Teacher's Perception on the Application of Scientific Approach Towards Arabic Learning in Islamic Boarding Schools (original) (raw)

The Arabic Language As A Basic Epistem In The Scientific Tradition Of Islamic Boarding School Education

International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences, 2022

The yellow book (kitab kuning) is the basic curriculum in Islamic boarding school education. He uses Arabic as an instrument of presentation. So, the educational process of pesantren is definitely in contact with Arabic as an episteme in its scientific building. This study aims to describe the Arabic language as a fundamental epistem in Islamic boarding school education and its relation to the scientific construction of Islamic boarding schools based on it. This research is a qualitative research with the type of literature study. This study uses data collection methods in the form of documentation of all libraries related to Islamic boarding schools and the Arabic language. Then, the data analysis used is descriptive analysis and content analysis. In testing the validity of the data, the researcher used triangulation, namely source triangulation, method triangulation, peer discussion and member check. The results of this study are: 1) The episteme of the pesantren scientific tradition is the Bayani epistem which is based on Arabic in aqidah and shari'ah Islamiyah. 2) Arabic that is learned in Islamic boarding school education begins with theoretical Arabic which is oriented to the practice of reading the yellow book as the basic curriculum in Islamic boarding school learning.

Learning Arabic Language Sciences Based on Technology in Traditional Islamic Boarding Schools in Indonesia

Nazhruna, 2024

This research aims to analyze traditional Islamic boarding school leaders' perceptions of technology, models of learning Arabic sciences in traditional Islamic boarding schools, forms of using technology in learning Arabic language sciences in traditional Islamic boarding schools, and foundation support for using technology in learning sciences.-Arabic language knowledge in traditional Islamic boarding schools. The type of research used is qualitative-descriptive. Research data was obtained using observation methods, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The instruments used are observation lists, interview lists, and documentation lists. Data were analyzed using ATLAS-ti9 software. The research results show that (1). traditional Islamic boarding school leaders' perception of technology is very positive, and there is no rejection of the presence of technology; (2). The model of learning Arabic language sciences in traditional Islamic boarding schools is still preserved, such as using the yellow book with the bandongan, sorogan, and wetonan methods (3). Using technology in learning Arabic language sciences in traditional Islamic boarding schools by operating computers, laptops, focus, and cell phones with the help of the internet (4). The foundation supports the use of technology in learning Arabic language sciences in traditional Islamic boarding schools by disbursing sufficient funds to procure learning technology tools or by building collaborations with other parties. This research aims to increase the use of learning technology in traditional Islamic boarding schools to create effective and efficient learning but remain resistant to Islamic boarding school values and traditions.

Implementation of The Scientific Approach in Islamic Religious Education

Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan MH Thamrin

The government has been forced to implement significant learning reforms as a result of the issue with learning quality and student competency accomplishment. The 2013 curriculum was released by the government through the Ministry of Education and Culture to enhance the previous curriculum.This study aims to find out how the implementation of the Scientific Approach in Islamic Religious Education Learning in Junior High Schools. The research method uses descriptive analysis research. Data collection through observation, interviews, and questionnaires have been carried out. Based on the results of the study, it was shown that the implementation of the scientific approach carried out by the teacher in PAI learning had been carried out but was not maximal at the stage of collecting information. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the students obtained 75.56%, in the reasoning activity they obtained 79.92%. The obstacle faced by teachers in the scientific approach is the short le...

The Islamic Religious Education Teaching and Using Scientific Approach


The current curriculum that the government considers to be the most capable to become the new outlook in the focus of educational references is the 2013 curriculum. In contrast to the previous curriculum, the 2013 curriculum in its implementation plan is claimed to provide solutions to the constrained progress of the Indonesian nation through a character that possesses a scientific approach so that the educational output will be in line with the expectations. The scientific approach consists of observing, asking, reasoning, experimenting and communicating. Viewed from the steps of a scientific approach, it would seem easier if this approach is applied in scientific subjects because it is indeed a frequently used step in science, such as observing objects, seeking information, reasoning, experimenting, etc. However, what if the application of this approach is applied to the subjects of Islamic Study. The results of the research are (1) The implementation of teaching and learning cond...

Practical Model Of Scientific Approach In Learning Islamic Studies And Budi Pekerti Courses At Indonesian Secondary Schools

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2019

The implementation of the scientific approach by the teachers in teaching Islamic Studies in Secondary Schools has faced many obstacles e.g. inadequate distribution of time to seized the steps of the scientific approach and the limited skills of the teachers in utilizing the media and students who are less serious during the learning process. This study aims to illustrate the development of a scientific approach model in learning Islamic Studies and Budi Pekerti at Secondary Schools. The method of this research is research and development Four-D model by adapting research steps according to Gall and Borg. There were 14 teachers of 6 Secondary Schools in Padang, Indonesia. Observation, interviews, and documentation were used to collect the data. The findings of the research found that the development of a scientific approach model in learning Islamic Studies in Secondary Schools could be done by giving structured assignments to students in groups.

