaitdalam penggunaan prefix, suffix, synonym, antonym, polisemy, homonym dan hyponym. Dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut dosen menjelaskan dan memberikan contoh – contoh tambahan serta memberikan tugas - tugas terkait, dan juga selalu memebrikan motivasi agar mahasiswa belajar dengan lebih baik. Key Word: Analysis, Students’ Ability, Vocabulary, and Understanding Vocabulary

The Correlation between Vocabulary Achievement and Reading Comprehension

Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning, 2021

The study investigated the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension. Data were collected from 32 eighth grade students of SMPN 11 Palembang. The test item of vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension were given to the students to measure their level of vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. The results were compared to find out the correlation between those variables. The result showed that there was a significant correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension. The technique of collecting data was by using a test. A try out test was also done to find out the validity. After the data of the students’ vocabulary mastery and their achievement in reading comprehension were collected, the data werestatistically computed to find out the correlation between the two variables. The result of applying the pearson correlation shows that the coefficient correlation is 0. 807. It means that there is a significant...