Facilitating treebank annotation using a statistical parser (original) (raw)

Automated extraction of Tree-Adjoining Grammars from treebanks

Natural Language Engineering, 2005

There has been a contemporary surge of interest in the application of stochastic models of parsing. The use of tree-adjoining grammar (TAG) in this domain has been relatively limited due in part to the unavailability, until recently, of large-scale corpora hand-annotated with TAG structures. Our goals are to develop inexpensive means of generating such corpora and to demonstrate their applicability to stochastic modeling. We present a method for automatically extracting a linguistically plausible TAG from the Penn Treebank. Furthermore, we also introduce labor-inexpensive methods for inducing higher-level organization of TAGs. Empirically, we perform an evaluation of various automatically extracted TAGs and also demonstrate how our induced higher-level organization of TAGs can be used for smoothing stochastic TAG models.

Automated Extraction of Tags from the Penn Treebank

The accuracy of statistical parsing models can be improved with the use of lexical information. Statistical parsing using Lexicalized tree adjoining grammar (LTAG), a kind of lexicalized grammar, has remained relatively unexplored. We believe that is largely in part due to the absence of large corpora accurately bracketed in terms of a perspicuous yet broad coverage LTAG. Our work attempts to alleviate this difficulty. We extract different LTAGs from the Penn Treebank. We show that certain strategies yield an improved extracted LTAG in terms of compactness, broad coverage, and supertagging accuracy. Furthermore, we perform a preliminary investigation in smoothing these grammars by means of an external linguistic resource, namely, the tree families of the XTAG grammar, a hand built grammar of English.

Tagging Grammatical Functions


This paper addresses issues in automated treebank construction. We show how standard part-of-speech tagging techniques extend to the more general problem of structural annotation, especially for determining grammatical functions and syntactic categories. Annotation is viewed as an interactive process where manual and automatic processing alternate. Efficiency and accuracy results are presented. We also discuss further automation steps.

Dependency and relational structure in treebank annotation

… of Workshop on Recent Advances in …, 2004

Among the variety of proposals currently making the dependency perspective on grammar more concrete, there are several treebanks whose annotation exploits some form of Relational Structure that we can consider a generalization of the fundamental idea of dependency at various degrees and with reference to different types of linguistic knowledge. The paper describes the Relational Structure as the common underlying representation of treebanks which is motivated by both theoretical and task-dependent considerations. Then it presents a system for the annotation of the Relational Structure in treebanks, called Augmented Relational Structure, which allows for a systematic annotation of various components of linguistic knowledge crucial in several tasks. Finally, it shows a dependency-based annotation for an Italian treebank, i.e. the Turin University Treebank, that implements the Augmented Relational Structure.

Head-Driven Statistical Models for Natural Language Parsing

Computational Linguistics, 2003

This article describes three statistical models for natural language parsing. The models extend methods from probabilistic context-free grammars to lexicalized grammars, leading to approaches in which a parse tree is represented as the sequence of decisions corresponding to a head-centered, top-down derivation of the tree. Independence assumptions then lead to parameters that encode the X-bar schema, subcategorization, ordering of complements, placement of adjuncts, bigram lexical dependencies, wh-movement, and preferences for close attachment. All of these preferences are expressed by probabilities conditioned on lexical heads. The models are evaluated on the Penn Wall Street Journal Treebank, showing that their accuracy is competitive with other models in the literature. To gain a better understanding of the models, we also give results on different constituent types, as well as a breakdown of precision/recall results in recovering various types of dependencies. We analyze various characteristics of the models through experiments on parsing accuracy, by collecting frequencies of various structures in the treebank, and through linguistically motivated examples. Finally, we compare the models to others that have been applied to parsing the treebank, aiming to give some explanation of the difference in performance of the various models.

A Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar for English


This paper presents a sizable grammar for English written in the Tree Adjoining grammar (TAG) formalism. The grammar uses a TAG that is both lexicalized (Schabes, Abeille, Joshi 1988) and feature-based (VijayShankar, Joshi 1988). In this paper, we describe a wide range of phenomena that it covers. A Lexicalized TAG (LTAG) is organized around a lexicon, which associates sets of elementary trees (instead of just simple categories) with the lexical items. A Lexicalized TAG consists of a finite set of trees associated with lexical items, and operations (adjunction and substitution) for composing the trees. A lexical item is called the anchor of its corresponding tree and directly determines both the tree's structure and its syntactic features. In particular, the trees define the domain of locality over which constraints are specified and these constraints are local with respect to their anchor. In this paper, the basic tree structures of the English LTAG are described, along with so...

A Dependency-based Analysis of Treebank Annotation Errors


In this paper, we investigate errors in syntax annotation with the Turku Dependency Treebank, a recently published treebank of Finnish, as study material. This treebank uses the Stanford Dependency scheme as its syntax representation, and its published data contains all data created in the full double annotation as well as timing information, both of which are necessary for this study. First, we examine which syntactic structures are the most error-prone for human annotators, and compare these results to those of a baseline automatic parser. We find that annotation decisions involving highly semantic distinctions, as well as certain morphological ambiguities, are especially difficult for both human annotators and the parser. Second, we train an automatic system that offers for inspection sentences ordered by their likelihood of containing errors. We find that the system achieves a performance that is clearly superior to the random baseline: for instance, by inspecting 10% of all sen...