Arabic Education and Modern Learning Construction in Muslim Minority Islamic Boarding School in Indonesia


Islamic boarding schools not only can bring up the religious enthusiasm, but also interpret Indonesia with a spirit of nationalism. Hence, it is not surprising that pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) is present to give a dedication to this nation aside from Islamic interest. Not only in the role of education,an educational institution like pesantren also had socio-cultural functions and role, a significant spiritual movement needs to be done to provide reinforcement towards empowerment within the goal of education holistically. A means that supports the learning process is the mastery of Arabic. This paper will describe the practice of Arabic teaching and learning in Muslim minority area with an approach to the principle of moderation. The research was carried out in West Papua which included five districts and one city. The results of the study showed that the application of learning that was carried out in Islamic boarding schools in Mayamuk, Aimas, Waisai, Teminabuan, Kaimana, Waigom, and Misol, was done in a well-structured. In the seven locations, Islamic education within the framework of the learning process that is based on language skills is carried out with the santri (Students) communicative approach. The skill of the students that is trained is linguistic expression without special emphasis on grammar mastery. The environment of boarding schools that provide dormitories as a place to live becomes a tool of interaction among santri (students) in practicing language skills. The language ability of the students is adapted to the learning context along with the environment. The existing social aspects are used to support the learning process. Finally, this research concludes that differences in learning objectives and determining approach and methodological aspects will affect learning Arabic.

Islamic Boarding School-Based Strategy in Arabic Teaching and Learning of Muslim Minority West Papua


Arabic language becomes important and compulsive to understand Quran in schools and madrasah (Islamic school) which have students as learning target. In addition, learning is not only about classroom. The exploration could be extend to environment where the students live around. Therefore, this article would identify the process of Arabic learning and teaching in Islamic boarding school-based strategy. To enhance the process of learning in the madrasah (school), the management provide boarding or domitory facilities for student who can not reach the school every day. This reserach was conducted in West Papua of Indonesia. The research is a series of research to identify the muslim minority Arabic teaching and learning in the island of Papua. Non-participant observation and in-depth interview were employed in collecting data. This article shows that there are four programs were implemented to accelerate students’ competencies in acquitting the target language. Furthermore, this artic...

Qur'anist and Scientist: Curriculum Design on Islamic Boarding School at SMA Al-I'tishom Magelang

International Journal of Research and Review, 2023

This research was conducted based on the results of interviews and observations of Al-I'tishom High School (SMA), which is a modernization School from its position as Al-I'tishom Islamic Boarding School to become a formal educational institution called Al-I'tishom Boarding School High School. this is to analyze the basic principles in the formulation of the curriculum at SMA Al-I'tishom Boarding School. This method of research used descriptive qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach to reveal more deeply the phenomena of the basic principles in curriculum formulation at SMA Al-I'tishom Boarding School. Data collection techniques are carried out by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. The data source for this research was in the form of primary data obtained from interviews with the Head of the Foundation, the Head of the School, the Head of the Islamic Boarding School, Deputy Head of Curriculum, Alumni and High School Students of Al-I'tishom Boarding School. The research data validity technique used the criteria for the degree of trust (credibility) with the triangulation technique. The results of the study concluded that the basic principles used in the formulation of the curriculum at SMA Al-I'tishom Boarding School are built on several criteria including: a) the formulation of the curriculum at SMA Al-I'tishom has considered the relevance of internal and external aspects. The purpose of establishing SMA Al-I'tishom which started from the concerns of many figures and the needs of the surrounding community has proven that the principle of relevance has been implemented; b) the combination of the two curricula in SMA Al-I'tishom certainly applied a very real principle of flexibility. Not rigid and adaptive to the needs and conditions of the field. Then the main curriculum implementers are educators and the curriculum development team can adjust the priority scale of the curriculum content given to students; c) the consideration of a combination of two curricula with balanced weights implicitly fulfills the principle of continuity. The natural sciences and religious sciences that are taught and expected to be able to continuously provide the basis and provision for Al-I'tishom High School graduates in living life and preparing provisions for the hereafter; d) the efficiency of the strategy for formulating and implementing the curriculum at SMA Al-I'tishom has been detailed in the KOSP document. In the KOSP document, objectives and strategies are stated starting from the short term, medium term, and long term and e) the effectiveness of time management for implementing the curriculum has been pursued. With an institutional autonomy system that implements a pondokitory system, the quality and quantity of curriculum implementation runs effectively, both for students and for educators

Child-Friendly Teaching Approach for Arabic Language in Indonesian Islamic Boarding School

International Journal of Language Education

Mastering Arabic language is essential for Muslims as the language serves as a fundamental tool to understand and implement Islamic values. It is due to the fact that sources of these Islamic values, as in al-Qur'an and Sunnah, are accessible primarily through Arabic language. Both formal and informal education undertakings to master the language are then encouraged in this community. In connection to the dissemination and internalization of child-friendly values, it is necessary that the teaching of Arabic be carried out within this framework. Using descriptive analysis as the method, this paper discusses how these values may work in an Islamic environment such as Darunajah Islamic Boarding School. Data collection is done through observation, in-depth interviews, library research, and triangulation. In this study, components of Arabic language teaching which include educators, students, material, learning processes and evaluation, are put in relation to child-friendly values. T...

Management of Islamic Religious Education Learning with a Scientific Approach as a Formation of Active and Scientific Attitudes of Students at SMK Bina Nusantara Andika Cianjur


The purpose of this research for demonstrate how the implementation of governance practices, processes, and supporting and inhibiting elements of the scientific method are used to increase student involvement in PAI learning at SMK Bina Nusantara Andika. A qualitative descriptive approach was used in this study. Data collection methods include observation, interviews, and documentation. The findings show that PAI learning is applied using the 2013 curriculum and the scientific model. The school has endeavored to promote discipline and order, maximize study hours using the scientific method, and increase student participation by requiring students to participate in group discussions of the teaching-learning process and hands-on practice. In addition, the instructor demonstrates the scientific method paradigm through real-life examples. The scientific approach is carried out by stimulating students' interest in the concepts being taught, encouraging students to ask questions about...