Magnetic Field Amplification and Evolution in Turbulent Collisionless Magnetohydrodynamics: An Application to the Intracluster Medium (original) (raw)

Turbulence in collisionless plasmas: statistical analysis from numerical simulations with pressure anisotropy


In the past years we have experienced an increasing interest in understanding of the physical properties of collisionless plasmas, mostly because of the large number of astrophysical environments, e.g. the intracluster medium (ICM), containing magnetic fields which are strong enough to be coupled with the ionized gas and characterized by densities sufficiently low to prevent the pressure isotropization with respect to the magnetic line direction. Under these conditions a new class of kinetic instabilities arises, such as firehose and mirror ones, which were extensively studied in the literature. Their role in the turbulence evolution and cascade process in the presence of pressure anisotropy, however, is still unclear. In this work we present the first statistical analysis of turbulence in collisionless plasmas using three dimensional double isothermal magnetohydrodynamical with the Chew-Goldberger-Low closure (CGL-MHD) numerical simulations. We study models with different initial conditions to account for the firehose and mirror instabilities and to obtain different turbulent regimes. We found that the CGL-MHD subsonic and supersonic turbulence show small differences comparing to the MHD models in most of the cases. However, in the regimes of strong kinetic instabilities the statistics, i.e., the probability distribution functions (PDF) of density and velocity are very different. In subsonic models the instabilities cause an increase in the dispersion of density, while the dispersion of velocity is increased by a large factor in some cases. Moreover, the spectra of density and velocity show increased power at small scales explained by the high growth rate of the instabilities. Finally, we calculated the structure functions of velocity and density fluctuations in the local reference frame defined by the direction of magnetic lines. The results indicate that in some cases the instabilities significantly increase the anisotropy of fluctuations. These results, even though preliminary and restricted to very specific conditions, show that the physical properties of turbulence in collisionless plasmas, as those found in the ICM, may be very different from what has been largely believed. Implications can range from interchange of energies to cosmic rays acceleration.

Evolution of magnetic fields in the IGM: kinetic MHD turbulence

Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2008

In this work, we present 3D MHD simulations of non-helical, forced turbulence, with an anisotropic thermal pressure with respect to the orientation of the local magnetic field. Such anisotropy arises when the plasma is weakly collisional, i.e., when the Larmor frequency is much greater than the ion-ion collision frequency. In this Kinetic MHD regime (KMHD), there are instabilities that give rise to fast growing magnetic fluctuations in the smallest scales. The plasma that fills the intergalactic and intracluster media has small density (n ~ 10−3 cm−3), hence the effects of these instabilities could be important in the turbulent amplification of the magnetic fields there. In order to study the KMHD turbulence, we have performed 3D numerical simulations employing a godunov-MHD code (e.g., Kowal, Lazarian & Beresnyak 2007; Falceta-Gonçalves, Lazarian & Kowal 2008). The power spectrum of the velocity and magnetic fields were calculated for two cases: when there is a pre-existing mean ma...

Recent results on magnetic plasma turbulence


Magnetic plasma turbulence is observed over a broad range of scales in the solar wind. We discuss the results of high-resolution numerical simulations of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence that models plasma motion at large scales and the results of numerical simulations of kinetic-Alfvén turbulence that models plasma motion at small, sub-proton scales. The simulations, with numerical resolutions up to 2048 3 mesh points in the MHD case and 512 3 points in kinetic-Alfvén case and statistics accumulated over 30 to 150 eddy turnover times, constitute, to the best of our knowledge, the largest statistical sample of steadily driven three dimensional MHD and kinetic-Alfvén turbulence to date.

Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and turbulent dynamo in partially ionized plasma

New Journal of Physics, 2017

Astrophysical fluids are turbulent, magnetized, and frequently partially ionized. As an example of astrophysical turbulence, the interstellar turbulence extends over a remarkably large range of spatial scales and participates in key astrophysical processes happening on different ranges of scales. Significant progress has been achieved in the understanding of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence since the turn of the century, and this enables us to better describe turbulence in magnetized and partially ionized plasmas. In fact, the modern revolutionized picture of MHD turbulence physics facilitates the development of various theoretical domains, including the damping process for dissipating MHD turbulence and the dynamo process for generating MHD turbulence with many important astrophysical implications. In this paper, we review some important findings from our recent theoretical works to demonstrate the interconnection between the properties of MHD turbulence and those of turbulent dynamo in a partially ionized gas. We also briefly exemplify some new tentative studies on how the revised basic processes influence the associated outstanding astrophysical problems in areas such as magnetic reconnection, cosmic ray scattering, and magnetic field amplification in both the early and present-day universe. 1. Turbulent, magnetized, and partially ionized interstellar medium Astrophysical plasmas, e.g., in the low solar atmosphere and molecular clouds, are commonly partially ionized and magnetized (see the book by Draine 2011 for a list of the partially ionized interstellar medium phases). The presence of neutrals affects the magnetized plasma dynamics and induces damping of MHD turbulence (see studies by e.g., Piddington 1956, Kulsrud and Pearce 1969). On the other hand, astrophysical plasmas are characterized by large Reynolds numbers, and therefore they are expected to be turbulent (see e.g., Schekochihin et al 2002a, Mac Low and Klessen 2004, McKee and Ostriker 2007). This expectation is consistent with the turbulent spectrum of electron density fluctuations measured in the interstellar medium (ISM)

Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and turbulent dynamo in a partially ionized plasma

Cornell University - arXiv, 2018

Astrophysical fluids are turbulent, magnetized and frequently partially ionized. As an example of astrophysical turbulence, the interstellar turbulence extends over a remarkably large range of spatial scales and participates in key astrophysical processes happening on different ranges of scales. A significant progress has been achieved in the understanding of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence since the turn of the century, and this enables us to better describe turbulence in magnetized and partially ionized plasmas. In fact, the modern revolutionized picture of the MHD turbulence physics facilitates the development of various theoretical domains, including the damping process for dissipating MHD turbulence and the dynamo process for generating MHD turbulence with many important astrophysical implications. In this paper, we review some important findings from our recent theoretical works to demonstrate the interconnection between the properties of MHD turbulence and those of turbulent dynamo in a partially ionized gas. We also briefly exemplify some new tentative studies on how the revised basic processes influence the associated outstanding astrophysical problems in, such as, magnetic reconnection, cosmic ray scattering, magnetic field amplification in both the early and the present-day universe.

