Arşiv Belgeleri Işığında Osmanlı Hapishane Mimarisi (original) (raw)
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Sanat Tarihi Dergisi /, 2020
Efforts to modernize the Penal Law in the Ottoman Empire date back to the proclamation of the Tanzimat. Ottoman Criminal Law took its basic form in line Western norms with the laws and regulations enacted in 1840, 1851, 1858 and 1880. This process developed with new regulations in the first quarter of the 20th century. The physical conditions of the prisons were included in the reform programs. In this context, studies have been initiated to ensure that the prison buildings meet certain standards in accordance with the principles of modern law. This modernization process, which was accelerated with the interventions and instructions of European countries, continued until the Republic period but did not reach the desired level. Prison building projects, concentrated particularly in the reign of Abdulhamid II and Second Constitutional Period were prepared mainly from European projects and applied as typical project in the Empire. These projects with different capacities -75, 130, 150, 250 and 300 prisoners- have different designs with their layout features. Archival documents provide considerable resources to researchers about prison building projects. For instance, the purpose of the use of the space are explained in detail. Neo-classical façade and architectural layout are common in the prison projects. Thus, new data on the architectural terminology of the period and the methods of space identification can be reached. Despite the intensity of the projects, most of the Ottoman prisons haven’t survived to the present day. This raises the question to what extant the projects have been applied. Ishakpasa Murder Prison in Istanbul (present used as a hotel), Sinop Prison and Kastamonu Prison are examples of Ottoman prisons that have survived to the present. Siroz (Serez) Prison building gains importance in that it was implemented and it presents us the outlines of a modern Ottoman prison building through its project document. At this juncture, this article discusses the historical and architectural features of the Siroz (Serres) Prison building in the light of archival documents.
Arşiv Belgeleri Üzerinden Davudpaşa Mahkemesi nin Mimari Bir İncelemesi
Öz: İstanbul'un fethinin ardından Sadrazam Davud Paşa'nın 15.yy'da inşa ettirdiği külliye içerisinde kurulduğu bilinen ve Paşa'nın ismi ile anılan Davudpaşa Mahkemesi İstanbul'un en eski şer-i mahkemelerinden biridir. Osmanlı Devleti'nde cami, mescit gibi yapıların içerisinde ya da kadıların ikamet ettikleri binalarda kurulduğu bilinen mahkemeler için, 19.yy'a kadar fonksiyon olarak özelleşmiş bir yapı türünün bulunmaması nedeniyle, yapıların konumu ve plan düzenleri hakkında elde edilebilen veriler kısıtlıdır. Bu çalışmada Tarihi Yarımada'nın geçirdiği yangınlardan etkilendiği bilinen ve günümüze ulaşmayan Davudpaşa Mahkemesi'nin daha önce sunulmamış bir 19.yy belgesi üzerinden mimari incelemesi yapılmıştır. Çalışmada ilk olarak genel hatlarıyla Osmanlı mahkemelerinin konumları incelenmiş, daha sonra Davudpaşa Mahkemesi'nin yapısal özellikleri ve konumlanışı hakkında Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi'nden elde edilen özgün belgelerin sağladığı veriler değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma sonunda arşiv ve literatürden elde edilen veriler ile yapının 3 boyutlu bir eskizi hazırlanarak, elde edilen fiziksel veriler somutlaştırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada detaylı şekilde incelenen, H: 1307 / M:1890 tarihli keşf-i evvel belgesi ve eki; içerdiği kat planı çizimleri ile malzeme ve ölçü bilgileri nedeniyle, hem bir 19.yy mahkeme yapısı tasarımı olması açısından kıymetli iken, hem de bulunduğu bölgenin tanımlanmasında rol üstlenen Davudpaşa Mahkemesi'nin bir dönem kurulmuş olduğu yapının fiziksel konumlanması hakkında fikir veren önemli veriler sunmuştur.
Osmanlı Devleti'nin Son Döneminde Antalya Hapishanesi'nde Tamir ve İnşa Faaliyetleri
Osmanlı Devleti'nin Son Döneminde Antalya Hapishanesi'nde Tamir ve İnşa Faaliyetleri, 2023
The modernisation movement in the Ottoman Empire was accelerated with the proclamation of the Tanzimat Edict and deeply affected the legal system with new laws and regulations. Along with personal rights, land and inheritance law, criminal law was among the many issues addressed within the regulations in various domains. The transition from corporal punishment to the practice of punishment restricting liberty had been gaining currency in the world, and the Ottoman Empire could not be indifferent to this change. Therefore, the 19th-century Ottoman Empire underwent a transition from mahbes to prisons. To this end, regulations were made in criminal law, and a reform movement was initiated throughout the country to construct appropriate buildings where imprisonment would be applied. This process began with transforming existing structures into prisons through renovations and repair, yet it did not result in the expected way, and thus the state accelerated the construction of new prisons. The Ottoman Empire took administrative and legal steps to improve prisons based on European examples, and in doing this, it prioritised the construction of modern buildings that could meet the needs within the means. However, due to economic difficulties, lack of personnel, and the difficulty of officials accustomed to the old order to understand the requirements of reforms, the reform of prisons remained an issue that the Ottoman Empire struggled with until its collapse. In light of archive documents, this study aims to reveal how Hatice Akın Zorba 36 the prison reform in the Ottoman Empire was carried out in Antalya Prison, focusing on the renovation and repair of the prison building, the construction process of the new prison building, the difficulties experienced in this process, and the conditions of the prison.
Osmanlı Hapishane Mimarisinde Mekan Tanımları / Space Definitions in Ottoman Prison Architecture
Türk Dili ve Kültürü Araştırmaları, 2022
The Ottoman penal system, which changed after the proclamation of the Tanzimat, took its basic form in line with Western norms with the regulations issued in 1840, 1851, 1858 and 1880. These regulations bring along the redesign of the places where suspects and prisoners will be held. Especially in the second half of the 19th century, detailed reports about the prisons in the Ottoman provinces are sent to the center and information about the current conditions of the prisons is collected. Considering that the inadequacies in the physical conditions of the prisons cause escape, epidemics and moral problems, various instructions and type projects are developed. The Ottoman archives have quite diverse files on prison projects and remarkable in terms of architectural history. These projects, which are prepared in different sizes in the files, allow to comment on the architectural features of the prison buildings that are planned to be built with site plans, floor plans, sections, facade drawings and drawings of architectural elements. At the same time, in these projects, which we can say that they were prepared in parallel with the penal laws, detailed information is obtained about the organization of the space, such as the layout and functions of the spaces in the prison. Although it is not known exactly to what extent these projects, which were prepared in different plan types and at different scales, were realized, it is seen that a place like a prison that serves as a permanent life center was designed with all the details in mind. There are projects where only the wards and toilets are specified, and there are also projects that do not have any space definition despite detailed drawings. In some projects, quite detailed information is given, the facade, floor plans, site plans and sections of the building are presented, and the functions of all spaces are noted. Spaces such as guard rooms, officers' rooms, murder and criminal wards, detention centers and nisa (women's) wards are some of the units whose functions are specified. Our study interprets the architectural organization of the spaces defined in the prison projects, which developed in line with their function, in the light of the documents we obtained from the Ottoman archives.
Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi / The Journal of International Social Research, 2019
The 19th century is known to have become a period when the radical changes have been experienced in the Ottoman education system, which is based on madrasah since its establishment. Various laws for educational purposes have been issued from the Tanzimat period onwards, and consequently, Rüşdiye, İdadi and Sultani have been opened in the provinces. In other words, one may observe that most of the schools opened during the reign of Abdulhamid II and they were buildings that reflected the architectural tendency of the period. Among these educational institutions, idadi schools are one of the most remarkable buildings of the provinces in particular. Facade articulation of Idadi buildings feature mostly neoclasic style, while the plan schemes differ: besides those consisting of a single rectangular massive block with or without court, there are also the buildings with “U” shaped plan. This study examines the architectural characteristics of the Idadi building built in Amasya during the reign of Abdulhamid II. Since the building is not extant today, discussion will be made through archival documents which have not been published yet.