Introduction to Turbulence in Magnetised Plasmas

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008

The ideas of turbulence of small fluctuations on a background as a statistical phenomenon are outlined. Basic properties such as three-wave interactions and spatial scale cascades are derived from the basic equations. Passive scalar dynamics is treated. The special case of dissipative coupling between the fluid and an otherwise passive scalar, of central relevance to magnetised plasmas, is used as an example.

Comment on “Kinetic Simulations of Magnetized Turbulence in Astrophysical Plasmas”

Physical Review Letters, 2008

This letter presents the first ab initio, fully electromagnetic, kinetic simulations of magnetized turbulence in a homogeneous, weakly collisional plasma at the scale of the ion Larmor radius (ion gyroscale). Magnetic and electric-field energy spectra show a break at the ion gyroscale; the spectral slopes are consistent with scaling predictions for critically balanced turbulence of Alfvén waves above the ion gyroscale (spectral index −5/3) and of kinetic Alfvén waves below the ion gyroscale (spectral indices of −7/3 for magnetic and −1/3 for electric fluctuations). This behavior is also qualitatively consistent with in situ measurements of turbulence in the solar wind. Our findings support the hypothesis that the frequencies of turbulent fluctuations in the solar wind remain well below the ion cyclotron frequency both above and below the ion gyroscale.

The role of pressure anisotropy in the turbulent intracluster medium

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2012

In low-density plasma environments, such as the intracluster medium (ICM), the Larmour frequency is much larger than the ion-ion collision frequency. In such a case, the thermal pressure becomes anisotropic with respect to the magnetic field orientation and the evolution of the turbulent gas is more correctly described by a kinetic approach. A possible description of these collisionless scenarios is given by the so-called kinetic magnetohydrodynamic (KMHD) formalism, in which particles freely stream along the field lines, while moving with the field lines in the perpendicular direction. In this way a fluid-like behavior in the perpendicular plane is restored. In this work, we study fast growing magnetic fluctuations in the smallest scales which operate in the collisionless plasma that fills the ICM. In particular, we focus on the impact of a particular evolution of the pressure anisotropy and its implications for the turbulent dynamics of observables under the conditions prevailing in the ICM. We present results from numerical simulations and compare the results which those obtained using an MHD formalism.

A kinetic model of plasma turbulence

Journal of Plasma Physics, 2014

A Hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell (HVM) model is presented and recent results about the link between kinetic effects and turbulence are reviewed. Using five-dimensional (2D in space and 3D in the velocity space) simulations of plasma turbulence, it is found that kinetic effects (or non-fluid effects) manifest through the deformation of the proton velocity distribution function (DF), with patterns of non-Maxwellian features being concentrated near regions of strong magnetic gradients. The direction of the proper temperature anisotropy, calculated in the main reference frame of the distribution itself, has a finite probability of being along or across the ambient magnetic field, in general agreement with the classical definition of anisotropy T ⊥ /T (where subscripts refer to the magnetic field direction). Adopting the latter conventional definition, by varying the global plasma beta (β) and fluctuation level, simulations explore distinct regions of the space given by T ⊥ /T and β || , recovering solar wind observations. Moreover, as in the solar wind, HVM simulations suggest that proton anisotropy is not only associated with magnetic intermittent events, but also with gradient-type structures in the flow and in the density. The role of alpha particles is reviewed using multi-ion kinetic simulations, revealing a similarity between proton and helium non-Maxwellian effects. The techniques presented here are applied to 1D spacecraft-like analysis, establishing a link between non-fluid phenomena and solar wind magnetic discontinuities. Finally, the dimensionality of turbulence is investigated, for the first time, via 6D HVM simulations (3D in both spaces). These preliminary results provide support for several previously reported studies based on 2.5D simulations, confirming several basic conclusions. This connection between kinetic features and turbulence open a new path on the study of processes such as heating, particle acceleration, and temperature-anisotropy, commonly observed in space plasmas.

Dynamics of turbulence spreading in magnetically confined plasmas

Physics of Plasmas, 2005

A dynamical theory of turbulence spreading and nonlocal interaction phenomena is presented. The basic model is derived using Fokker-Planck theory, and supported by wave-kinetic and K-⑀ type closures. In the absence of local growth, the model predicts subdiffusive spreading of turbulence. With local growth and saturation via nonlinear damping, ballistic propagation of turbulence intensity fronts is possible. The time asymptotic front speed is set by the geometric mean of local growth and turbulent diffusion. The leading edge of the front progresses as the turbulence comes to local saturation. Studies indicate that turbulence can jump gaps in the local growth rate profile and can penetrate locally marginal or stable regions. In particular, significant fluctuation energy from a turbulent edge can easily spread into the marginally stable core, thus creating an intermediate zone of strong turbulence. This suggests that the traditional distinction between core and edge should be reconsidered.