Son Dönem Osmanlı Taşra Hapishanelerine Bir Örnek: Bolvadin Hapishanesi
Tanzimat devrinde suc-ceza iliskisinin Osmanli ceza hukukunda yeniden yapilandirilmasiyla, pek cok sucun cezasi hapse cevrildi ve boylece hapishanelere ihtiyac cogaldi. Ancak imkânlarin soz konusu buyumeyle mutenasip olmamasi neticesinde hapishaneler mahkumlarla doldu. Artan mahkum sayisiyla birlikte buralardaki fiziki durum ve saglik kosullari asgari insani yasam standartlarinin altina dustu ve hapishanelerde yasam gunden gune kotulesti. Soz konusu durum buralardaki kosullarin iyilestirilmesi zorunlulugunu da beraberinde getirdi. Bu sebeple Osmanli Devleti sinirlari icinde hiz kazanan hapishaneleri yayginlastirma faaliyetleri, kisa surede yerini islah girisimlerine birakti. Bu noktadan hareketle, calismada Osmanli Devleti’nin son senelerinde Bolvadin hapishanesinde gerceklestirilmeye calisilan islahat konu alinarak; buradaki yasami normallestirebilmek adina girisilen tamirat cabalari, suc turu ile orani, mahkum profili, calisanlar, fiziki durum ve saglik kosullari ele alindi.
Hapishane Tarihimizden Bir Kesit : Üsküdar Paşakapısı Tevkifhanesi Ve Mütareke Döneminde İşgali
Belleten Turk Tarih Kurumu, 2008
Osmanl~~ ~mparatorlu~u'nda zindan, kale, kürek ve nihayet 1831'de cezaevi olarak kullatulmaya ba~layan Mehterhâne'den, 1871'de Hapishâne-i Umeunrye geçi~~ son derece a~~r ad~mlarla gerçekle~en s~k~nt~l~~ bir süreçtir'. XIX. yüzy~l itibar~yla imparatorlu~un içinde bulundu~u zincirleme siyasiiktisadi s~k~nt~lar, iç ve d~~~ politikan~n önceliklerini de belirlemi~tir. Bu san-c~l~~ dönemde hapishane ve tevkifhanelefin ~slalu ile bunun en önemli unsu-n~~ olarak yeni binalar~n in~as~, do~al olarak öncelikli ve acil gündem maddeleri aras~nda yer almam~~t~r. XIX. yüzy~l ortalar~na dek Istanbul'da Mehterhâne d~~~ndaki belli ba~l~~ hapishaneleri ~u ~ekilde s~ralamak mümkündür: Tersâne-i Âmire Zindan~, Baba Cafer Zindan~, Bab~âll Tomru~u, Bâb-~~ Seraskerl Tomru~u, Ticarethâne-i Âmire ve Tophâne-i Âmire hapishanele-2 .
24. Uluslararası Ortaçağ ve Türk Dönemi Kazıları ve Sanat Tarihi Araştırmaları Kitabı, 2021
In this study, Ottoman prison architecture was evaluated in terms of plan typology. A large number of prison projects which unpublished situated in the Ottoman archive documents were used during the evaluation phase. Numerous innovations have been made in the penal system within the administrative arrangements made after the proclaim of Tanzimat. During this period, radical changes were made in the panel system with the regulations prepared in line with the reports prepared by foreign diplomats, most of whom were embassies. This situation brought up the problem of structures suitable for the new penal system. Reports that notified the existing prisons which inadequate and neglected, often mentioned necessity of new prison buildings in line with European standards. In particular, reports submitted by Stratford Canning, Gordon, and Henry Bulver to various institutions and assemblies included details about the physical conditions of prisons. However, the deterioration of the economic conditions and political turmoil caused the measures to be taken against the prisons to remain only on paper. In this period, there was no building that could be build in accordance with the standards apart from the prison building opened in Sultanahmet in 1870. The density of the prison projects to be built in the centers and provinces can be seen during the reign of Abdulhamit II. In this period when there was an increase in the construction of public buildings, prison buildings were included in the construction programs and many projects were produced. In the Second Constitutional Era, it was observed that intense effort was made for the rehabilitation of prison buildings. The regulations issued one after another in this period and the reports that convey the physical conditions of the prison in the provinces contain important data to present a general view of the Ottoman prison at the beginning of the 20th century. Despite in increasing crime rates during the years of the Balkan Wars and the First World War, the inadequate physical conditions of the prisons have promoted the government to produce and implement new projects. In this context, it is seen that prison projects with different plans and façade designs are distributed to the provinces. It was observed that seven different plan designs were preferred in the projects that form the basis of our study. In addition to the projects prepared in different sizes, it can be said that the drafts prepared as a “type project” are sent to the provinces and even the memoranda that provide instructions on how to apply them are prepared.